Lyric by Liu Yong
Literary Content / Inscription:
I listen to cicadas singing dolefully in the cold from across the gallery at dusk, the sudden rain has just come to a halt. She puts out a farewell toast outside a capital gate, yet dejected is the mood, while I wish to linger, ready to row off is the magnolia canoe. Holding hands, we look into each other's teary eyes, Yet unable to words utter, on emotions we choke. As I think of the flow of misty waters that undulate for thousands of miles, Leaden is the evening clouds that occupy the vast southern skies. As always the romantic fear adieu the most, how especially so in this dismal fall! Where will I be when I recover from insobriety tonight? Perhaps somewhere along a willowy bank, in a breeze under a waning moon. This time for years I'll be gone, what should be brilliant days and beautiful scenery shall be of little use. Even though I may possess inexhaustible passion, whom have I to offer it to?
Tseng, Betty. (2011). 038 LIU Yong – Lyrics to Tinkling Heavy Rain. [online] English Translation of Chinese Poetry. Available at: https://28utscprojects.wordpress.com/2011/11/10/s038/ [Accessed 22 Feb. 2019].
Tseng, Betty. (2011). 038 LIU Yong – Lyrics to Tinkling Heavy Rain. [online] English Translation of Chinese Poetry. Available at: https://28utscprojects.wordpress.com/2011/11/10/s038/ [Accessed 22 Feb. 2019].
Script / Format:
Clerical script/Handscroll
Collector / Year:
Dr. Daniel Chak Kwong Lau/1999
Persistent link: