

AAPO. Sallitaanko minulle sananvuoro?

JUHANI. Kernaasti. Mitä mielit sanoa?

AAPO. Etten kiltaa minäkään tuota rangaistus-parakraaffia, jonka tahtoisit käytettäväksi välillemme asettaa, vaan katsonpa sen veljesten keskenä liian törkeäksi, pedolliseksi.

JUHANI. Vai et kiltaa? Etkö kiltaa? Etkö totisesti kiltaa? Sanoppas sitten viisaampi parakraaffi, koska minä en milloinkaan käsitä mikä on oikein, mikä väärin.

AAPO. Sitä en sano.

JUHANI. Sanoppas se uusi, kiilattava parakraaffi, sinä Jukolan tietäjä.

AAPO. Kaukana tietäjän arvosta. Mutta tämä ...

JUHANI. Parakraaffi, parakraaffi!

AAPO. Tämähän on ...

JUHANI. Parakraaffi, parakraaffi! Sanoppas se viisas parakraaffi!

AAPO. Oletko hullu? Huutelethan tuossa kuin istuisit tulisissa housuissa. Miksi kirkut ja keikuttelet päätäs kuin tarhapöllö?

JUHANI. Parakraaffi! huudan minä huikeasti. Se ihka uusi ja vanha, viisas parakraaffi! Sanoppas se, ja minä kuultelen äänetönnä kuin särki sammakon motkotusta.


A a p o. Kas mullegi sõnaõigust antakse?

J u h a n i. Heameelega. Mis tahad sa öelda?

A a p o. Et minagi pole tolle karistusparakrahvi poolt, mida tahad meie jaoks tarvitusele võtta, vaid leian ta olevat vendade vahel liiga karmi, metsiku.

J u h a n i. Või ei ole poolt? Ei ole poolt? Või tõepoolest ei ole poolt? Ütle siis targem parakrahv, kui mina kunagi ei mõista, mis on õige, mis võlts.

A a p o. Seda ma ei öelnud.

J u h a n i. Ütle siis see uus, see sünnis parakrahv, sina Jukola prohvet.

A a p o. Olen kaugel prohveti aust. Kuid see …

J u h a n i. Parakrahv, parakrahv!

A a p o. Se on ju …

J u h a n i. Parakrahv, parakrahv! Ütle see tark parakrahv!

A a p o. Kas sa hul olet? Sa kisad, nagu istuksid tulistes pükstes. Mis sa karjud ja keerutad pead nagu öökull?

J u h a n i. Parakrahv! hüüan mina vägevalt. See tuliuus ja vana, tark parakrahv! Ütle see, ja ma kuulan hääletult kui särg konna krookumist.

A a p o. Kas mull ka lastakse sõna sekka öelda?

J u h a n i. Hea meelega. Mis tahad sa öelda?

A a p o. Et ei kiida minagi heaks toda karistusparakrahvi, mis sa tahad meie seas tarvitusele võtta, vaid arvan, et see on vennaste keskel liiga jõhker ja metsik.

J u h a n i. Ah ei kiida heaks? Sa ei kiida heaks? Kas sa tõesti ei kiida heaks? Ütle siis ise targem parakrahv, kui mina ilmaski ei taipa, mis on õigesti, mis valesti.

A a p o. Seda ma ei ütle.

J u h a n i. Ütle siis see uus, heakskiidetav parakrahv, sina Jukola suur tark.

A a p o. Targa seisusest olen kaugel. Aga see …

J u h a n i. Parakrahv, parakrahv!

A a p o. Se on ju …

J u h a n i. Parakrahv, parakrahv! Ütle juba välja see tark parakrahv!

A a p o. Kas sa hull oled või? Kisendad seal, nagu oleks sul tulised söed püksis. Mis sa röögid ja pööritad pead nagu öökull?

J u h a n i. Parakrahv! hüüan mina hirmsa häälega. See täitsa uus ja vana, tark parakrahv! Ütle see ometi välja, ja ma kuulan vaikselt nagu särg konna krookumist. (118-19)


  • 1926
  • 2005


  1. What register is the translation written in? (Formal, semiformal, informal, etc.) Is there any bureaucratic jargon in it? If so, how does it sound? Plausible, implausible? Natural, awkward? (Version 1926)

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  2. What are the prevailing emotions in the scene? What is Juhani feeling, and what is Aapo feeling? Do they seem to be expressing those emotions in a natural, idiomatic way? Or does the expression of those emotions sound somewhat strange? If it sounds a bit strange, is the strangeness pleasurable? (Version 1926)

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  3. The Finnish original is written in a stylized dialect that now sounds rather archaic. Has the translator attempted to reproduce that archaic dialect? If not, has the translator used a standardized version of the target language, or a colloquial version without slang, or a slangy vernacular, or what? Whichever way the translator went with the archaic dialect, does the attempt seem successful to you? Why or why not? (Version 1926)

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  4. Does this passage sound like any existing novel you know in the target language, or like a certain author, or like a period novelistic style that you recognize? If so, what or whom? Does that feeling of familiarity make you like the passage more, or less, or have no effect on your response? (Version 1926)

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  5. If you had time, would you want to read this entire translation? Why or why not? (Does it make you say “wow!”? Are you astonished at its brilliance?) (Version 1926)

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  6. Does this translated passage make you think that Aleksis Kivi might be a great writer of World Literature, or not? Why or why not? (Version 1926)

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  1. What register is the translation written in? (Formal, semiformal, informal, etc.) Is there any bureaucratic jargon in it? If so, how does it sound? Plausible, implausible? Natural, awkward? (Version 2005)

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  2. What are the prevailing emotions in the scene? What is Juhani feeling, and what is Aapo feeling? Do they seem to be expressing those emotions in a natural, idiomatic way? Or does the expression of those emotions sound somewhat strange? If it sounds a bit strange, is the strangeness pleasurable? (Version 2005)

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  3. The Finnish original is written in a stylized dialect that now sounds rather archaic. Has the translator attempted to reproduce that archaic dialect? If not, has the translator used a standardized version of the target language, or a colloquial version without slang, or a slangy vernacular, or what? Whichever way the translator went with the archaic dialect, does the attempt seem successful to you? Why or why not? (Version 2005)

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  4. Does this passage sound like any existing novel you know in the target language, or like a certain author, or like a period novelistic style that you recognize? If so, what or whom? Does that feeling of familiarity make you like the passage more, or less, or have no effect on your response? (Version 2005)

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  5. If you had time, would you want to read this entire translation? Why or why not? (Does it make you say “wow!”? Are you astonished at its brilliance?) (Version 2005)

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  6. Does this translated passage make you think that Aleksis Kivi might be a great writer of World Literature, or not? Why or why not? (Version 2005)

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