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Full text of Route 34 (1854)
Constantinople to Kastamouni, by Isnikmid.
Hrs Miles.
Boli - See Rte. 33.
Hummumloo 19 60
Hajji Abbasse 10 34
Ashar 12
Kastamouni 10

Hummumloo, or Humanli, 19 h., Rte. 33. The road now diverges from the great road, and takes a N.E. direction to

Hajji Abbasse, 34 m., a village, romantically situated among the mountains. Before reaching this town and beyond it are some curious excavations in the face of a range of hills. The most remarkable is an insulated rock, which appears to have fallen from the mountain, and which has been excavated into a circular chamber, entered by 3 square doors, of the size and shape of those in the smaller caves of Carli, between Bombay and Poona.

10 m. from this place the traveler crosses the Ashar Su, a river wider but of less volume than the Parthenius. The post-house of Ashar is 12 h. from Hajji Abbasse.

Kastamouni, or Costambone, the ancient Germanicopolis. It stands in a hollow, and in the center of the town rises a lofty perpendicular rock, crowned with a ruined fortress, formerly possessed by the Comneni. There are 30 mosques with minarets, 25 public baths, 6 khans, and a Greek ch. in the town. It contains a pop. of 12,000 Turks, 300 Greeks, and some Armenians. The commerce is trifling, and there are no manufactures. The neighborhood is bare, dreary, and unfertile, though intersected with watercourses.