
家八哥 Common Myna
家八哥 Common Myna
家八哥 Common Myna

Common Myna
Acridotheres tristis

無危。留鳥。頭黑色,眼綠色,眼眶及周圍黃色。嘴和腳黃色,上體和下體深褐色,飛羽和尾羽黑色。腰白色。有時會與八哥一起活動。見於任何開闊地方, 尤好草地球場.

Least Concern. Common Residents. Black head with yellow patch around green eye. Bill and legs yellow, upperparts and underparts dark brown, flight feathers and tail black. White rump. Sometime mixes with Crested Myna. Found in any open areas , especially favours in playing fields.