Straight Tenon

Detail: The Straight Tenon ranks among the most traditional and prevalent mortise and tenon techniques. This tenon's four sides are crafted to form perfect right angles and it is classified into three distinct styles: shoulderless, single-shouldered, and double-shouldered, often utilized in T-shaped connections. Essential for affixing beams to columns in construction, the Straight Tenon is also a staple in hidden joints found in the backs, sides, and inner structures of furniture pieces. Noted for its excellent resistance to bending, the Straight Tenon is less effective against pull-out forces and may require additional reinforcement, such as pins, to enhance its stability.

Process: Straight tenons represent a joint where elements are conjoined perpendicularly. The tenon itself is squarely shaped, with its shoulder and cheek intersecting at right angles. Renowned for its stability and dependability, the assembly of straight tenons is straightforward, making it a popular choice in the crafting of wooden furniture.

Material: Hardwood: Pine Wood, Teak, Beech, etc.

Origin: Central Europe and China

Number of Parts: 2 pieces

Period: Warring States period (475 B.C. - 221 B.C.)

Detachability: Permanent

Automatable: Yes

3D Animation Cases
Straight Tenon 1
Straight Tenon 2
Straight Tenon 3
Straight Tenon 4
Straight Tenon 5
