Bookplate Collection藏書票資料

bookplate 藏書票 Ex Libris Association KVARTALNY, Vladislav КВАРТАЛЬНЫ, Уладзіслаў
Artist藝術家: KVARTALNY, VladislavКВАРТАЛЬНЫ, Уладзіслаў
Country / Region國家/地區Belarus白俄羅斯
Description簡介The depiction of The Princess and the Pea, the fairy tale by Danish author, Hans Christian Andersen.由安徒生所著的丹麥童話《豌豆公主》。
Artist Proof複本編號
Size (Width x Height)尺寸 (闊 x 高)17 cm x 25.6 cm
Owner擁有人HEGER, JanHEGER, Jan
Collector收藏家WONG, Zachary王穩程
Record URL此藏書票網址