本片乃根據《少林誌》中記載有關「方世玉」事蹟攝製而成,尤以「二指禪」流傳至今,武術界公認爲是超越人類體能極限登峯之作,今由少林高僧唯一傳人現身說法 ,介紹二指神功,以供世界各地學中國武術者參考,其餘各類秘傳武功,如少林卍字陣,千人鍋練功,十八羅漢門等,本片亦據實首次將少林絕學揭露於世。
「方世玉」廣東肇慶府人,幼得其母苗翠花以師門絕技練成護體神功,及長,並灌輸國家民族、發揚武術之思想,以正其品格,世玉年十六,苗即送之入南少林,隨智善禪師學武藝,歷盡艱苦折磨,幸其意志堅定,不屈不撓 ,且聰穎過人,故盡得少林眞傳,並自創出「二指禪」, 運勁於指,無堅不摧,三年屆滿,世玉遵師命,以無比毅力闖出卍字羅漢陣,成爲眞正少林弟子,衆師兄弟皆爲其慶賀,智善隨命他往杭城附近參加武當派李巴山所設之梅花樁,以武會友,藉加磨練,世玉果不負師望,一招「二指禪」即能反敗爲勝,勇挫李巴山,獲得滿場采聲。
方世玉 本事
本公司仝人爲籌拍本片,曾實地考察方世玉之出生地,搜集資料,研究佛敎當年各項儀式,務求眞、 善、美,並根據少林寺記載昔日僧徒所練各種武功均係由日常生活中苦練得來,如千人鍋,卍字陣,十八羅漢陣等,詳加研討,去蕪存精,不惜動用龐大人力、物力、財力,攝製經年,冀使我國術傳揚環宇,提高武德,使方世玉之俠義精神,永垂不朽。
The marvellous deeds of Fong Sze Yu has been known to the public of China for hundred of years.
In accordance with the statement of history, Fong Sze Yu was born in Shiao Shuen of Kwongtung, province influenced by his mother Miu Cheao Hua created himself the character to against the villains and helped the weaks. To make this film more in reality, we have to collect all necessary information and investigated on the spot where Fong Sze Yu was born and also studied the Buddhist’s ceremony and the
daily living of the monks in Shaolin Temple when they practise their kung-fu as their daily exercises as well as the rice cooking pan for thousand monks; word movement and also eighteen monks movement etc. Thousands of workers were employed for years plus economical back-up. The motive of making this film is honestly recommend to you the marvellous Chinese kung-fu as well as the remarkable performance of Fong Sze Yu whose spiritual deeds being taken down as an example to everyone.
Fang Hsin-yu, a hero of the nation in the darkest years of China, also a lengendary in the Kung-fu history. His name means death to the traitors and light to the patriots. Here is the story of the hero.
Being the descendant of a famous martial arts master, Fang has established his Kung-fu foundation well since he was a kid. At sixteen, he is send to the university of martial arts — the famous Shaolin Temple for more advance training.
The life in Shaolin Temple is not that easy to common people, but Fang's will and might leads him pass every difficult examinations. After three years of soul suffering training, Fang graduates, and now is the time to face the challenge of the cruel world.
The first opponent he meet is an expert in kicks. Our young hero, though is his first fight, is able to beat his enemy with his critical skill.
Travelling from town to town, and sees the people live in hardship under the ruling of the Ching Dynasty. Fang realizes he should do something for his nation instead of being a maniac in Kung-fu.
Tiger LI, a puppet of the Ching Government, is the major target that Fang swears to get rid of. For Li is the greatest enemy of the patriots, he keeps finding patriots and exterminates them with his remarkable skill.
Their first encounter is a draw. Fang, now find himself can not beat Li with the skill he has, so he goes to pratice a more powerful skill. He succeed.
The day of the final duel come, our young hero is facing his toughest enemy and one of them must die. No one can predict who is the one survive, but everybody knows a bloody duel is inevitable.