Bookplate Collection藏書票資料

bookplate 藏書票 Ex Libris Association YU, Mufasa 余靖
Artist藝術家: YU, Mufasa余靖
Country / Region國家/地區Hong Kong香港
Description簡介I depicted them (Ch Jing-yong, James Wong, Ni Kuang, Chua Lam) as people in ancient China. Because they are all wise and full of passion. They are easy-going and knowledgeable like old-time intellects. As public figures, they started from pop culture but they enrich the entire Hong Kong culture landscape by inserting wisdom through their works. Although some of them are old and have passed away, I think they always remind us that there were glorious days in Hong Kong.
(The text is provided by the student)
I depicted them (Ch Jing-yong, James Wong, Ni Kuang, Chua Lam) as people in ancient China. Because they are all wise and full of passion. They are easy-going and knowledgeable like old-time intellects. As public figures, they started from pop culture but they enrich the entire Hong Kong culture landscape by inserting wisdom through their works. Although some of them are old and have passed away, I think they always remind us that there were glorious days in Hong Kong.
Artist Proof複本編號
Size (Width x Height)尺寸 (闊 x 高)21 cm × 14.8 cm
Owner擁有人YU, Mufasa余靖
Collector收藏家YU, Mufasa余靖
Record URL此藏書票網址