

一、 郵政及郵票研究

  1. 李毅民編,《中國集郵史話》,北京﹕中國郵電出版社,1997 年。
  2. 孫少穎主編,《中國集郵史》,北京﹕北京出版社,1999 年。
  3. 孫君毅,《清代郵戳志》,北京﹕中國集郵出版社,1984 年。
  4. Brunn, Stanley D. “Stamps as Messengers of Political Transition,” The Geographical Review, Vol.101, Iss.1(Jan. 2011), pp.19-36.
  5. Deans, Phil & Hugo Dodson. “Introduction: East Asian Postage Stamps as Social-Political Artefacts,” East Asia, Summer 2005, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 3-7.
  6. Gelber, Steven M. “Free Market Metaphor: The Historical Dynamics of Stamps Collecting,” Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol.34, No.4 (Oct. 1992), pp.742-769.
  7. Grant, Jonathan. “The Socialist Construction of Philately in the Early Soviet Era,” Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 37, No. 3 (Jul., 1995), pp. 476-493
  8. Hill, Rowland. Post Office Reform: Its Importance and Practicability. London: Privately printed by W. Clowes and Sons, 1837.
  9. Raento, Pauliina. “Communicating Geopolitics through Postage Stamps: The Case of Finland,” Geopolitics, 11 (2006), pp.601-629
  10. Raento, Pauliina. “Communicating Geopolitics through Postage Stamps: The Case of Finland,” Geopolitics, 11 (2006), pp.601-629.
  11. Raento, Pauliina. “Stamps and the Postal System,” in Paul C. Adams, Jim Craine and Jason Dittmer, eds., The Ashgate Research Companion to Media Geography, Surrey: Ashgate, 2014, pp.87-101
  12. Raento, Pauliina and Stanley D. Brunn. “Picturing a nation: Finland on postage stamps, 1917-2000,” National Identities, Vol.10, No.1 (March 2008), pp.49-75
  13. Raento, Pauliina and Stanley D. Brunn. “Visualizing Finland: Postage Stamps as Political Messengers,” Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography, Vol. 87, No. 2, Special Issue:Power Over Time-Space: The Inaugural Nordic Geographers Meeting (2005), pp. 145-163.
  14. Reid, Donald M. “The Symbolism of Postage Stamps: A Source for the Historian,” Journal of Contemporary History, Vol.19, No.2 (Apr., 1984), pp.223-249.
  15. Scott, David. “Post and the Postage Stamps,”in Etienne Achille, Charles Forsdick and Lydie Moudileno, eds., Postcolonial Realms of Memory: Sites and Symbols in Modern France. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2020, pp.351-359.
  16. Summer, Mark. “Pyongyang, Propaganda and Postage Stamps,” North Korean Review, Vol. 13, No. 2 (Fall 2017), pp. 74-83.

二、 孫中山研究

  1. 田海林、李俊領,〈儀式政治﹕國民黨與南京國民政府對孫中山的祭祀典禮〉,《史學月刊》,2007 年 4 期(2007 年 4月),頁 29-38。
  2. 李里峰,〈孫中山形象建構與政治文化史研究—評陳蘊茜《崇拜與記憶﹕孫中山符號與傳播》、李恭忠《中山陵﹕一個現代政治符號的誕生》〉,《近代史研究》,2012 年 2 期(2012 年),頁 137-144。
  3. 李恭忠,《中山陵﹕一個現代政治符號的誕生》,北京﹕社會科學文獻出版社,2009 年。
  4. 周俊宇,《黨國與象徵﹕中華民國國定節日的歷史》,台北﹕國史館,2013 年。
  5. 香港浸會大學中山公園研究團隊編,《休憩空間與歷史記憶﹕全球中山公園研究》,香港﹕香港浸會大學歷史系,2017 年。
  6. 陳蘊茜,《崇拜與記憶﹕孫中山符號與傳播》,南京﹕南京大學出版社,2009 年。
  7. 麥留芳,《口袋裡的家國﹕歌曲、郵票、錢幣中的國族認同》,台北﹕時報文化,2021 年。
  8. 黃健敏,〈孫中山的影像與形象研究初探〉,載《世界視野下的孫中山與中華民族復興——紀念孫中山先生誕辰 150 周年國際學術研討會論文》(中國:廣州,2016 年),D 組,頁147-158。
  9. 劉文楠,〈新文化史視野下的民國政治—海外民國史近著評述〉,《史林》,2012 年 5 期(2012 年),頁 134-144。
  10. 劉維開,〈《總理奉安紀念冊》及其作為史料的運用〉,載氏編﹕《影像近化中國》(台北﹕政大出版社,2013 年),頁 39-70。
  11. 潘光哲,《華盛頓在中國﹕製作「國父」》,台北﹕三民書局,2006 年。
  12. 蘇芃芃,〈從民國郵票看孫中山的“國父”形象〉,《近現代史與文物研究》,2014 年 8 期(2014 年),頁 115-125 。
  13. Harrison, Henrietta. The Making of the Republican Citizen: Political Ceremonies and Symbols in China 1911-1929. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2000.
  14. Lai, Delin. “Searching for a Modern Chinese Monument: The Design of the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 64 No. 1 (Mar., 2005), pp. 22-55.
  15. Musgrove, Charles D. “Monumentality in Nanjing’s Sun Yat-sen Memorial Park,” Southeast Review of Asian Studies, vol. 29 (2007), pp.1-19.
  16. Wagner, Rudolf G. “Ritual, Architecture, Politics, and Publicity during the Republic: Enshrining Sun Yat-sen,” in Chinese Architecture and the Beaux-Arts, ed. Jeffrey W. Cody, Nancy S. Steinhardt, and Tony Atkin (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2011), pp.223-278.
  17. Wang, Liping “Creating a National Symbol: The Sun Yat-sen Memorial in Nanjing,” Republican China2 (April 1996), pp.23-63.

三、 視覺史料

  1. 人文講堂叢書編輯委員會編﹕《圖像中的歷史世界》(香港﹕三聯,2012 年)。
  2. Burke, Peter. Eyewitnessing: The Uses of Images as Historical Evidence. London: Reaktion Books, 2001.
  3. Porter, Roy. “Seeing the Past,” Past & Present, no. 118 (Feb., 1988), pp. 186-205 .