The Characters
TOUGH GUY (Ricky Hui) —— He loosely describes his profession as bodyguard. Bootlicker is more like it. But he has two knack for licking the wrong side of the boot and gets sacked frequently. Now, he is the "bodyguard" of millionaire Rich Chen.
DUCKY (Richard Ng) —— Self-styled private eye who is generally unemployed. So he does a little blackmail on the side. Latest example: $5,000 from a philandering but hen-pecked Rich Chen.
MARY (Agee Chiu) —— A sweet young thing who occasionally resorts to eaves-dropping, dynamiting and stealing, all because of her Uncle Pai. Beautiful and hard as nails.
RICH CHEN (Cheung Ying) —— He acquires his millions through less than admirable methods. Shall we say he became rich at the expense of Uncle Pai? Now he has a score to settle with Ducky.
The Story
So Rich Chen hires Ducky to transport the "diamonds" he stole from Uncle Pai. A hitman follows to kill Ducky. Tough Guy and Mary get to Ducky first, volunteering to relieve Ducky of his responsibility. Somehow Tough Guy subdues the gunman and the trio find out the diamonds are just paste. Tough Guy and Ducky, now partners, promise Uncle Pai to recover the real diamonds.
Many times they try but they get nothing more than black eyes for their trouble.
But, of course, nothing can stop our resourceful pilferers. Ducky finally works out a plan wherein Rich Chen is outwitted. Using sleight of hand, Ducky steals the real diamonds from under Rich Chan's very nose.
But that is not enough. Ducky manages to sell the paste diamonds back to Chen. They also manage to survive several fights and car chases. Their last laugh turns sour when the money turns out to be self-minted.
The Ending
Uncle Pai gets his diamonds and generously parts with them. Mr. Chen is now known as Poor Chen. Ducky gets a diamond and Mary. Tough Guy gets his diamond and, eh, an ardent admirer in Uncle Pai.
The Moral, if any
If you want to get rich quick, be Ducky.