Venturing to the Unknown:
Men's Studies in Greater China


  • 「隔閡與共融︰青年工作的議題與機遇」會議論文集
  • 敘事實踐旅圖 當我們繪出敘事實踐之「圖」
  • 「邊青」是這樣煉成的 ─ 敘事角度下外展工作的實踐
  • 敘事實踐「旅」「圖」 當我們走上敘事實踐之「旅」
  • 「真。網樂」 從敘事實踐看青少年的「迷網」框外
  • 攸關青春-青年工作的論述與對話
  • 青年如斯-社會工作的新想像
  • Grateful to meet…
  • 'Corporate Partnership with Caritas' Booklet
  • Solid Practice V
  • Conference on Promoting Community Mental Health – Issues, Achievements and Visioning into the Future
  • Booklet on 'Partnership in Serving the Community'
  • Solid Practice IV – Mental Health Service
  • Solid Practice III – Casebook of Social and Therapeutic Interventions
  • Books published by The Society for Community Organization

Book title: 「隔閡與共融︰青年工作的議題與機遇」會議論文集

Editor: Hong Kong Baptist University - The Centre for Youth Research and Practice

Date of Publication: July 2018

Publisher: Global Publication Company




Book title: 敘事實踐旅圖 當我們繪出敘事實踐之「圖」

Editor: 洪雪蓮 麥麗娥 周德慧 謝杰雄 陳健權 施少鳳 鍾威文 郭艷梅

Date of Publication: June 2018

Publisher: Global Publication Company


當你去旅行時,會否參考一些旅遊書籍或地圖呢?不同背景的旅遊書作者所勾畫的地方,也許會協助你從不同的角度欣賞及體會那個地方,也為那個地方帶來不同的「身」。例如台灣究竟是一個吃喝玩樂的地方?或是一個充滿文化氣息的地方? 還是一個休閒靈修的地方?進行「敘事實踐」時,我們也會參考不同的「對話地圖」作為方向的指引,從不同角度發掘個人的多元身份 (multipleidentities) 、豐厚個人選取的故事、建構不同的生命意義。社會上有不同的組群,他們的身份正正受著單薄的故事所影響,被主流社會論述定義為「有問題的人」,例如「抑鬱」的長者、「精神病」人、「有學習障礙子女」的家長、「性暴力」受害者、「戒毒」青年人等,重點是他們並不喜歡(prefer)這個身份。敘事實踐者運用「對話地圖」,陪伴當事人一起探索生命的路向,發掘一直被遺忘的生命故事。

Book title: 「邊青」是這樣煉成的 ─ 敘事角度下外展工作的實踐

Editor: Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service-Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University - The Centre for Youth Research and Practice

Date of Publication: July 2017

Publisher: 紅出版 (圓桌文化)




Book title: 敘事實踐「旅」「圖」 當我們走上敘事實踐之「旅」

Editor: 秦安琪 施少鳳 周德慧 郭艷梅 鄧紫筠

Date of Publication: June 2017

Publisher: Global Publication Company


2011 年 9 月,作者們踏上敘事學習之旅。自從遇上敘事實踐,發現原來大家可以用 不一樣的眼光看自己、看他人、看事情及看社會。敘事實踐引領我們以另類視角思索問題的本質,洞察主流論述如何影響人們的生活,從而理解「人本身不是問 題,問題才是問題」。當人不再被問題綑綁時,就能夠活出自己喜歡的樣子,追 尋人生路上無限的可能性。


時光飛逝,轉眼之間三年過去。2013 年 3 月,我們再次相聚,細訴生命的不 同感悟,以文會友,彼此迴響。透過撰寫此書,我們期盼烙下敘事的心靈印記,並持續反思敘事實踐對助人工作與自身生命的價值和意義。本書分享了敘事實踐在作者們的家庭、工作及旅行中帶給我們的啟迪、契機、導向。。。。。。


Book title: 「真。網樂」 從敘事實踐看青少年的「迷網」框外

Editor: The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups、Hong Kong Baptist University - The Centre for Youth Research and Practice

Date of Publication: March 2016 (First Edition)

Publisher: The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups




Book title: 攸關青春-青年工作的論述與對話

Editor: Hong Kong Baptist University - The Centre for Youth Research and Practice

Date of Publication: January 2015

Publisher: 紅出版 (圓桌文化)






  1. 文化與青年工作新對話
  2. 社工實踐與青年工作新對話
  3. 政策與青年工作新對話,這亦是浸大青年研究及實踐中心的三大關注範疇,書中內容正正探討青年文化、青年服務及青年政策。


Book title: 青年如斯-社會工作的新想像

Editor: Hong Kong Baptist University - The Centre for Youth Research and Practice

Date of Publication: December 2012

Publisher: 紅出版 (圓桌文化)







Book title: Grateful to meet…

Editor: Caritas Social Work Services Division

Date of Publication: October 2015

Publisher: 策馬文創有限公司


Have you ever met someone or experienced a certain life journey which is haunting you until now?

Crying but wouldn't let it go, regretting yet unable to complete?

'Grateful to meet…', this book is compiled of life stories from our Caritas' service users and existing/ experienced retired staff: all of them have experienced difficulties, sufferings, struggles, or been abandoned, deprived of dignity, loss of confidence. Some of them even got stuck in the desperate abyss of seeing no life meaning. However, since they met Caritas, their life had finally reached the turning point: a new page of their life therefore had been uncovered.

As time went by, people had gradually let go the past. On the contrary, they appreciated those different encounters, which had made them to be unique. It turned out that all of us were able to be 'grateful to meet…'. We now sincerely recommend this warm and encouraging story book to you, to let love pass on.

Book title: 'Corporate Partnership with Caritas' Booklet

Editor: Caritas Social Work Services Division

Date of Publication: December 2014

Publisher: Caritas Hong Kong


Caritas Social Work Services Division is thankful to various corporate and groups which collaborated with Caritas in the past, in providing many meaningful services and projects to vulnerable communities.

This booklet records some of the collaborative projects to share our experience with the community. It is expected that with exchange and sharing of experience, more corporate and groups can be mobilized and/or sustain their collaboration with Caritas in building a relational society.

Book title: Solid Practice V

Editor: Caritas Social Work Services Division

Date of Publication: 2013

Publisher: Caritas Hong Kong


In the past, Caritas have been striving for innovative and pioneer services, in order to meet the challenges and respond to the evolving needs of the community. To celebrate the 60th anniversary of Caritas-Hong Kong, Social Work Services Division is publishing “Solid Practice V”-- a record of the innovative and pioneer services from our colleagues, to facilitate mutual learning and sharing.


  1. 破冰起航-「一切由幼開始,駐幼兒學校社會工作服務計劃」挑戰與前瞻
  2. 跨境學童「家庭、學校與社區協作模式」的經驗與啓示
  3. Discovering Invisible Communities
  4. 從包容、接納到支援年輕媽媽的歷程
  5. 前路茫茫vs前路漫漫:特殊學習障礙社區為本服務的前景
  6. 「走過思覺五年」賽馬會思覺健康計劃經驗分享
  7. 為誰掙扎;為誰忙!」深宵外展回顧
  8. Nānnan
  9. 本地青少年網上文化如何構建網上輔導的發展
  10. 從緩減傷害到康復之路-社區層面戒毒輔導
  11. 建立基層住屋困難戶身份的組織工作
  12. 明愛展睛中心的戒賭輔導服務
  13. 價值觀的培育-以多元形式在校推行性教教育
  14. 「活在當下」身心調息小組: 明愛曉暉計劃-童年創傷輔導服務
  15. Service Model to Build a Relational Community in Integrated Family Service Centre
  16. 外化問題,承擔責任,確立新身份-以敍事理念,實踐與曾有過「性侵犯他人問題」的人的社群共行
  17. 專業合作,服務創新:3P正向管教課程及遊戲輔導技巧於減輕學前兒童發展遲緩的 應用與反思
  18. 盼望「兒童為本遊戲治療」在家庭服務中發揮更大效用- 體會人與模式合一的重要
  19. Developing a Parent Emotion Management Group: An Evidence-based Social Work Practice
  20. We Hear. We Care.
  21. 知行易徑小組於過度消費人士的應用及反思
  22. 復元概念的實踐:為精神病康復者而設的朋輩支援服務
  23. 應用「認知治療」協助有特殊需要幼兒子女的家長-漸進式的家長介入模式
  24. Changing the “Stubborn” Mind: Make Good Use of Here-and-Now
  25. 愛自己.愛生活.身心康復小組經驗分享
  26. 應用園藝治療有助促進智障人士的身心及社交發展
  27. Superflex訓練課程-提升自閉症兒童的社交思考能力
  28. 反思長者參與模式-「明愛長者聯會」十年回顧
  29. 園藝治療在長者服務的應用及實踐
  30. Making an “Unfalling Legend” : An Anti-fall Programme for the Elderly in Hong Kong
  31. 「寧安服務計劃」之生命關顧工作
  32. 以「資產」補「缺欠」-建立社區能力的介入策略的應用經驗
  33. 閱讀男人心-從解碼到解放
  34. 飛躍拓展新里程
  35. 向焦慮說「不」-家長焦慮情緒處理經驗分享

Book title: Conference on Promoting Community Mental Health – Issues, Achievements and Visioning into the Future

Editor: Caritas Social Work Services Division

Date of Publication: 2013

Publisher: Caritas Hong Kong


Caritas Social Work Services organized the 'Conference on Promoting Community Mental Health', from 15 -17 December 2009. The Conference aimed at providing platforms for our staff members and mental health service practitioners from overseas, and from other organizations, to share their work experiences so as to facilitate mutual learning and inter-discipline and inter-organization collaboration. This brochure records the abstract of keynote speeches, plenary sessions, parallel sessions and workshops.

Book title: Booklet on 'Partnership in Serving the Community'

Editor: Caritas Social Work Services Division

Date of Publication: March 2011

Publisher: Caritas Hong Kong


In the past, units of Caritas Social Work Services have invited different stakeholders to be our partners to organize various meaningful projects to serve more deprived people. Through the process of collaboration, we can initiate innovative ideas and develop human potentials to serve more people with quality and professional service. This booklet records some of the collaborative projects to share our experience with the community.

Book title: Solid Practice IV – Mental Health Service

Editor: Caritas Social Work Services Division

Date of Publication: 2009

Publisher: Caritas Hong Kong


Caritas Social Work Services Division has been providing appropriate mental health services to people of Hong Kong. Presently, the service units of the Division are providing comprehensive supportive services to people suffering from mental health problems, survivors and their family members. The intervention strategy and work approach is diversified and the scope of service target is extensive. This book will give a clear picture on the innovative service projects of the Division in promoting community mental health.

Content Highlights:

  • The Study of 'Smile' Model in Working with Depressive Persons in Group
  • 走步治療的理念與實踐
  • The Exploratory Study of the Concept of Recovery of the Young People with Early Psychosis
  • Explorative Study on the Needs of the Parents with Children Suffering from Early Psychosis by In-depth Interview of Three Cases
  • 思覺失調家屬支援小組心得分享
  • 愛思聯合行動
  • 促進精神健康在長者中心的實施與啟示
  • 如何從服務中紓解護老者的壓力
  • Application of Virtual Reality Technology in the Provision of Training for People with Chronic Schizophrenia
  • 從患病到參與:社區精神健康防治的三層架構模式

Book title: Solid Practice III – Casebook of Social and Therapeutic Interventions

Editor: Caritas Social Work Services Division

Date of Publication: March 2011

Publisher: Cosmos Books Limited


In the first and second parts of Solid Practice III, we have incorporated contributions from some former Caritas staff, former service trainees or volunteers, and distinguished guest authors from overseas. 6 former staff members shared their fond memories at Caritas, testifying to the special cultural environment that nurtured their professional growth, and their meaningful service to our community in Caritas’ earlier days, in the 70's and 80's.

In the third part of Solid Practice III, our present staff share with the field workers their endeavours, their creativity and the skills to provide an outstanding experience for a specific group of service users.

This book will not only give beginners a better insight into the field of social service, but that it will also enhance our professional commitment to serve our community. (extracted from Preface in Solid Practice III by Dr. Joyce S.H. Chang)

Book title: Life Stories of the Homeless

Editor: Lui Yat-shing

Date of Publication: 2019

Publisher: The Society for Community Organization


Photo album which documents real stories of the homeless in HK

Book title: Homeless III

Editor: Lui Yat-shing

Date of Publication: 2014

Publisher: The Society for Community Organization


Photo album which documents real stories of the homeless in HK from 1999 to 2013

Book title: Postcards of the Homeless

Editor: Lui Yat-shing

Publisher: The Society for Community Organization

Book title: Homeless II

Editor: Lui Yat-shing

Date of Publication: 2007

Publisher: The Society for Community Organization


Photo album which documents real stories of the homelesses and the Homeless World Cup

Book title: Homeless I

Editor: Lui Yat-shing

Date of Publication: 2002

Publisher: The Society for Community Organization


Photo album which documents real stories of the homelesses in HK