Psychosocial Development社會心理發展

Using data of Yi children in cohort 1 (obtained from wave 1 to wave 4, i.e., between the year 2007 and 2009), we find that their psychosocial health improves over time.

The notion, Psychosocial health, covers many aspects of psychological and social well-being. Here, psychosocial health is measured with a self-designed 5-item instrument that taps into the prosocial behaviours of Yi children. We look into prosocial behaviours because is associated with multiple aspects of young people's positive development, e.g., mental and behavioural health as well as academic success, which will, in turn, affect a country's productivity in the long run. For more instrument information, please refer to the data access and instrument Section in the About the Project Page.

The graph below shows the positive prosocial behavioural development of Yi children. A higher score means better prosocial behaviours. Hence, as illustrated, the prosocial behaviours of Yi children show a positive change over time.


社會心理健康包括了不同層面的精神和社交健康。本研究設計了一個包含五個範疇的工具以量度彝童的親社會行為(prosocial behaviour),因這與青少年的正面發展有密切的關係(例如精神和行為健康以及良好的學業表現),長遠而言,也會影響一個國家的生產力。如欲獲取更多量表的資訊,請參閱本網頁的「數據和量表」頁面。



Improvement in Psychosocial Health Overtime and Contributing Factors社會心理健康隨時間的改善和相關的因素

Longitudinal analysis using multilevel modelling shows a statistically significant improvement in the prosocial behaviours of Yi children from wave 1 to 4. We observe an average of 0.54 unit of increase in their prosocial behavioural scores across each time wave (b=0.57, t=13.14).

The following discusses the regression findings on the effect of each factor, measured at wave 1, on Yi children’s prosocial behaviours:

Ethnic and Cultural Awareness. Yi children with higher levels of ethnic and cultural awareness show a higher score (b=0.36, t=3.45). Findings support our assumption that ethnic and cultural awareness affect Yi children positive development.

Relationship Quality. Yi children who share a better relationship with their adopters show relatively better prosocial behaviours (b=0.54, t=4.20), while relationships with other family members (i.e., father/late father, mother/late mother, and siblings) do not have an impact. Again, results support our conceptualisation that relationship with caregivers will affect psychosocial health in Yi children.

Maternal and Paternal Status. Yi children with mothers who are remarried (b=0.53, t=2.10) or living at home (b=1.48, t=2.86) show better prosocial behaviour than those with mothers who have passed away; while the paternal status does not significantly affect their psychosocial health. On the contrary to our expectation, Yi re-marriage custom does not seem to have such an adverse effect on Yi children.

Number of Siblings. Number of siblings is not associated with the psychosocial health of Yi children.

Demographics. Male and female Yi children do not differ in their prosocial behaviours. However, a closer look at the graphical illustration suggests that female students show a lower score over time. The patriarchic culture of Yi may explain such a difference.

Yi children who are older at enrollment also shows a statistically significant higher psychosocial health score than their younger counterparts (b=0.41, b=4.12). This is consistent with the literature which suggests that prosocial skills get better with age.







