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Full text of Route 41 (1854)
Karaman to Smyrna, by Beyshehr.
Kassaba 4
Elmasun 4
Hajilar 8
Tris-Maden ———6 miles
Kara-Euran 7
Seidi Shehr 4
Bey-Shehr 6

Hajilar, 8 h.,–– In the neighbourhood of Hajilar are the remains of Isaura, the new town built by Amyntas, surrounded by a massive wall, with lofty hexagonal towers, beautifully constructed, and of a very peculiar style of architecture. The buildings within the walls are in the same style. Amongst them is a handsome triumphal arch, with a Greek inscription, stating that it was erected in honour of Adrian, by the senate and people of Isaura. The town is built on the highest point of a high range of hills, commanding an extensive view as far as the lake of Bey-Shehrand the plain of Konia. On the road leading to the E. gate of the town are several rude sepulchral stones with crosses on them, which prove that this town was inhabited in the Christian ages.


Tris-Maden, 6 m. The villagers here are chiefly employed in smelting lead, the ore of which is brought in its rough state from the mines of Tarsus. A considerable stream flows through the valley N.N.E., but is absorbed before reaching the plains of Konia.


Kara-Euran, 7 h., situated to the N.E. end of a large lake, S.E. of that of Bey-Shehr, and into which a large stream from the lake of Bey-Shehr empties itself. It is sometimes called the lake of Seidi Shehr, and sometimes of Soghlah. It is the Trogitis of Strabo, as that of Bey-Shehr is the Caralytis. The lake of Soghlah is said to be sometimes dried up; the water escaping by a subterranean chasm at the foot of Mount Taurus, which is its S. boundary.


Seidi Shehr, 4 h. along the borders of the lake. This town contains 400 or 500 houses. A high range of mountains intervenes between this lake and that of Bey-Shehr, and the river makes a great détour to the N. in flowing from one to the other.


Bey-Shehr, 6 h. The water of the lake is perfectly fresh. There are several islands upon it, particularly at the N. end. The town of Bey-Shehr is situated on both banks of the river which flows out of the lake, connected by an old bridge; there are some remains of the old Turkish walls, but the whole place is neglected and miserable-looking.


Kereli 1
Kara-agatch 1
Olouborlou (Apollonia) 2
Deenair 1
Ishekli 1
Demirji köi 1
Aineh Ghieul 2
Philadelphia 1
Sardis 1
Cassaba 1
Smyrna 1