Appreciation is given to the Research Committee of Hong Kong Baptist University and the Hong Kong Baptist University Library, which supported this project through the Digital Scholarship Grant. The University Library also provided substantial assistance with the design, creation, proofreading, and professional technical help of this website. I would also like to thank Victor Lau and the other actors for their contributions in making the videos possible; my research assistants, Wong Man Hon, Tsang Hong Lam Hayley and Yu Hoi Wa Christina for their hard work.
This project would not have been possible without the contribution of individual participants, schools and organizations, who generously shared their experiences through surveys, interviews and focus group discussions.
We would like to particularly acknowledge the following individuals and organizations (in alphabetical order) for their support and participation:
Asian Social Work and Policy Review (Wiley)
Caritas Hong Kong
International Journal of Child Health and Human Development
Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work (Taylor & Francis)
Journal of Social Work (世界科學出版社)
Journal of Social Work Practice (Taylor & Francis)
Qualitative Health Research (SAGE Publications)
Qualitative Social Work (SAGE Publications)
Red publishing
Social Work Practice: Psychotherapeutic Approaches in Health, Welfare and the Community (Taylor & Francis)
Springer Publishing
The Hong Kong Journal of Social Work (World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd)