Species in HK

斑鶇 Dusky Thrush

Dusky Thrush
Turdus eunomus

無危。冬候鳥。大型鶇,背部褐色,有褐色耳羽及顎紋,而眉紋、頰下紋及喉部皆白色,對比鮮明。eunomus 有深褐色胸帶和紅褐色翼斑。見於沼澤地, 開闊草地和球場.

Least Concern. Winter Visitor. Large thrush with brown upperparts. Brown ear coverts and malar stripes contrast with whitish supercilium, submoustachial stripes and throat. Subspecies eunomus has dark brown bands across the breast and reddish wing panel. Found in swamp, open areas and playing fields.