Translated Work
First Publication Date:
Research Centre for Translation, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Bilingual (Chinese-English)
Alternate Name:
飲江 ; Yin Jiang
Born in Hong Kong in 1949, Lau began writing poetry in the 1970s. He co-founded the poetry magazine 《九分壹》[One over Nine] in 1987 and published his award-winning poetry collection 《於是你沿街看節日的燈飾》 [So You Watched the Festive Decorations along the Street] in 1997. His poems have been published in various journals in Hong Kong, including Poetry Bi-monthly, Hong Kong Literature, Ming Pao, and Fleurs des lettres.
Translator Biography:
Yau received his BA in English Studies and Comparative Literature from the University of Hong Kong and was awarded the M.Phil. in Comparative Literature in 1996. He later pursued a doctoral degree in translation studies and examined the translation of local modernist fiction in the 1950s. Yau has translated works by mainland Chinese and Hong Kong writers. In 2018, he published History of the Adventures of Vivi and Vera, the translation of a novel by Dung Kai-Cheung about the life in Hong Kong in its final decades as a British colony.
Editor Biography:
Born in Hong Kong in 1953, Cheung taught at a number of universities, specialising in Literature and Translation Studies. Her translations of Chinese literature into English include Han Shaogong’s Homecoming? and numerous works of Hong Kong poets such as Leung Ping Kwan. She also co-edited anthologies including An Oxford Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Drama and Hong Kong Collage: Contemporary Stories and Writing.
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Editor Biography:
Born in Hong Kong, Hung received her doctorate at the University of London. She was the Director of the Research Centre for Translation at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and editor of the literary journal Renditions. She has translated works by Wang Anyi and Eileen Chang into English.
Link to Editor biography:
Source Text Reference:
收入《博益 (月刊)》第9期,1988年5月15日,頁78-79。
Published Date of Source Text: