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Full text of Route 36 (1854)
Tokat to Trebizond.
Niksar 9
Koyla Hissar 14
Kara Hissar 12
Ulehsheran 16
Gumish Khaneh 12
Trebizond 18

As far as Ulehsheran the road and horses are good. Thence to Trebizond, both are very bad. For the first part of the route, see Rte. 33.

Ulehsheran, 16 h. A small village in the district of Shirvan, 48 m. E. of Kara Hissar. From this place the road leaves the high eastern road, and turns N. to Trebizond. The mountains are extremely steep and difficult.

Gumish Khaneh, 12 h., on the banks of the river Karshat, has grown up among the mines of argentiferous lead in the neighborhood. They were once rich in silver, but the produce is now small. At one time 40 furnaces were in full employment; now there are but 2. The whole district abounds in copper and lead ore, but few of the mines are worked. (See Rtes. 59 and 60.)

From Gumish Khaneh to Trebizond is 18 h.