Bookplate Collection藏書票資料

bookplate 藏書票 Ex Libris Association NG, Wing Yan 伍穎欣
Artist藝術家: NG, Wing Yan伍穎欣
Country / Region國家/地區Hong Kong香港
Description簡介I choose the Goddess of Justice – Themis located in Statue Square Central and recreate it with the Socialist Realist style by the artists during the Cultural Revolution and the critique of capitalism by Political Pop. I hope the Goddess of Justice can protect the judicial system in Hong Kong.
(The text is provided by the student)
I choose the Goddess of Justice – Themis located in Statue Square Central and recreate it with the Socialist Realist style by the artists during the Cultural Revolution and the critique of capitalism by Political Pop. I hope the Goddess of Justice can protect the judicial system in Hong Kong.
Artist Proof複本編號
Size (Width x Height)尺寸 (闊 x 高)14.8 cm × 21 cm
Owner擁有人NG, Wing Yan伍穎欣
Collector收藏家NG, Wing Yan伍穎欣
Record URL此藏書票網址