



陳家富博士 (山東大學猶太教與跨宗教研究中心 教授、前香港浸會大學宗教及哲學系 講師)
王信嫺 (香港浸會大學圖書館 高級助理館長)
陳燕明 (香港基督徒自然保育工作者團契、香港神學院神學畢業生)
陳嘉 (香港中文大學崇基學院神學院神道學學士)


鳴謝菲律賓的 Church Strengthening Ministry Publishing 允許香港浸會大學 (下稱:浸大) 把其英文著作 Creation Care Lessons for Adults: Sunday School Lessons on Stewardship 翻譯成中文,並允許浸大圖書館把中文翻譯本存放於此網站上,免費給公眾人士瀏覽及下載。

鳴謝香港基督教協進會 允許浸大使用其翻譯本〈關愛受造世界:成人主日學查經課程〉(譯自 Creation Care Lessons for Adults: Sunday School Lessons on Stewardship 一書的其中四課),來完成整本十三課的中文翻譯,免費給公眾人士使用。

鳴謝香港基督徒自然保育工作者團契 允許浸大圖書館把其會員所拍攝的香港照片存放於此網站上,免費給公眾人士瀏覽。

鳴謝香港神學院 允許浸大為陳家富教授於其校外延伸課程「生態神學」作課堂錄影,並允許把影片存放於此網站上,免費給公眾人士觀看。

感謝浸大圖書館 數碼及多媒體服務組協助聯繫各參與機構,核對文字、相片資料,主理網站設計與系統開發,因而使網站於2015年9月得以順利面世。


About this site

More and more, traditional religion and green living are not merely subjects for scholarly consideration, but transformative topics of popular discussion throughout society. Faced with global environmental catastrophe, how does religion respond? Cultural differences between Eastern and Western traditions have produced meandering differences in Eastern and Western spirituality and the relationship between god, humanity and the Earth.

As an issue that even layman/non-religious find compelling, these important resources from the humanistic tradition may well become important reference resources for ecological problems.   

This site examines disparate religious approaches to ecological resources, and displays Hong Kong’s unique environmental resources allowing thoughtful pondering and reflection on this global environmental problem.

Research Team

Dr. Keith Chan, Professor, Center for Judaic and Inter-religious Studies, Shangdong University; Previous Lecturer I, Department of Religion & Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University
Ms. Rebekah Wong, Senior Assistant Librarian, Hong Kong Baptist University Library
Ms. Christina Chan Yin Ming, Bachelor of Theology, Bible Seminary of Hong Kong; Hong Kong Nature Conservationists Christian Fellowship
Mr. Timothy Chan Ka, Bachelor of Divinity, Divinity School of Chung Chi College, Chinese University of Hong Kong


Thanks to Church Strengthening Ministry Publishing (Philippines) for allowing HKBU to translate Creation Care Lessons for Adults: Sunday School Lessons on Stewardship into Chinese and deposit the Chinese translation onto this open access website.

Hong Kong Christian Council for allowing the Chinese translation,〈關愛受造世界:成人主日學查經課程〉, to be openly accessible to the public.

Hong Kong Nature Conservationists Christian Fellowship for permitting HKBU Library to deposit photographs taken by its members onto this open access website.

Bible Seminary of Hong Kong for allowing HKBU and Dr. Keith Chan to extend the reach of the course “Ecological Spirituality” by filming and depositing the video on this open access website.

Special thanks to HKBU Library’s Digital & Multimedia Services section for connecting the organisations and editing the visual and text resources. Their management, design and systems development allowed this site to debut in September 2015.