Principles for Inclusion
- Data summary
106 total number of parks 94 parks no longer in operation 36 renamed parks - Scope guidelines
Facilities included are all named after Dr. Sun Yat Sen (Sun Zhongshan), or relatively similar (e.g., Sun Wen Memorial Park) and feature a dedicated memorial to Sun Yat Sen. Therefore some parks without a dedicated memorial were not included in this database (e.g., Zhongshan Park in Shijiazhuang and Dingzhou, Henan, PRC). Likewise, some facilities are not included because they lack common park features such as: - a plaza
- a monument to Sun Yat Sen
- Sources and other material
Site visits & photos - Signboards, physical maps and introduction placards
Gazetteers - local gazetteers are invaluable for ascertaining park establishment dates
- a significant number of gazetteers from the 1980’s have been revised and their descriptions may not reflect the actual physical site.
Biographies & serial articles - Serials: e.g., Beijing gongyuan zhi (Beijing park journal) Yinchuan gongyuan zhi (Yinchuan park journal)
- Biographic material: Zhongshan gongyuan bolan (Sun Yat Sen Park Exhibition)
Official resources - A number of park facilities feature official websites (e.g., Beijing, Wuhan)
- relevant materials from non-specialised government sources
- photographs from government websites
- official websites while accessible are also comparatively reliable
Published material - Histories, travel guides, introductory materials on landscape engineering and gazetteers dedicated to place names (e.g., Wuhan shi hua, On the History of Wuhan)
Reports - Chinese and foreign language newspaper articles
- Magazines, advertisements or any material containing official resolutions
Websites - images from websites
The English version was translated from the Chinese version. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.