About the Website
Principle Investigator: Dr. Daniel Chak Kwong Lau
Associate Professor & Associate Director (Research) of Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University
Member of China Calligraphers Association
This website is an extended research output of the Principle Investigator’s previous research titled “Clerical Script of the Han Dynasty as the Foundation of a Convergence of the Stele and Model-book Studies: The Calligraphy of Han Yunshan” (2014/ project supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China/Project Number: HKBU242110).
The website is specially designed for the general public and researchers. Through this website, the remarkable and subtle calligraphic brushwork of Han Yunshan can be relived and the general public will be able to understand and appreciate his great works in a convenient and clear manner. Besides, this website is intended to provide primary and secondary sources of research data for future research development. Moreover, the website is an importance educational resource for the teaching and learning activities at university level.
As the website is categorized into the major script types of Chinese calligraphy by Han Yunshan, the following essay “Appreciating the Evolution of Chinese Script Types” is intended to interpret the characteristics of the major script types of Chinese calligraphy from the different perspectives of history, calligraphic techniques and the concept of evolution.
Oracle-bone script (9)
Great-seal script (31)
Small-seal script (97)
Clerical script (264)
Draft-cursive script (8)
Standard script (14)
Small-standard script (13)
Semi-cursive script (50)
Fountain pen calligraphy (9)
Hanging scroll (200)
Couplet (95)
Horizontial scroll (34)
Handscroll (32)
Album leaves (31)
Small composition (29)
Folding fan (22)
Title label (15)
A set of four screens (7)
Inscription (3)
Round fan (3)
Christimas card (2)
Letter (2)
Draft (1)
Handwriting copybook (1)
Dr. Daniel Chak Kwong Lau (278)
Mr. Cho Yue Hon (172)
Mr. Louis Lee (13)
Mr. Tsang Kwong Choi (13)
The Han Yuanshan Family (1)
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