于雄奔上山崖,正擬挖參,突竄出數條 大漢,乃山下石家山莊莊主石以彪人強行阻止,于雄不服,繼而動武,于雄被石之暗器所傷跌落崖下。
緣于雄與恩師馬雲龍及師 弟白嘯天,因不满當時江湖上各派係爲名利之鬥爭,殺戮,乃居長白山中,以採參打獵爲業,是日馬雲龍以于雄一夜未返,正焦灼間,于雄之坐騎在屋外長嘶,雲龍見狀知有變故,卽命嘯天乘于雄之馬往尋。
時已天一亮,崖下有妙齡女子桂蘭練習武功,突發現昏迷 草中之于雄,急上前檢視,知受毒器所傷,乃將其負回靜心庵中,由其師靜修女尼救治,蘭師本係桂蘭生母亦係武林前輩,因其夫仗勢欺人獨覇一方,屢勸無效,一怒攜幼女桂蘭遁跡空門,已十八寒暑矣,桂蘭詢母于雄有無生命危險,母云,視其運氣耳。
嘯天至山 中遍尋于雄不獲,在山下檢回于所用兵刃,悶悶不樂乃至酒肆買醉,突遇石莊主獨子率爪入內,見嘯天獨坐乃上前挑釁,嘯天強忍憤怒,草草吃完,走時以酒杯扣在石子臉上,石子大怒拔劍欲殺嘯天,嘯天約其夜間在太庙大殿比劍,說完揚長而去,事爲在座之桂蘭及另一女扮男裝之女俠陶劍影看見。
深夜,太庙大殿場惡鬥開始,石子及爪牙終于負傷逃竄,嘯天大勝越牆而去,大殿屋頂先後跳下兩人 ,不問情由,打了起來,一人被劍挑去頭巾露出一頭秀髮,兩人同時一驚,原來是桂蘭與女扮男裝的陶劍影,二人互詢之下乃詹志元之女,此次來關外尋殺父仇人,再三相問仇家姓名,陶避不作答。
石家山莊主見愛子負傷大發雷霆,與部下商議對策,事爲深夜探莊 之二女所偷聽,正擬入山報信,但被石莊主發現,追了出去,劍影失手被擒,桂蘭逃出報知馬雲龍,請彼援手救出劍影,雲龍義不容辭,與桂蘭同至莊中索人,石莊主見雲龍來,彼此一怔,詢知來意,旋卽命人釋放劍影交與雲龍帶回。
雲龍、桂蘭、劍影三人離開山 莊,劍影突劍刺向雲龍,衆驚,勸詢之下始知陶父詹志元爲雲龍所殺,經雲龍再三解釋,及道出廿年前與詹志元、施三虎三人同開鏢局,某次,保鏢銀廿萬兩,施見財起意勾結黑風寨強盜,刼奪鏢銀,施三虎誣吿雲龍擬呑刼鏢銀,志元不問情由,怒向雲龍動武,雲龍一再解釋,奈志元充耳不聞,雲龍百口莫辯,祇招架而不還手,突然志元一劍劈來,雲龍閃身隔開時三虎暗中施用柳葉刀擲向志元,志元負傷不支,撲向雲龍手中之子劍誤傷志元,雲龍大驚,志元臨終始說出三虎中傷之事,雲龍擬追殺三虎,但被嘍囉團團圍住,雲龍大怒奮勇殺死數十人,時三虎早已將鏢銀刼走逃去無踪,雲龍以誤傷好友,從此封劍不在江湖走動,孰不知今日寃家路狹,石莊主竟是當年之施三虎,衆人恍然大悟。劍影聽後恍然大悟,知其父非雲龍所殺,隨雲龍等至靜修庵將于雄接回山中修養。
數日後,雲龍偕嘯天應臥牛山 獵戶所請,往捕毒蟒,命于雄在家中修養,再三叮囑勿惹事非,雲龍等走後,桂蘭來探視于雄,行至途中,遇石子,以其單身可欺,百般調笑,桂蘭早經母吿戒勿惹石家莊之人,故不予理睬,孰知石子得寸進尺,追踪至山中雲龍居處,于雄與劍影聞聽出視,見狀大怒,乃予警戒,奈石子以雲龍等入山,于雄又在病中,毫無顧忌,逼得于雄一劍刺死石子,衆爪牙急搶石子屍首逃回莊中。
石莊主見愛子 被殺,乃率傾莊丁,至山中爲愛子報仇,于雄等三人已筋疲力盡,突來武功高強之石以彪,乃勉強應戰,于雄傷勢未復,桂蘭不支終于被擒,劍影逃走,以彪將于雄桂蘭綁回莊中擬生祭愛子,幷命手下放火燒屋,洩憤。
雲龍、嘯天行至高山半途,突發現遠處山中大 火,竟似己等之居處,恐有變故,二人撥轉馬頭趕回探視。
劍影逃至靜心庵求援,告知于雄、桂蘭被石以彪擄走事,靜修尼終於 應允卽刻往救。
石家山莊大廳已改靈堂,于雄、桂蘭二人綁柱上,時雲龍已由山中趕返居處,見茅屋已一片焦土,斷定係石以彪 來尋仇,于雄三人失踪,定係石以彪擄去,忿然在火窟中窟出子母劍往石家山莊尋找,正値以彪擬殺于雄以祭愛子千鈞一髮時爲雲龍所救,雲龍對彪云余未曾尋汝,竟敢殺人燒屋,欺人太甚,今日一算廿年之血債,兩人旋卽動武,以彪一着之差,死於雲龍子劍之下,以彪臨終時劍影偕蘭母趕來,蘭母大駡以彪縱子行兇,幾乎害死親女,至此衆始明白原來尼姑母女乃係以彪之髮妻與親女也,恩怨分明,衆人相率離去。
Long ago in the mountainous area of northern China, there were many professional swordsmen to protect travelers from robbery. Even governmental convoys needed their protection when they transported treasures and provision.
However, different clans of swordsmen always fought one another for power, Sometimes, in the same clan, shrewd members would betray their boss just for wealth.
Chan Chih-yuan, the chief of a swordsmen group, was guarding an amount of 200,000 taels of silver, with his two lieutenants, Shih I-paio and Ma Yun-lung, but the vicious Shih who intrigued with some bandits stole the silver. During the dogged fighting, Chan was wounded by Shih and was unfortunately killed by falling against the sword of Ma who tried his best to help him. Shih was survived by his daughter, Tao Chien yen.
Later on, Ma, grieved about the death of his good friend, retired from guarder's service and settled down in the deep mountains, living on hunting and jinseng-digging with his two diciples, Yu Wei and Pai Hsin-tien, Shih abode in the so- called Shih Village and continued his notorious life with his only son, Tsu-teh and many gangsters .He was so notorious that even his wife, Ching Hsiu, and daughter Kwei-lan, finally quit him to live in a Buddhist abbey.
Shih and his son fought with Ma's diciples time and again. First, Yu Wei was wounded as he was digging jinseng on the mountain side one evening by Se’s followers and fell down a cliff. Next morning, Yu was rescued by Kwei-lan before Hsiu-tien could find him. Again, the son, Shih- teh, harassed Hsiu-tien in a restaurant and fought a dual in the great hall of an Imperial Temple that night. Chih-teh was wounded and fled. After the fighting, Hsiu-tien also jumped over the wall and encountered the two heroines, Kwei-lan and Tao Chien-Yen, They were trying to avenge her father, Chang Chih-yuan, but declined to reveal the rival’s name.
When he saw his son wounded, Shih was very man overheard by the two heroines. On their way to inform Shih’s plot to Ma, one heroine, Chien- yen. was caught by Shihm but Kwei-lan delivered the information to Ma.
Shih was very much surprised at the presence of Ma who came to resecue Chien-yen, He finally freed her at Ma’s request. After Ma and the two heroines left Shih’s place, Chien-yen started to attack Ma as she thought he was the man who killed her father. She did not know Shih was the real killer until Ma told her the true story of some twenty years ago.
Again the vicious son, Tsu-teh tried to harass Kwei-lan when she came to visit Yu Wei one day. This time Tsu-teh was killed by Yu Wei, so Shih came to catch Kwei-lan and Yu Wei and burnt down the house. Chien-yen escaped to tell Ching Hsiu of the fighting.
In order to rescue the two captives, Ma came to Shih’s house and found that Yu-wei and Kwei- yen were bound to a pillar in sacrifice for Tsu- teh. The two fellow swordsmen met again and had a final daul. The evil swordsman, Shih, was killed by the loyal one, Ma, with that wonderful dagger attached to his sword.
一 The End 一