本片故事早已膾炙人口——方世玉是來自南方武林少年英羅,他行俠仗義 ,品格正直,智勇雙全和高尙武德,一 生忠勇事蹟,本片全部忠實搬上銀幕。
「新方世玉」影片全部以眞人眞跡根據史記拍攝,外景遍及中國大江南北 ,有河南嵩山少林寺、福建、杭州、肇慶、廣州等地,沿途錦繡河山,古廟名祠,古蹟盡收眼底,風光美麗,景色怡人,更不在話下。片中大塲面戲份甚多 ,例如方世玉打擂台一塲戲,就動用了逾千人次,中國十隊武術界好手,全是來自國內各省武術界精英。本片對選角方面尤爲認眞,男主角方世玉是在中國十億人口中,千挑萬選才如獲至寶的找到最佳人選,他英俊聰明,活潑年少,身手矯健,敏捷並且是全國武術比賽兩屆冠軍人馬。
女主角苗翠花,是尋遍中國七省之武術界佼佼者,在數仟名武術精英中選出,她武技精湛,身如楊柳,手似流星,五歲開始習武,獨得絕學,而且面貌如桃李,美如彩鳳,甜笑迷人。近百年影史上,難找文武雙全之女俠。除了主角外,諸如一個賣花女亦根據史記找出 一個淸麗脫俗,氣質幽雅的少女來飾演 ,務求牡丹綠葉,相得益彰,本片連一臨記也精選。還有片中數百名僧侶,全是來自全國武術界精英個個身懐絕技。
至於選景根據歷史記載亦費盡心思 ,諸如方府中堂一幅「孔雀霓裳換彩」古畫,乃根據史記向故宮博物院將「國寶珍品」借來拍攝還有少林寺中的千人食飯鍋供給一仟人以上燒飯食用「千人鑊」,又是無價寶的古物,均在本片中呈現,可見本片的一景一物,無不考究,使您大開眼界,嘆爲觀止。
梅花樁(粧)是最危險,又刺激的一塲高潮武打戲,三丈餘高的木樁,排列梅花陣形,從下面望上去就頭昏,一位從峨嵋山,隱居多年八十餘歲老法師 ,以童子功眞功夫授徒——方世玉絕技 ,絕學翻、滾、越倒立運轉能自如,尙有武林絕學,"蜻蜓堅尾""丹鳳朝陽","寒鴨浮水""鴿子翻身"全部搬上銀幕。
The tale of "The Young Hero of Shaolin” has been known in the mind of the movie fans for hundred years. Fong Sze Yu came from the southern and his bravery and marvellous deeds are clearly stated in this film.
300,000 ft of film costing $20,000,000 has been used and took two years, six con-tainers to transport the instruments to Kuongchau and 106 skilful workers, three directors and ten martial arts directors were employed to complete this film.
The contents of this film are illustrated to the fact of history and the background was pictured all over Kwongtung province including the famous temples, beautiful sceneries as well. Just for the Chinese kung- fu competition stage, thousands of workers had been involved and ten units of top skilful kung-fu boxers from all over the China were invited. Moreover, the actor- Fong Sze Yu, was selected from thousands of skilful kung-fu boxers who won the first in Chinese Kung-fu Championship,the actress Miu Cheao Hua was also picked out care-fully who started learning since she was five years old and she's very pretty too. The background in Fong's Estate “The changing colors Peacock Clothes” was Ient from the County Treasury Museum and the rice cooking pan for thousands of monks of Shaolin Temple can also be seen in this film too. There're three magnificent kung-fu competitions which took three months and five hundred of monks to complete this part, particularly the pole-stage competition which is very dangerous and the height of which is around ten metres and the skilful movements that Fong Sze Yu learnt from the eighty years old martial arts director can also be seen in this remarkable film.
In the final part of the kung-fu competition, all skilful boxers came from all over China will be recommended to you in detail in near future.