Bookplate Collection藏書票資料

bookplate 藏書票 Ex Libris Association YU, Yuan Hong 余元康
Artist藝術家: YU, Yuan Hong余元康
Country / Region國家/地區Hong Kong香港
Description簡介A scene from the Peking opera titled Farewell My Concubine by Mei Lanfang who is one of the most renowned Peking opera artists in modern Chinese theater. Farewell My Concubine is also a novel by Lilian Lee which was adapted into a screenplay in 1993.中國著名京劇大師梅蘭芳的首本名劇《霸王别姬》的場景。《霸王别姬》亦是香港作家李碧華的小說,並於1993年改篇成電影。
Artist Proof複本編號73/100
Size (Width x Height)尺寸 (闊 x 高)6.9 cm x 8.2 cm
Owner擁有人YAMADA, Keishichi山田慶七
Record URL此藏書票網址