

This project consumed huge amount of work, research and dedication. Still, implementation would not have been possible if I did not have the support from many individuals, including this project’s assistant, AVA colleagues, our library colleague and her professional team, and the members of Hong Kong Ex libris Association. Therefore, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all of them.

First of all, I am thankful to Hong Kong Baptist University Library, in particular, Kendall Crilly the University Librarian who created such an opportunity for me to create a project of such a little-known art in Hong Kong. Without doubt, I am also very thankful to both their financial and technical support for creating the bookplate database and website. I especially thank Rebekah Wong for providing necessary guidance concerning the project implementation and technical issues. She has been helping me since the first submission of the project proposal in 2017. She was very patient and efficient who monitored the progress of this project all the way through. Without her, this project won’t be able to launch smoothly as planned.

I have to express my appreciation especially to Malou Hung who is a renowned bookplate artist for sharing her pearls of wisdom with us during the course of this research. She has provided many crucial data for this website project. She, her husband Albert Yip, and the current HKEA’s chairlady Clara Hung have been very helpful. They provided all the necessary information and even extra support for us. Other HKEA members as well as artists including Yu Yuanhong, Samuel Wong, Alex Siu Chung Ho, Tin Wong, Cheng Taigo, Albert Yip, and my AVA colleague and artist Chan An Gee for their time doing the interview. Without their contribution, superior knowledge, expertise and experience in making bookplates, the database of the website would not be such fruitful and informative, and their support has been essential.

Furthermore, I would also like to express my sincere thanks towards the technical support for recording and editing many interview videos by Manfred Siu. He made professional interview videos for this project.

Last but not least, I am very grateful especially to Andy Cheng who was the project assistant of this bookplate project. He has been a very diligent researcher who conducted interviews, prepared the interview transcripts and translations, wrote all the bookplates’ bilingual entries, and the major portion of the website textual content including the publication list. He has been working super hard on the publication research. His effort made this project happen and contributed a lot to the history of Hong Kong bookplate research. While I was in a very critical medical condition last year, he moderated this project and completed the details. Hence, I could focus on research guidance, content verification, editing and improving the texts, liaising with bookplate artists and related organizations.


首先,我感謝香港浸會大學圖書館,特別是有份給予機會,提供財政及技術支持和協助我展開藏書票這門小眾藝術研究、建立藏書票資料庫和網站的圖書館館長 Kendall Crilly 和其團隊。我特別多謝王信嫺,由我於 2017 年提交研究計劃開始, 她已不遺餘力提供各種協助,包括在資料整理、網站設計與技術細節的建議和指導。若沒有她的幫忙,這個項目一定不能如期完成和這般暢順進行。

我要特別感謝著名藏書票藝術家熊愛儀,她與我們分享她對藏書票藝術的真知灼見,並提供很多重要的資料給這個網站資料庫。 此外,也十分感激她丈夫葉偉枝和香港藏書票協會現任主席熊美儀的大力協助,提供的重要資料。其他的藏書票 協會成員和藝術家,包括余元康、黃恩約、何少中、黃天平、鄭大弋和視覺藝術學院兼藝術家同事陳安之,抽出寶貴時間接受訪問,若沒有各人的參與和分享對藏書票的專業知識和經驗,網站資料庫不會如此豐富和齊備。


最後,我非常感謝項目的研究助理鄭浩彤,他勤奮地完成所有訪問、內容整理和翻譯,為所有的展品草擬雙語解說。他為這個網站大部分的內容,包括藏書票相關出版文獻列表等,付出了相當大的努力,貢獻了香港藏書票史的研究。 在我身體抱恙的日子,他繼續令項目有進展及完成細節工作,讓我可以專注研究大方向、內容核實和編輯內容等。