Species in HK

白頭鵯 Chinese Bulbul
白頭鵯 Chinese Bulbul
白頭鵯 Chinese Bulbul

Chinese Bulbul
Pycnonotus sinensis

無危。過境遷徙鳥,冬候鳥,留鳥。全身黃綠色,頭、嘴和腳黑色,後枕、面頰和喉部白色,下體至尾下覆羽淡色。常發出清脆的"咇標咇" 歌聲,聲音似紅耳鵯但稍微沙啞.見於公園.

Least Concern. Passage Migrants, Winter Visitors, Common Residents. Overall yellowish green in colour. Black head, bill and legs. Conspicuous white nape, cheeks and throat. Buffy breast to vent. Often sing a "bill-bu-bull" song similar to Red-whiskered Bulbul but a little bit huskier. Found in parks.

聲音1 Audio 1:

聲音2 Audio 2: