Word Frequency Data
The word frequency data for both English and Chinese was created based on the HKBU Corpus of Political Speeches. A “Stop Word List” was used when creating the Word Frequency Data in English. These words were chosen because they are at the top of the list of the most frequent words in the Corpus of Contemporary American English.
Note that no “Stop Word List” was used for the Word Frequency Data in Chinese.
The Stop Word List used when creating the Word Frequency Data in English was: the, be, and, if, a, in, have, to, it, I, that, for, you, he, with, on, do, say, this, at, but, we, his, from, that, not, n’t, by, she, or, as, what, go, their, can, who, get, if, would, her, all, my, make, about, know, will, as, up, one, time, there, year, so, think, when, which, them, some, me, people, take, out, into, just, see, him, your, come, could, now, than, like, other, how, then, its, our, two, more, these, want, way and look.