Lyric by Jiang Kui
Literary Content / Inscription:
In those days the moon cast its rays, how many times did its shine fall on me as I by the plum trees my flute play? Aroused was their beauty as I their blooms pick despite the wintry cold. Aged has He Xun and his talent, he must have forgotten how to compose verses that please even spring breezes. It must be the fault of those thin and scanty flowers by the bamboo fence, in the cold a waft of fragrance drifts in to join those seated.By the river still is the silence , though I wish to mail send, remote are the roads, as night snow begins to pile. With a jade cup in hand tears come easy. Reticent are plum blossoms as memories take hold of my mind. I'll forever remember where we held hands, where thousands of trees a cold pressure applied over the frigid green of the West Lake. Petal by petal, every plum blossom has been blown adrift, just when do I get to see them again?
Tseng, Betty. (2011). 216 JIANG Kui – Lyrics to the Melody of an Obscure Scent (Prologue omitted). [online] English Translation of Chinese Poetry. Available at: https://28utscprojects.wordpress.com/2011/10/01/s216/ [Accessed 22 Feb. 2019].
Tseng, Betty. (2011). 216 JIANG Kui – Lyrics to the Melody of an Obscure Scent (Prologue omitted). [online] English Translation of Chinese Poetry. Available at: https://28utscprojects.wordpress.com/2011/10/01/s216/ [Accessed 22 Feb. 2019].
Script / Format:
Clerical script/Handscroll
Collector / Year:
Dr. Daniel Chak Kwong Lau/1999
Persistent link: