
棕頭鴉雀 Vinous-throated Parrotbill

Vinous-throated Parrotbill
Sinosuthora webbiana

無危。留鳥。全身紅褐色,羽毛蓬鬆,尾長。頭大而圓,嘴部細小。背至尾部褐色,翼紅褐色。下體淡褐色。成群見於矮竹林和茂密草地上. 在大帽山處有小種群。

Least Concern. Resident. Mainly reddish-brown, feathers look shaggy, tail long. Head round and big, bill small and short. Mantle to tail brownish, wings reddish-brown. Underparts greyish brown.Flocks in dwarf bamboo and rank grassland. A small population can be found at Tai Mo Shan.

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