
高山短翅鶯 Russet Bush Warbler
高山短翅鶯 Russet Bush Warbler

Russet Bush Warbler
Locustella mandelli

無危。冬候鳥。中等體型深褐色的鶯,非常隱秘。上體橄欖褐色,尾頗長及尖,喉部白色並具黑色縱紋,冬天時黑紋消失,下體其餘部份白色。叫聲 “zee-bit” “zee-bit” “zee-bit” 很易辨認。見於草原及灌木叢混雜區域。

Least Concern. Winter Visitor. Medium-sized dark brown warbler. Extremely skulking. Olive-brown upperparts with a longish pointed tail. Throat white streaked with black but streaking lost in winter. Rest of the underparts white. Repeatedly call as “zee-bit” “zee-bit” “zee-bit”. Found in mixed grassland-shrubland.

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