Bookplate Collection藏書票資料

bookplate 藏書票 Ex Libris Association LAU, Mei Tung 劉美彤
Artist藝術家: LAU, Mei Tung劉美彤
Country / Region國家/地區Hong Kong香港
Description簡介This is a depiction of the Gate of Wisdom (仲門) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong by Taiwanese sculptor Ju Ming in 1986. There is a myth saying that students who walk pass this gate cannot graduate in the future. This is the sight of being under the Gate of Wisdom.
(The text is provided by the student)
This is a depiction of the Gate of Wisdom (仲門) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong by Taiwanese sculptor Ju Ming in 1986. There is a myth saying that students who walk pass this gate cannot graduate in the future. This is the sight of being under the Gate of Wisdom.
Artist Proof複本編號1/2
Size (Width x Height)尺寸 (闊 x 高)14.8 cm × 21 cm
Owner擁有人LAU, Mei Tung劉美彤
Collector收藏家LAU, Mei Tung劉美彤
Record URL此藏書票網址