
This database website is one of the major outcomes of the Community of Practices (CoP) grant project entitled "Digital Cultural Heritage of HKBU’s School of Communication: An Inside-Out Engagement Approach to Community of Practice" [CoP/1718/02], funded by Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning. We acknowledge the anonymous reviewers, Hong Kong Baptist University, School of Communication, and Communication and Public Relation Office for their support. In particular, we thanked the students who participated in this project (i.e. digital archive, interview, writing, video production, social media publicity) as well as the alumni, faculty and staff who shared their lived experiences with our students in completing the project. We also acknowledge the Digital and Multimedia Services team of HKBU Library for the final checking of the dataset, layout design and system development of the website.

此數據網站是一項關於香港浸會大學傳理學院數碼文化遺產的實踐社區計劃 [CoP/1718/02] 其中一個主要成果,為香港浸會大學全人教與學中心所贊助。我們感謝各位匿名評審,以及香港浸會大學、傳理學院與傳訊公關處的支持。我們特別感謝此項目的所有學生助理(包括數據整理、採訪、寫作、視頻製作和社交媒體傳播),以及所有參與校友和教職員,感謝他們願意分享人生經歷幫助我們完成此課題。同時,我們也感謝香港浸會大學圖書館數碼與多媒體服務組的幫助,感謝他們對數據庫的檢查與修改,以及網站的版面設計與系統發展。