About this Project

This project seeks to explore and revitalize the ancient woodworking technique of mortise and tenon, a fundamental structural method in traditional Chinese architecture, furniture, and other wooden objects. This technique, which involves a convex part (tenon) fitting into a concave part (mortise) to form a strong and aesthetic connection, has been a cornerstone of Chinese craftsmanship for thousands of years. Recent discoveries from a Neolithic site in Zhejiang have shed light on the long history and versatility of these joints, which were integral in the construction of various structures, including the world's largest hand-built wooden complex, the Chi Lin Nunnery in Hong Kong.

This project aims to document and showcase 36 basic mortise and tenon structures, highlighting their historical and modern applications through case studies of representative architectures and objects. Additionally, it describes the traditional and modern methods for creating these joints, showcasing the evolution from manual craftsmanship to contemporary automated technologies and their products. Such documentation will serve as a robust educational resource, providing a bridge between past wisdom and modern technology, thereby fostering innovation in woodworking.

The initiative will culminate in the development of a comprehensive digital platform, which will include photography, interactive 3D models, and scholarly research. This platform will not only serve as a knowledge bank for the global community of students, artists, and designers but also promote sustainable practices in line with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. By learning from the systematic evolution of mortise and tenon techniques—from ancient times to the latest innovations—participants will gain a solid foundation to innovate and apply these traditional techniques in modern day sustainable projects, enhancing both the aesthetic and structural quality of future woodworking endeavors


Ms. QIN Lai Yin, Anna - Assistant Professor, Assistant Dean of School of Creative Arts
Ms. TSE Wai Ling, Sara - Project Assistant


China Guardian (HK) Auctions Co., Ltd.
Liang Yi Museum
一木・工房 周健龍 Ken CHOW (@yat_muk)
Samwoong Lee (http://www.lee3woong.com/works-finger%20joint-chair-closeup.htm)
Dr. Daniel LAU Chak Kwong, AVA
Dr. Eric H. C. CHOW, HKBU Library
Ms. Vivian TONG, AVA
Digital Initiatives and Research Support, HKBU Library






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