THE HIMALAYAN (synopsis)
Tseng is the big boss of all the Tongs of hinterland China just north of the Himalayas. Retirement minded, he sends his only daughter Ching Lan, beautiful yet well versed in martial arts, to the annual Tibetan Martial Arts Tournament in the hope of finding a suitable son-in-law and successor.
The tournament is under the auspices of the Eagle Lama, the high priest of Tibet's vanishing cult. There Ching Lan meets Kao Yi-fang, a young man who is every bit Tseng's requirement. She likes him and he likes her. The result: on the spot engagement.
Yi-fang's brother Kao Cheng is an ambitious man without scruples. He sets his aim very high — to take over from Tseng as the big boss of the region. He murders Yi-fang and sends along a look-alike, Wan, to the wedding. Weakling Wan, though already married is easily bribed into the plot.
Ching Lan and Wan are married. When everybody is celebrating, stable boy Hsu is very unhappy. He was Ching Lan's childhood friend but can now only admire her at a distance. Kao Cheng tests him out. A plot is hatched.
Aged Tseng finds Wan to be too weak as his successor. He decides to hand over his empire to Ching Lan instead. His plan is known to Man Man, Kao Cheng's mistress planted in the Tseng household as a maid.
Kao Cheng sends Man Man to seduce Hsu. Wan is sent to complain to Tseng that Ching Lan is carrying an affair with Hsu. While Tseng storms into Hsu's stable only to find evidence of Chin Lan's infidelity. Meanwhile, Kao Cheng stabs Wan, making it look as if Ching Lan had killed her husband. Ching Lan is rendered voiceless by Kao Cheng. All the evidence is there clearly implicating Ching Lan. Tseng is so angry that he nails Ching Lan onto a board and throws her into the river.
Kao Cheng goes to kill Hsu who manages to escape. Hsu rescue Ching Lan from the river. They later learn that Kao Cheng has taken over from Tseng as the big boss.
It is in a Tibetan village that Ching Lan and Hsu discover Wan's identity, and Kao's machinations. They go to the Eagle Lama to learn the secrets of the Lamaistic martial art in order to fight Kao Cheng.
The Eagle Lama discovers the murdered body of Tseng's trusted Lieutenant Chu Lung. Knowing Tseng is in great danger, he sends Ching Lan and Hsu down hills. After a bruising fight Ching Lan and Hsu finally kill Kao. Tseng is saved from imminent death and the young people's good name is cleared.
Hsu leaves, apparently heading back for the Himalyas.