Twelve Particular Points in '' The Young Hero of Shaolin"
(一)二指神禪——海甫法師享譽全球之眞人眞事,現身說法,技驚環宇,遠遠超越了人類體能,海甫法 師乃唯一尙存人間的少林寺高僧,中國境內十億人口懂此絕技者只他一人。
(二)卍字人海陣——少林絕學之一,本片首次揭秘於世,爲拍此場戲,曾多次請敎此門功夫之專家,高 僧及武術敎練,數百僧人打卍字陣時,隊形瞬息萬變,觀衆欣賞此塲戲時好像走進了 迷魂陣,單是此 塲戲就耗用十萬呎菲林,僧人訓練半年,動用直昇機在空中拍攝, 動員國內外衆多武術指導,內地武術敎練和軍事敎練,各老行尊均認爲此塲戲旣刺激 又富新意。僅看此場戲,已値回雙倍票價。
(三)梅花樁——方世玉和李巴山在高逾丈餘的梅花樁上有一塲激烈輕功打鬥,驚險、刺激、緊張兼而有 之,本片原庄搬上銀幕。
(四)蜻蜓點水輕功——乃根據少林古書所記載,觀衆在銀幕上所見,是方世玉在衆僧頭頂上輕踏而過, 如蜻蜓點水般走過,可見其輕功已臻登峯造極境界。 亦是首次公開揭秘於世的少 林絕學之一。
(五)少林寺千人鍋——故宮博物館珍藏國寶,昔時少林寺煮飯供千人以上食用之大飯鍋,拍這塲戲時用 去大米十餘包,淸水兩噸,使您大開眼界。
(六)擂 台——打擂台戲中五番決戰,參演者全是來自中國武術界精英,如趙長軍、黃鎭田、羅民掀、崔 毅、郭良、史寶華,俱是一流之選,有長拳,南拳,猴拳,番子拳,白鶴、鷹爪、形意等 各種絕頂武功。
(七)少林奇人奇技——本片中有五塲精采武術介紹給影迷,是:鎖喉紅纓槍、雙快刀、醉劍、流星錘、 三節棍。
(九)醉 劍——本片女主角苗翠花,勤習苦練武功,獨得中國劍術名家眞傳,在醉劍中,她揉合了中國傳 統武術、劍法精華、舞台功架及芭蕾舞的深厚造詣,創造出她個人獨特、全新面貌,與别 不同的醉劍。
(十)十八羅漢門——少林絕學之一,是根據少林誌裏發掘出來的珍貴資料而拍攝,初入少林學藝者必定 要通過此關。
(十一)練睡功——少林僧侶連睡覺時也在練功,有下列各種睡功:睡在一條繩索上,雙脚倒吊在竹桿上 倒懸而睡,橫臥一塊窄小木板而睡,睡在兩張木櫈中間,與及站立牆邊而睡。
(十二)眞、眞、眞——本片全部是眞功夫的武術演員,眞實的故事,再加上眞的景物,故一切都是眞、 善、美。
1. Two-finger movement — Hoi Pao Master, known to the world, announced person-nally that he is the only monk still existing in Shaolin Temple knowing this skilful movement which exceeding human's physical power.
2. word movement — One of the traditional kung-fu which firstly disclosed to the public. 100,000 ft. of film had been used just for this particular movement and hundreds of monks were employed and taking half a year to train them.
3. Poles-stage Competition — Fong Sze Yu & Li Pa San’s kung-fu competition on the 10 metres high poles which gave you a very dangerous and exciting feeling too.
4. Jumping Movement — According to the record of old books that Fong Sze Yu jumps on the monks' heads from one to another. This movement is also the first time to disclose to public.
5. The Rice Cooking Pan for thousand monks in Shaolin Temple — This plan is now one of the China Treasury Museum collection, twenty sacks of rice and two tons of water had been used.
6. Chinese kung-fu competition stage — The fighters such as Chiu Cheung Kwan, Wang Chun Tien, Law Man Yim, Chu Ye, Kwok Leung, and Sze Po Wa in-volved in this competition are well known in China.
7. The spendid movements of Shaolin — There're five shows in this film recom-mending to you five different Chinese ancient weapons performance.
8. Music — 200 members of musical players band in Kwongchau, they all performed with Chinese musical instruments in this film.
9. Drunken Sword — The actress Mao Chu Hua played marvellously her drunken sword which condensed the ballet steps and Chinese kung-fu and created her own special characters.
10. Eighteen monks movements — One of the traditional movement in Shaolin. The major test that the beginner must pass.
11. Practising sleeping kung-fu — The monks in Shaolin they practise kung-fu even in sleeping between two branches or a narrow piece of board and against the walls.
12. Reality — The actors involved in this film performed real kung-fu plus real background. So everything in this film is of reality, perfect and beauty.