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Full text of Route 58 (1854)
Beibazar to Ismid.
Nallahan 11
Mudirli 8
Torbali 6
Darakli 6
Gheyva 6
Sabanja 7
Ismid 5

This is a short cut on the route from Angora to Skutari, or to Ismid, where the traveller will find a Turkish steamer to take him to Constantinople in 8 h., leaving every Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock. The country is beautiful during the whole ride, hilly and wooded. The resting places are merely post-houses on the road and small khans in the towns. Most of these are very prettily situated in mountain valleys of a perfectly Swiss character, and offer a striking contrast with their peak-roofed houses to the flat terrace-covered cities on the arid plains of Cappadocia. Phrygia is devoid of all oriental features, and refreshes the Eastern traveller with the most wildly Alpine scenery. Mudirli especially, nestling in the noble forests that extend from the rocky summit of a lofty mountain to the rich glades stretching far to the W., is a most enchanting little place, and would form an excellent centre for the rambles of a draughtsman, a naturalist, or a sportsman. An antiquary will find nothing to interest him on this route. After leaving Gheyva the road is also very picturesque. It runs along the rt. bank of the river Sangarius, under a canopy of foliage with precipitous cliffs on the l.; then climbs a thickly-wooded mountain, from whose heights the Gulf of Nicomedia becomes visible: and finally descends to the Lake of Sabanja and the city of Ismid. The best way of making this journey is with post-horses, as the distances are too great for a caravan, and the tourist may thus stop for a day or two, without additional expense, when he is tempted to do so.