孟小龍者,黃包車伕也。父早亡,與母相依爲命,十五歲已負家計。一日,老鎭長平致遠乘小龍黃包車赴比武場與人談判,不幸被害。事被小龍發現,竟是「日本商會」之保鏢佐佐木手下四金剛所爲。小龍挺身指責,聲言公開彼等陰謀給全鎭民。佐佐木大怒,命手下殺以滅口。小龍逃入『自強武舘』求救,劉舘主無法旁觀,也被四金剛所殺。小龍趕囘住家,揹母逃命,却被一路追殺,老母傷重不治。小龍遵母遺言,偕未婚妻小青藏身絕嶺,日夜苦練;誓以武功除害。三年逝去,一日,小靑下嶺購物,被四金剛中人認出追殺上山。老樵龔老伯囑小龍帶小靑逃亡,自願應付凶徒。四金剛趕到,由老樵屋內搜出女裝,逼問小龍何去?龔老虛與委蛇,四金剛仍不放過,龔老寡不敵衆,慘被殺害。小龍、小靑向北逃命,終被追上,小龍受圍攻,傷重墜谷,小靑爲救小龍,不幸死於非命。一連串打擊,小龍悲痛欲絕,亡命北關九天峯,苦硏武功,八年不輟。平致遠遺孤平少弘爲明眞相,歷三載風雨,抵九天峯找到小龍,誓言合力除害,並以「智取」 爲策略。中秋節前,小龍函佐佐木,聲言囘來除暴報仇。四金剛大驚,日夜聚集不離,經半月未見動靜。小龍乘虛攻入,僞裝店小二,於萬花酒家除掉金剛老四。又僞裝老車伕在關帝廟後將老三打死。翌日又使計將老二引誘到後街死巷予以解決。老大驚恐萬分,躲藏於情婦家中,集高手十餘衆保護。此際老大已無心酒色,日夜自困斗室,緊張難眠,常召按摩解勞。某夜,老大正在享受按摩之樂,突然發覺按摩者正是孟小龍,一聲令下,展開惡鬥,老大雖有高強武功,終歸敗於小龍拳下。四金剛盡殲後,小龍走進「金剛堂」向惡魁佐佐木挑戰,隨卽一場龍爭虎鬥,交手七十六囘合,佐佐木出盡絕招,使盡暗器,雖能重創小龍,但小龍視死如歸,拼命應戰,以智取敵,終於反敗爲勝,將一代惡寇佐佐木拳倒地上,一命歸陰!(全劇終)
Mang Siu Lung is fatherless and at the age of fifteen, has to support his mother and himself by working as a rickshaw boy.
One day Siu Lung takes the Chief, Ping Chee Yuen to a peace-talk meething with the Japanese traders and there he witnesses the brutal murder of Ping by Chor Chor Muk's henchmen, the Invincible Four. Because of this, Siu Lung is pursued by Chor and his gang.
Siu Lung goes to a gynasium for help and its instructor, Lau, is killed as he tries to protect Siu Lung. Siu Lung then tries to escape with his mother but is waylaid by the Invincible Four. His mother is killed and at her death, she asks Siu Lung to take his fiancee, Siu Ching with him. So Siu Lung gets away together with Siu Ching and hides in the mountains where he practises his kung-fu conscientiously.
Three years pass without any mishap, but one day as Siu Ching goes to town for food, she is recognised by the Invincible Four. A woodcutter friend, old Kung hears of this and urges Siu Lung and Siu Ching to leave. Old Kung is later murdered by the four villains when he would not tell of Siu Lung's whereabouts. Siu Lung and Siu Ching decide to go north, but again on the way they are come upon by the Invincible Four. Siu Lung is wounded and falls over a cliff and Siu Ching in an attempt to save Siu Lung also falls over and is killed. Siu Lung luckily escapes death and after all these misfortunes, he is determined to revenge. He goes north to Chiao Tien Fung and stays there for eight years, polishing his kung-fu.
Ping Siu Yan, son of the deceased Chief is looking for Siu Lung so that he may learn the truth about his father's death. After three years, he finally finds him and together they seek revenge on Chor Chor Muk and his henchmen.
Just before the Moon Festival, Siu Lung sends a letter to Chor Chor Muk saying that he is returning for revenge. The Invincible Four are scared but as nothing happened after two weeks they calm down again. Siu Lung now makes his move. He kills the four villains one by one, and finally turns to Chor Chor Muk. After the deaths of the four brothers Chor Chor Muk has a nervous breakdown and has to call in masseurs constantly. One night while enjoying his massage he suddenly realizes that the masseur is none but Mang Siu Lung. A fight takes place and Chor Chor Muk is killed.