
絨額鳾 Velvet-fronted Nuthatch
絨額鳾 Velvet-fronted Nuthatch

Velvet-fronted Nuthatch
Sitta frontalis

無危。留鳥。體型細小。頭部和上體淺紫監色,虹膜黃色,前額至眼先有黑斑,面頰淡粉紅色。嘴紅色,幼鳥的嘴黑色。喉白色,下體淡黃褐色。叫聲流滑的'chi chi chi'. 見於林區.

Least Concern. Common Residents. Small size. Head and upperparts pale purplish blue, yellowish iris. Forehead to lores black, cheeks pale pink. The bill is red, but dark in juveniles. White throat, underparts buffy yellow. Liquid "chi chi chi" calls. Found in woodlands.

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