Translated Work
Tied Together by Fate
First Publication Date:
Columbia University Press
Monolingual (English)
The story captures an interesting connection between a builder and a chair on the opposite rooftop. The builder lets his imagination run wild and wonders who has been sitting on the chair, while the old lady who owns the chair quietly waits for the builder to go for tea at 15:15, only to realise that not all workmen have tea at that time.
Alternate Name:
CHEN, Huiying
Born in Hong Kong in 1955, Chan received her education from Grantham College of Education and The University of Hong Kong. Her works have been published in several newspapers and literary magazines. Chan produced two collections of essays dedicated to the local culture, 《遊城》(City wanderings ) and 《香港時間》(The Hong Kong time).
GOLDBLATT, Howard 葛浩文
Translator Biography:
Goldblatt was Research Professor of Chinese at the University of Notre Dame from 2002 to 2011, and is a prolific translator of modern Chinese fiction, renowned for his translations of the Nobel Laureate Mo Yan, among others. He is the founding editor of the periodical Modern Chinese Literature.
Editor Biography:
Aili Mu is a Professor of Chinese at Iowa State University. She received her Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 1996. She teaches courses on Chinese language, translation, Chinese cultural tradition and China today. Her research focuses on Chinese short-short stories. Her published scholarship on the genre has earned her a Franklin R. Buchanan Prize from the Association for Asian Studies (2018).
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Editor Biography:
Chiu is currently teaching General Education at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She has translated a number of works from Chinese into English, including 《追憶與遺忘——對終極的沉思》(Memory and Oblivion: Mediations on Mortality) and 《家-香港公屋四十五年》(From Shelter to Home: 45 Years of Public Housing Development in Hong Kong).
Link to Editor biography:
GOLDBLATT, Howard 葛浩文
Editor Biography:
Goldblatt was Research Professor of Chinese at the University of Notre Dame from 2002 to 2011, and is a prolific translator of modern Chinese fiction, renowned for his translations of the Nobel Laureate Mo Yan, among others. He is the founding editor of the periodical Modern Chinese Literature.
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Source Text Reference:
收入《遊城》(1996) ,頁47-51。
Published Date of Source Text:
Target Text Reference:
Renditions, nos. 47 & 48, pp.42-44