
棕扇尾鶯 Zitting Cisticola
棕扇尾鶯 Zitting Cisticola

Zitting Cisticola
Cisticola juncidis

無危。春及秋季過境遷徙鳥,冬候鳥, 留鳥。小型鶯,尾短呈扇狀,頭頂及上背有黑色條紋。頭及腰褐色,喉至腹部白色,脇部黃褐色。尾羽褐色,有黑色寬横帶,末端白色。叫聲為「dsip-dsip-dsip」。見於水邊草叢頂。

Least Concern.Spring and Autumn Passage Migrant, Winter Visitor, Resident. Small-sized Warbler with short fan-shaped tail. Black streaks on crown and mantle. Brown head and rump. White throat to belly with yellowish brown flanks. Tail brown with thick black sub-terminal bar and white tips. Call a "dsip-dsip-dsip-".Found in top of grassy stalks near water.

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