What is a Bookplate?藏書票是什麼?

A bookplate is traditionally defined by its function, i.e. to indicate the ownership of a book. It is a small printed work which bears the owner’s name and is pasted into a book, often inside the cover or on the front endpapers. Its origin was situated in Europe of the 15th century and scholars date the earliest example of bookplate to the 1470s.[1] Since books were still considered as a precious item at that time, it was imperative to declare one’s right over these valuable possessions and the insertion of bookplates was an artistic way to achieve that.

Some common visual features are recognizable among the pictures in bookplates. The word “ex libris,” which is another name for bookplates, must be present alongside the owner’s name in the work. As a Latin word literally meaning "out of the books (of)," it aims to state that the book is from the library of a particular person.[2] Furthermore, for a bookplate to become a work of originality and individuality, personal motifs inspired by the attributes of the owner, such as one’s profession, hobbies, interests and culture, are employed. As a result of these individualistic elements, the subject matter of bookplates displays a great diversity, ranging from biblical stories, literary works and historical events to portraits, landscape and abstraction. Other typical motifs of bookplates also include motto, aphorism and coat of arms.

Although the content of bookplates is variegated, their shapes mostly take the form of a rectangle in order to fit in a book. For the same reason, the size of bookplates is relatively small and they are therefore also considered as mini-prints. Usually, the edges surrounding the picture in a bookplate are left blank and contain the printed work’s information such as the artist’s signature, print editions, year and the techniques used for producing the work. Such information shows the uniqueness of each work.

As time goes by, bookplates are no longer chiefly used as its original function as a mark of ownership nowadays. With the rise of e-readers and the decline of the publishing industry, the demand for physical books diminishes and books generally are not luxury items anymore. The need to use bookplates for labeling one’s properties is not as pressing as before. However, bookplates do not merely become obsolete and have been widely collected for their artistic values. Bookplate lovers gather together through bookplate societies and associations to exchange their collections. Apart from that, bookplates are also valuable materials for researchers on the provenance of books and history of printing. Within its five hundred years of history, bookplates have evolved from its original purpose to an object with disparate connotations which are not less significant.

This program by RTHK introduces the art of bookplates and looks into an exhibition featuring local and international bookplates held in Hong Kong Baptist University Library in 2017 (from 01:00 to 04:15) http://podcast.rthk.hk/podcast/item_epi.php?pid=76&lang=en-US&id=93403

傳統上,藏書票是以其立票留名於書的功用作定義,泛指貼在書籍封面內外或扉頁,印有書籍主人名字的小型版畫。藏書票起源於歐洲十五世紀,最早的藏書票可追溯至大約一四七零年。[1] 由於當時書籍被視為罕有珍品,主人需要在書上標示其名字以展示擁有權,而藏書票則能夠以藝術的形式達到此目的。

藏書票在構圖上都有共同的特徵。藏書票的拉丁文ex libris,意指「來自(某人)的藏書之中」,連同書籍主人的名字都必需出現在藏書票上。[2] 藏書票的主題會依據主人的職業、個人喜好、文化背景等而定立,令作品有更強的原創性及個人風格。這些個人特色濃厚的元素使藏書票主題種類變得多元化,其中包括聖經故事、文學作品、歷史事件、肖像、風景以及抽象的題材。藏書票還經常印有座右銘、箴言式的辭句和紋章等。



香港電台節目介紹藏書票及相關展覽 (01:00 - 04:50) http://podcast.rthk.hk/podcast/item_epi.php?pid=76&lang=en-US&id=93403

Timeline of Bookplates


The following timeline is adopted and edited from Sarah Ng, The Art of Prints x Especially for Books – Special Exhibition on International Ex-libris (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University Library; Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2017).

Around 1439
Johannes Gutenberg invented the system of metal movable-type printing which accelerated the printing of books.

The earliest known bookplate was thought to date to 1470. Some aristocrats produced one of the first bookplates illustrated with an angel when presenting books to monasteries as gifts in present-day Germany.

After 15th century
The development of bookplates was booming in Europe and canonical artists including Albrecht Dürer, Hans Holbein, Lucas Cranach and William Hogarth also produced bookplates.

18th century
Most likely because the art of prints has been highly valued by the Japanese, ex-libris caught their attention and appeared in Japan as early as in the 18th century.

Bookplates became popular in China during the Republican period.

Ex Libris activities in Hong Kong emerged in 1980s with the first bookplate exhibition held in February 1985 by First Institute of Art.

The Hong Kong Ex-Libris Association was established by the local renowned collector and painter Yu Yuan Hong with other print-makers who were also interested in collecting bookplates.

The Hong Kong Ex-Libris Association became a member of the International Federation of Societies of Ex-libris Collectors (FISAE) in 1992 and brought ex libris activities of Hong Kong into the international scene.










Symbols in Bookplates: Print Editions and Techniques


The following information is adopted and edited from Sarah Ng, The Art of Prints x Especially for Books – Special Exhibition on International Ex-libris (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University Library; Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2017).

Print edition

A print edition is the number of prints from one plate. A print is usually numbered in such a format as "12/20," meaning that this is the 12th print of a limited edition of 20 prints. Other symbols for print edition include:[3]

AP, A.P or A/P, E.A. or E.P.A Artist proof. Same as E.A., E.P.A, i.e. Epreuve d'Artiste (in French)
PP Present/Printer’s proof
H.C. Hors Commerce (in French), same as artist proof


A wide variety of techniques can be employed for producing a bookplate and these techniques are indicated by a series of symbols. Basically, the techniques of bookplate can be divided into three categories:[4]

Intaglio The ink is deposited from the grooves of the plate
Relief The ink is deposited from the reliefs of the plate
Planographic The ink is deposited from the flat surface of the plate

Within these categories, each technique is represented by a code. The below is an abridged version of the symbols of techniques in bookplates:[5]

   Code Technique
Intaglio Techniques
   C Intaglio printing (blank)
   C1 Steel engraving
   C2 Engraving
   C3 Etching
   C4 Drypoint
   C5 Aquatint
   C6 Soft-ground or other ground-based etching
   C7 Mezzotint
   C8 Intaglio engraving on linoleum, plastic & other materials
   CGD Computer generated design
Planographic Technique
   L Lithography
Relief Techniques
   X Relief printing (blank) (x=Xylography)
   X1 Woodcut
Other Symbols
   MT Mixed technique
   --/No Number after the technical symbols = number of passes through the press
   M or /mon. Monotype
   /col. Hand-colored




AP, A.P or A/P, E.A. or E.P.A 試印版 / 畫家自用
PP 贈送用
H.C. 樣本作 / 非賣品



凹版 是印紋在印版表面雕刻凹下的製版技術
凸版 是印紋在印版表面雕刻凸出的製版技術
平版 是油墨處於平面上而沒有印紋的製版技術


   編號 技巧
   C 凹版
   C1 鋼版雕刻
   C2 銅版雕刻
   C3 蝕刻
   C4 直刻
   C5 細點腐蝕/ 飛塵腐蝕
   C6 軟防腐液
   C7 美柔汀
   C8 利用油氈、塑膠或其他物料的凹版雕刻
   CGD 電子書票
   L 石版
   X 凸版
   X1 木刻版
   MT 複合技法
   --/No 套印色數
   M or /mon. 單刷版
   /col. 手上彩

鋼針 / 鋼針筆是製作藏書票常用的工具Etching needles / pens are common tools for making bookplates

版畫機Printing press

放置氯化鐵腐蝕液的塑膠箱Plastic box of iron perchloride for etching

Malou Hung demonstrates the process of bookplate making and shares her insights in this program by RTHK (from 04:15 to 07:40): http://podcast.rthk.hk/podcast/item_epi.php?pid=76&lang=en-US&id=93403 香港電台節目有關熊愛儀藏書票製作示範 (04:15-07:40) http://podcast.rthk.hk/podcast/item_epi.php?pid=76&lang=en-US&id=93403



Books and Exhibition Catalogs

Hong Kong Central Library and Hong Kong Ex-Libris Association, ed. 香港中央圖書館、香港藏書票協會合編. International Ex-Libris Exhibition Catalogue in Commemoration of the Grand Opening of the Hong Kong Central Library 香港中央圖書館開幕紀念國際藏書票展覽作品集. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Central Library and Hong Kong Ex-Libris Association, 2001.

Hong Kong Ex-Libris Association, ed. 香港藏書票協會編. The Hong Kong Ex-Libris Association ‘99 香港藏書票協會會員作品集 ’99. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 1999.

Hong Kong Ex-Libris Association 香港藏書票協會編. The Cream of International Ex Libris 國際藏書票精選. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 1991.

Ko, Yuk Chun, ed. 高玉珍編. Collection of Ex-Libris Hong Kong Invitation Exhibition ’97 藏書票香港邀請展票集 ’97. Hong Kong: Wu Lin Zhuang Arts Association, 1997.

Mui, Chong Ki 梅創基. Zhi Shang Baoshi (Er) 紙上寶石(貳) [Gems on Paper (Volume 2)]. Taipei: Chuanwen, 1995.

Ng, Sarah S.W. The Art of Prints x Especially for Books – Special Exhibition on International Ex-libris. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University Library; Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2017.

Pan, Ching-Lin 潘青林. Cangshupiao Yishu Jiema 藏書票藝術解碼 [Decoding the Art of Bookplates]. Taipei: Yishujia Chubanshe, 2009.

Qun, Ling Suet and Hui Ching Ye, ed. 秦嶺雪、許晴野合編. Gang Ao Tai Cangshupiao Xuancui 港澳台藏書票選粹 [A Selection of Bookplates from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan]. Hong Kong: Ming Pao, 2001.

Wu Lin Zhuang Arts Association, ed. 武陵莊美術學會編. Flying Over Year 2000 飛躍 2000 年. Hong Kong: Wu Lin Zhuang Arts Association, 2000.

Wu, Chi Wai, ed. 胡志偉編. Cangshupiao Bai Jia Xuan: Di Yi Ji 藏書票百家選:第 1 輯 [One Hundred Bookplate Artists (Volume 1)]. Hong Kong: PEN Hong Kong, 1998.

Wu, Chi Wai, ed. 胡志偉編. Cangshupiao Bai Jia Xuan: Di Yi Ji 藏書票百家選:第 2 輯 [One Hundred Bookplate Artists (Volume 2)]. Hong Kong: PEN Hong Kong, 1999.

Wu, Wang-Ju 吳望如. Zhi Shang Baoshi: Cangshupiao DIY 紙上寶石:藏書票 DIY [Gems on Paper: Bookplates DIY]. Yonghe: Daotian, 2000.

Wu, Xinwen 吳興文. Piao Qu: Cangshupiao Xianhua 票趣 : 藏書票閒話 [The Delight of Bookplates: Talking About Bookplates ]. Taipei: Chuanwen, 1994.


Brandeis University. “Farber Archives Opens the Book on One of Its Treasures.” Last modified 5 Aug 2009. http://www.brandeis.edu/now/2009/august/bookplate.html.

Junod, Benoît. “The Technical Symbols.” FISAE. Accessed 16 Nov 2018, http://www.fisae.org/techsymbols.html.

Online Etymology Dictionary. “Ex libris.” Accessed 16 Nov 2018. https://www.etymonline.com/word/ex%20libris.

Taiwan Museum of Art 台灣美術館. "Mingci jieshi 名詞解釋” [Explanation of nouns]. Art of Taiwan in the 20th Century 二十世紀台灣美術. Accessed 16 Nov 2018,https://theme.ntmofa.gov.tw/artnew/html/5/601.htm.



吳望如:《紙上寶石 : 藏書票DIY》。永和:稻田,2000年。

吳興文:《票趣 : 藏書票閒話》。台北:傳文,1994年。


胡志偉編:《藏書票百家選:第1輯》 。香港 :香港筆會,1998年。

胡志偉編:《藏書票百家選:第2輯 》。香港 :香港筆會,1999年。


香港藏書票協會編:《香港藏書票協會會員作品集 ‘99》。香港:三聯,1999年。



高玉珍編:《藏書票香港邀請展票集 ‘97》。香港:武陵莊美術學會,1997年。





Brandeis University. “Farber Archives Opens the Book on One of Its Treasures.” Last modified 5 Aug 2009. http://www.brandeis.edu/now/2009/august/bookplate.html.

Junod, Benoît. “The Technical Symbols.” FISAE. Accessed 16 Nov 2018, http://www.fisae.org/techsymbols.html.

Online Etymology Dictionary. “Ex libris.” Accessed 16 Nov 2018. https://www.etymonline.com/word/ex%20libris.


  1. An example of the earliest known bookplate is kept in the Robert D. Farber University Archives and Special Collections of Brandeis University in the United States. For details, please see: “Farber Archives Opens the Book on One of Its Treasures,” Brandeis University, last modified 5 Aug 2009, http://www.brandeis.edu/now/2009/august/bookplate.html.
  2. “Ex libris,” Online Etymology Dictionary, accessed 16 Nov 2018, https://www.etymonline.com/word/ex%20libris.
  3. “Mingci jieshi名詞解釋” [Explanation of nouns], Art of Taiwan in the 20th Century二十世紀台灣美術, Taiwan Museum of Art台灣美術館, accessed 16 Nov 2018, https://theme.ntmofa.gov.tw/artnew/html/5/601.htm.
  4. Benoît Junod, “The Technical Symbols,” FISAE, accessed 16 Nov 2018, http://www.fisae.org/techsymbols.html.
  5. Ibid.


  1. 美國布蘭迪斯大學的 Robert D. Farber University Archives and Special Collections 收藏了被視為最早的藏書票作品。詳情請參閱:“Farber Archives Opens the Book on One of Its Treasures,” Brandeis University, last modified 5 Aug 2009, http://www.brandeis.edu/now/2009/august/bookplate.html.
  2. “Ex libris,” Online Etymology Dictionary, accessed 16 Nov 2018, https://www.etymonline.com/word/ex%20libris.
  3. 〈名詞解釋〉,二十世紀台灣美術,台灣美術館 ,2018年11月16日,https://theme.ntmofa.gov.tw/artnew/html/5/601.htm.
  4. Benoît Junod, “The Technical Symbols,” FISAE, accessed 16 Nov 2018, http://www.fisae.org/techsymbols.html.
  5. 同上。