Translated Work
First Publication Date:
Research Centre for Translation, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Monolingual (English)
“The Sea” is written in a special format, using spaces instead of punctuation marks, which creates a sense of flowing water resonating with the main theme. In the story, a soft-spoken man often visits the protagonist's family in April, and he reminds her of the sea.
Alternate Name:
吳煦斌 ; NG, Hui Bun
Born in 1949 in Hong Kong, Ng obtained her master's degree in the United States. She published her works mainly in the 1980s and 1990s. Her publications include the fiction 木 (“Wood”).
Translator Biography:
Heijns received her PhD in Chinese Studies from Leiden University and joined the Research Centre for Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2001. Her research focuses on Dutch translations of Chinese literature.
Translator Biography:
Wickeri obtained her Master of Fine Arts in Fiction at San Francisco State University. She has been the editor of Chinese Theological Review since 1985, and the translator of the magazine Renditions . She has translated a number of short stories by Mo Yan, including “Explosions”, “The Flying Ship” and “The Cat Specialist”. Her translations also consist of works by Eileen Chang, Wang Pu and Xiao Si.
Editor Biography:
Born in Hong Kong, Hung received her doctorate at the University of London. She was the Director of the Research Centre for Translation at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and editor of the literary journal Renditions. She has translated works by Wang Anyi and Eileen Chang into English.
Link to Editor biography:
IP, Sherlon Chi-yin 葉志研
Editor Biography:
Ip received her BA and MPhil in Translation from the University of Hong Kong. She joined the Research Centre for Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2003 and served as Managing Editor of its magazine Renditions. Her research focuses on the translations of traditional Chinese literature into English and German.
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