Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag. Doutes sur l'identité de Hong Kong dans l'écritureSource Text: 寫作中的香港身份疑惑Author: TO, Nai-yinTranslator: HUANG, ÉmilieBook Title: Hong Kong, approches littérairesEditor: CURIEN, Annie ; MIZIO, FrancisAll chapters of the book
Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag. Un périple sans butSource Text: 沒有目的地的旅程Author: WONG, PokTranslator: HUANG, ÉmilieBook Title: Hong Kong, approches littérairesEditor: CURIEN, Annie ; MIZIO, FrancisAll chapters of the book
Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag. Nourriture et identite' culturelleSource Text: 嗜同嚐異——從食物看香港文化Author: LEUNG, Ping-kwanTranslator: HUANG, ÉmilieBook Title: Hong Kong, approches littérairesEditor: CURIEN, Annie ; MIZIO, FrancisAll chapters of the book
Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag. Le secretSource Text: 互動的秘密Author: LO, Kwai-cheungTranslator: HUANG, ÉmilieBook Title: Hong Kong, approches littérairesEditor: CURIEN, Annie ; MIZIO, FrancisAll chapters of the book