International Associations and Exhibitions


Associations of bookplates have been established in different countries for bringing together bookplates lovers who are interested in producing, exchanging, collecting and promoting bookplates. Currently, more than 40 societies of bookplates across the world, including Hong Kong Ex-libris Association (HKEA), are under the patronage of FISAE which is the acronym in French for Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d’Amateurs d’Ex-Libris, meaning International Federation of Societies of Ex-Libris Collectors. FISAE is the international congress of bookplates and its members meet every two years at different locations.

Other important international exhibitions of bookplates also include the International Biennial Exhibition of Modern Exlibris in Malbork, the Gdańsk International Exlibris and Small Graphic Form Competition and Ostrów Wielkopolski International Small Prints and Ex Libris Biennial Exhibition.

藏書票的組織一直在不同的國家成立,讓對藏書票製作、交換、收藏及推廣有興趣的愛好者聚首一堂。目前大約四十個來自世界各地的藏書票協會,包括香港藏書票協會,加盟於國際藏書票聯盟。國際藏書票聯盟 (FISAE: Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d’Amateurs d’Ex-Libris) 是世界性的組織,其會員每兩年會於不同地點舉行會議。

其他重要的藏書票展覽包括波蘭馬爾博國際現代藏書票雙年展 (International Biennial Exhibition of Modern Exlibris in Malbork)、波蘭格但斯克國際藏書票及小型圖像比賽 (the Gdańsk International Exlibris and Small Graphic Form Competition) 及大波蘭地區奧斯特魯夫國際小版畫及藏書票雙年展 (Ostrów Wielkopolski International Small Prints and Ex Libris Biennial Exhibition)。

大波蘭地區奧斯特魯夫小型版畫及藏書票雙年展中的獎牌A medal of the 14th Ostrów Wielkopolski International Small Prints and Ex Libris Biennial Exhibition

Major Bookplate Exhibitions and Events in Hong Kong

In Hong Kong, the activities of bookplates emerged in the 1980s, and significant exhibitions of bookplates in the early days included the following.

The first bookplate exhibition in Hong Kong was held from 1 to 7 February 1985 and organized by First Institute of Art. The exhibition featured works from artists in Mainland China and Hong Kong.

In 1990, the first exhibition of bookplate by HKEA was held at the Commercial Press in Central with a catalogue published.
In the same year, Hong Kong Ex-libris Association also organized the “International Ex-libris Exhibition” at the Fung Ping Shan Museum (present name: the University Museum and Art Gallery, the University of Hong Kong).




到一九九零年,香港藏書票協會 (HKEA) 在中環商務印書館辦了第一屆香港藏書票協會會員作品展,並出版展品圖錄。

香港藏書票協會的首個展覽The first exhibition of bookplate by HKEA

香港藏書票協會會員作品展圖錄Catalogue of the first bookplate exhibition by HKEA

國際藏書票大展的海報Poster of the “International Ex-libris Exhibition” in 1990

國際藏書票大展的展品Exhibits of the “International Ex-libris Exhibition” in 1990

1991 to 2016
After a hiatus of bookplate activities in Hong Kong for over two decades, related activities have been taking place in the recent years.

March 2017
Invited by Academy of Visual Arts (AVA) of Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), a lecture was given on the topic of bookplates in Hong Kong with a demonstration on bookplate making in Kai Tak campus. Mr. Yu Yuan Hong, the founder of HKEA, was the speaker and Ms. Malou Hung, a bookplate artist, gave the demonstration.


在香港浸會大學視覺藝術院的邀請下,一場藏書票的講座 和示範於啟德校園中舉行,由香港藏書票協會創會會長余元康先生主講和藏書票藝術家熊愛儀女士做示範。

二零一七年三月藏書票講座的海報Poster of the lecture on ex libris in March 2017

熊愛儀代表香港藏書票協會在啟德校園的視覺藝術院示範藏書票製作Malou Hung representing HKEA to demonstrate bookplate making at the AVA in Kai Tak campus

April - May 2017
“The Art of Prints x Especially for Books: Special Exhibition on International Ex-libris,” curated by Dr. Sarah Ng, was held at the HKBU Library. Presenting bookplates made by artists from 18 countries, including Europe, Taiwan and Hong Kong, the exhibits also included bookplates collected by Mr. Edward Wong and made by Dr. Ni Yuan. Dr. Ni also gave two lectures on the history of prints and bookplates in Taiwan. A booklet on the exhibition was published. Officiating guests at the opening ceremony were Mr. Kendall Crilly (the Librarian of HKBU), Prof. John Aiken (the director of AVA), Mr. Edward Wong (collector), Dr. Sarah Ng (curator) and Mr. Yu Yuan Hong (founder of HKEA).
An exhibition titled “A Sentimental Journey: Tung Chiao and His Study” was also held in Sotheby’s Hong Kong Gallery, showcasing the collection of Tung Chiao including his bookplates.

吳秀華博士策展「以書為家 X 另類版畫」展覽在香港浸會大學圖書館舉行, 除展出王楚文先生收藏的藏書票外,還有台灣藝術家倪又安博士的藏書票作品和香港藏書票協會會員的收藏和作品。是次展覽邀請了倪博士主講台灣版畫和藏書票相關歷史,也同時出版「以書為家 X 另類版畫」展覽小冊子。 開幕禮剪彩嘉賓包括圖書館館長Mr. Kendall Crilly,視覺藝術院總監莊藝勤教授, 藏書票收藏家王楚文先生,策展人吳秀華博士,香港藏書票協會創辦人余元康先生。

「以書為家 X 另類版畫」的海報Poster of “The Art of Prints x Especially for Books: Special Exhibition on International Ex-libris”

「以書為家 X 另類版畫」的開幕儀式Opening ceremony of “The Art of Prints x Especially for Books: Special Exhibition on International Ex-libris”

October - November 2017
Co-organized with Lingnan University Library, an international bookplate exhibition displayed about 200 bookplates. There were lectures by Ms. Malou Hung and Dr. Sarah Ng , and a bookplate making demonstration by Mr. Samuel Wong.

與嶺南大學圖書館合辦香港國際藏書票展覽, 展出作品大約二百多件。 同時舉辦講座 ,主講嘉賓為熊愛儀女士和吳秀華博士 , 藏書票技法示範嘉賓為黃恩約牧師。

嶺南大學圖書館展覽的海報Poster of the exhibition at Lingnan University Library

香港藏書票協會會員吳秀華在二零一七年十月於嶺南大學圖書館的展覽中演講HKEA member Sarah Ng gave the talk at the exhibition at the Lingnan University library in October 2017

June - July 2018
Hau Siu Ching Art Studio organized an exhibition titled “Gem on paper – Ex Libris” in Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre.

March 2019
Co-organized with Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) Library, the exhibition titled "Loving Ex Libris: An Exhibition on International Bookplates" marked and celebrated the 30th anniversary of HKEA. Organized events included lectures by Dr. Sarah Ng, as well as a bookplate-making demonstration by Mr. Cheng Taigo. The officiating guests of the opening ceremony were the Pro Vice-chancellor of HKUST, the head of HKUST Library, the chairperson of HKEA, etc.
HKEA also published its 30th Anniversary Exhibition Catalogue.


與香港科技大學圖書館合辦「情牽方寸」香港藏書票協會三十週年紀念特展。 同時舉辦座談會及,主講嘉賓吳秀華博士,另有藝術家鄭大戈示範藏書票制作技巧。 開幕禮剪綵嘉賓包括科技大學副校長,圖書館主任,熊美儀、熊愛儀女士等。

「情牽方寸」香港藏書票協會三十週年紀念特展的海報Poster of “Loving Ex Libris: An Exhibition on International Bookplates”

April 2019
Co-organized with Lingnan University Library, a special exhibition of Hong Kong CGD bookplates was held.
Supported by HKBU Library, a digitalization project has been taken place to develop a website entitled “Disappearing Art: Bookplates and Hong Kong”. Also co-organized with HKBU library and AVA, an exhibition entitled “Peregrination in Bookplates” that was curated by Dr. Sarah Ng was held at the HKBU library. Exhibits included selected bookplates among the 100 bookplates donated by HKEA members and made by AVA students.

International Exhibitions and Events with the participation of HKEA

與嶺南大學圖書館合辦香港電子藏書票 (CGD) 展。
「消失中的藝術 : 藏書票與香港」資料庫網站在香港浸會大學圖書館支持下成立,香港浸會大學圖書館及香港浸會大學視覺藝術院亦合辦「到此票遊」藏書票展覽。 香港藏書票會捐贈一百張藏書票書予香港浸會大學圖書館,精選部分捐贈作品與香港浸會大學視覺藝術院學生藏書票作品一同在香港浸會大學圖書館展出。



第二十四屆於日本札幌舉行的 FISAE 國際藏書票大會。The 24th FISAE Congress in Sapporo, Japan.

1994台北國際藏書票大展。 International Ex Libris Exhibition, 1994 Taipei.

第二十五屆於意大利米蘭舉行的 FISAE 國際藏書票大會。 The 25th FISAE Congress in Milan, Italy.

第二十六屆於捷克赫魯迪姆舉行的 FISAE 國際藏書票大會。 The 26th FISAE Congress in Chrudim, Czech Republic.
二零零七年八月August 2007

二零一八年度香港藏書票協會副會長熊愛儀獲台灣奇美文化基金會及台灣藏書票協會邀請在台南作 「蝕刻版畫研習會講」。 Malou Hung, HKEA vice chairperson of 2018, gave a talk at the Taiwan Chi Mei Foundation in Tainan.
二零零七年十月October 2007

第十二屆全國藏書票藝術展在蘇州木瀆古鎮舉辦。 The 12th National Ex Libris Art Exhibition in Suzhou, China.

香港藏書票協會代表熊愛儀及葉偉枝出席由日本藏書票協會在東京舉辦藏書票活動。 HKEA member Malou Hung and Albert Yip attended an ex libris exhibition in Japan.

第三十二屆於北京舉行的 FISAE 國際藏書票大會。 The 32nd FISAE Congress in Beijing.
二零一零年八月August 2010

第三十三屆於土耳其伊斯坦堡舉行的 FISAE 國際藏書票大會。 The 33rd FISAE Congress in Istanbul.
二零一零年十二月December 2010

香港代表熊美儀出席在廣州 53 美術館舉行的國際藏書票展覽。 Clara Hung representing HKEA at the International Ex Libris Exhibition at the Guangzhou 53 Art Gallery.
二零一零年十二月December 2010

熊愛儀藏書票作品《霸王別姫》在第十四屆大波蘭地區奧斯特魯夫國際小版畫及藏書票雙年展中獲得奬章。 Malou Hung's bookplate in Chinese style was awarded the 14th Ostrów Wielkopolski International Small Prints and Ex Libris Biennial Exhibition medal.

香港藏書票協會出席於意大利舉行的國際藏書票雙年會。 HKEA members attended the Italian Congress.

第三十五屆於西班牙舉行的 FISAE 國際藏書票大會,由西班牙藏書票協會主席馬瑞諾主持,塔拉戈納省長致開幕辭。 The opening ceremony at the 35th FIASE Congress in Spain, hosted by the chairman of the Spain Ex libris Association, with an opening speech by the official of Tarragona.

香港藏書票協會會員於第三十七屆在捷克舉行的 FISAE 國際藏書票大會。 HKEA members at the 37th FISAE Congress in Prague.

香港藏書票協會會員在捷克與其他藝術家交換藏書票。 HKEA members exchanged bookplates with other artists at the 37th FISAE Congress in Prague.