The project team is thankful to Rebekah Wong, Sharon Yu, Yip Wing-chung and Timothy Yeung from the Digital and Multimedia Services Section of Hong Kong Baptist University Library for providing advice on data organisation, managing digitized materials, and designing and developing the website and search engine. We would like to extend our gratitude to the Multimedia Service Unit of the Office of Information Technology at Hong Kong Baptist University for their assistance filming and editing the HKKH interviews.
We are grateful to the Faculty of Arts of Hong Kong Baptist University for providing funding and support. Our appreciation also goes to the University Grants Committee of Hong Kong for their generous funding for the project Hong Kong and its Literature through a Double Lens: English and French Anthologies of Translated Literature (HKBU22610218).
Most importantly, we would like to thank all writers, translators and editors who agreed to participate in the HKKH interviews and shared their views on Hong Kong literature: Jane Lai, Dung Kai-cheung, Eva Hung, Eva Wong, Sherlon Ip, Louise Law, Chris Song, Dorothy Tse and Yau Wai-ping.