Translated Work
First Publication Date:
Research Centre for Translation, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Monolingual (English) (Occasionally Bilingual (Chinese-English))
Guangzhou, China
Born in Guangzhou in 1954, Wu started writing poetry in secondary school and was awarded a number of local literary prizes. She received her degree in Chinese literature from The University of Hong Kong. Her publications include 《攀緣之歌》[Song of Love] and 《護城河》[Moat].
FUNG, Mary M. Y. 張曼儀
Translator Biography:
Fung started writing creatively in secondary school. After her postgraduate studies at Columbia University, she returned to the University of Hong Kong to teach translation and contemporary literature. She co-founded and edited a number of literary journals. Bian Zhilin's poetry sparked her interest in modern poetry, and she began to translate poetry into English after moving to Canada in 1994. She also translated works by Hong Kong writers including Wu Yin-ching and Wong Leung-wo.
Editor Biography:
Born in Hong Kong, Hung received her doctorate at the University of London. She was the Director of the Research Centre for Translation at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and editor of the literary journal Renditions. She has translated works by Wang Anyi and Eileen Chang into English.
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Editor Biography:
Pollard served as Professor of Chinese at the University of London from 1978 to 1988 and Professor of Translation at The Chinese University of Hong Kong from 1988 to 1997. He has written extensively on modern Chinese language and literature as well as on aspects of translation. Among his translations are The True Story of Lu Xun and Zhou Zuoren: Selected Essays.
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Source Text Reference:
Published Date of Source Text:
Target Text Reference:
Renditions, no. 56, pp.91-92