"A thorough professional."
This sums up the opinion of everyone associated with Italy's beautiful Gina Lollobrigida, from the time of her arrival at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer through the weeks in which she co-starred with Frank Sinatra in "Never So Few."
Since the film is Miss Lollobrigida's first in America, she was the object of more than casual observation. From the standpoint of the classic features and hour-glass figure which have made her an international symbol of feminine appeal, she left nothing to be desired. On the screen and off, Miss Lollobrigida is an eye stopper.
But what impressed her co-workers, from Sinatra to script clerk, was the fact that Miss Lollobrigida does not trade on her ample physical assets alone. From first pre-production conferences it was evident that she was gifted with an intuitive dramatic talent and a rapier-like intelligence.
No detail of a scene is too small to escape her attention. She has a capacity for intense concentration and is never satisfied. If her performance in a scene can be improved, she is eager to try, no matter how much additional effort and time is required. She is interested only in giving her best.
"My first stay in Hollywood was shorter than I would have liked it to be," declared Miss Lollobrigida, "but I had to return to Europe because of film commitments there. However, 1 plan to come back as often as possible. The people are most friendly, the climate is delightful and I enjoy the way of working. My permanent home will always be Rome, but it would be ideal to spend six months of each year in Italy and six months in Hollywood."
Although Miss Lollobrigida and Sinatra had never met prior to the filming of "Never So Few," she is a fan of his films. On her first night in Hollywood, she asked to see "Some Came Running," which at the time had not been released in Europe.
"Frank is one of the most relaxed, natural actors with whom I ever had the pleasure of working," she commented. "But I found this to be an illusion once we started our picture. No one I know works harder. And he has an excitement about him that stimulates everyone on the set."
It is interesting that Miss Lollobrigida, like Sinatra, had originally planned to make singing her profession rather than acting. She sees no reason why this should be unusual.
"All of the various arts have much in common," she said. "At school, I studied painting, drawing and sculpture as well as voice. I have sung in English, French and Italian, both in pictures and for recordings. Singing is excellent training for an actor. No matter how brilliant a voice may be, personality, expression and feeling play equally vital parts in capturing and holding the attention of an audience."