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Full text of Route 39 (1854)
Kaisariyeh to Tokat, by Yuzgat.
Boaslian 12
Pasha Köi 10
Yuzgat 10
Mughalleh 9
Yangeh 6
Saleh Serai 6
Tokat 12

The 3 first have good roads and horses, and the other 4 have excellent roads. Leaving Kaisariyeh, we proceed towards Yuzgat over a country neither fertile nor well cultivated.

Boaslian, 12 h., where a good deal of nitre is produced.

Pasha Köi, 10 h.

Yuzgat (10 h.) grew into importance under the fostering care of the Chapan Oghlu family, who fixed their abode here, and from an insignificant village it became a considerable town. It is walled, and the gates were protected by guns; but when the family were removed, the guns were conveyed to Constantinople. The walls only protected the inhabitants from the attacks of irregular troops, the town being in a narrow valley, commanded on all sides. The founder of the Chapan Oghlu family was a Turcoman chief, who by address and courage raised himself to the rank of a powerful Dereh Bey, commanding over a great part of Analtolia, which he ruled with sovereign sway. In the third generation, the family were created Pashas, and from that moment lost their influence, while their riches fell a prey to the Sultan. The father of the present generation spent his princely revenues in supporting his station with dignity and boundless hospitality. Yuzgat is now reduced to an insignificant provincial town without manufactures.

A little to the right of the direct road from Yuzgat to Tokat, about 30 or 40 m. from the former place, is an argentiferous lead-mine, called Ak Dagh Maden, from the mountain in which it is situated. The country between Yuzgat and Tokat is a succession of plains separated by low hills. The interesting site of Boghas Köi, the ancient Tavium (see Rte. 56), is only 16 m. NW from Yuzgat.

Mughalleh, 9 h.

Yangeh, 6 h.

Saleh Serai, 6 h.

Ard-ovah, the last great plain before reaching Tokat, contains 70 villages and produces immense quantities of grain. The road now passes over a mountainous tract, which finally leads down a rocky defile to

Tokat, 12 h. (See Rte. 33.)