School of Communication
傳理學院50周年50th Anniversary of School of Communication
傳理學院創立 50 周年2018 marks our 50th anniversary
Academy of Film
電影與動態影像研究中心The Centre for Film and Moving Image Research
電影學院成立電影與動態影像研究中心,致力促進在電影、動態影像及數位人文的研究工作。The Centre for Film and Moving Image Research, established by Academy of Film, promotes research into film, the moving image, and also digital humanities.
School of Communication
傳理學學士(榮譽)學位課程Bachelor of Communication (Honours) programme
傳理學社會科學學士(榮譽)學位課程改名為傳理學學士(榮譽)學位課程。Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Communication programme was retitled as Bachelor of Communication (Honours) programme.
Academy of Film
梁奕豪:足球小故事 人生大意義LEUNG Yik-ho: The outstanding football storyteller
新媒體及影視創意寫作2015年畢業生Creative Writing for Film, Television and New Media Graduate, 2015
梁奕豪數年前開設Facebook專頁《足球說故事》,以細膩筆觸把足球比賽背後的故事娓娓道來,成功累積超過三萬likes。在訪問中,奕豪表示做足球文學一直是理想,他堅信足球的重點在於背後那些關於成長、忠誠、永不言棄和承擔的故事。早年於足球雜誌的工作經驗,加上讀creative出身,成就了今天的奕豪。最後,他寄語師弟妹:「我覺得並不需要強逼自己有一個目標,而是你一直追尋的時候,你會慢慢發現你的目標。」LEUNG Yik-ho started a Facebook page named "Facebook tells stories" which shares behind-the-scene stories of a football match. Yik-ho is fond of sports and he once wanted to become a football player. However, he does not regret of changing his direction. Chaning direction does not mean that you are wrong, it is a chance for you to taste new things. Regrets should come from not trying different things, he shared.
尋尋覓覓,未必是冷冷清清,奕豪最後有以下寄語給師弟妹:「看見很多人很迷惘自己的將來,尤其是讀creative的同學。我覺得並不需要強逼自己有一個目標,而是你一直追尋的時候,你會慢慢發現你的目標。」Written by Peter Law
Edited by Peter Law
"I have a dream of initiating the 'football literature' in Hong Kong since I love both football and literature," said our alum Leung Yik-ho. Being a copywriter in an advertising agency currently, he started a Facebook page named 'Football tells stories' in 2013 which shares behind-the-scenes stories of a football match. Indeed, the football storyteller is fond of the sports so much that he once wanted to become a football player. However, he does not regret of changing the direction. "There is nothing to regret because life is not merely a straight road, there must be some moments you can turn left or right. Changing the direction does not mean that you are wrong, it is a chance for you to taste new things. Regret should come from not trying different things, instead of the opposite," Leung shared.
Academy of Film
黃家富:在這個時代沒有懷才不遇這件事WONG Ka-fu: "We should try every means to show off our talents."
新媒體及影視創意寫作2015年畢業生Creative Writing for Film, Television and New Media Graduate, 2015
黃家富是「Pomato小薯茄」Facebook page的創辦人。這個微電影專頁足足有5.8萬人讚好,緊貼時下年輕人口味。訪問中他分享了自己與一群志同道合的朋友如何不斷克服困難,在網絡時代實現自主創作的追求和夢想。WONG Ka-fu creates a Facebook page "Pomato" with several classmates who share the same passion in producing microfilm. "Pomato" is popular among young people, with 58,000 likes. Through the interview, Ka-fu shared how he overcame difficulties and realized creative pursuits and dreams with friends who have the same vision in the Internet age.
對社交媒體愛好者而言,「Pomato小薯茄」這個Facebook Page一定不陌生;但到底這個足足有5.8萬人讚好、緊貼時下年輕人口味的專頁創建者背後的故事又是怎樣呢?
「在這個時代並沒有懷才不遇這件事。」在網絡世界如此盛行的年代,這是家富對師弟妹的寄語。或許我們在這個世代裏需要的就是像家富那樣把握機會,對夢想一往無前的決心、堅持和信念。Written by Chau Ying
Edited by Peter Law
Wong Ka-fu is a graduate of HKBU School of Communication majoring in Creative Writing for Film, Television and New Media. After graduation, he creates a Facebook page "Pomato" with several classmates who share the same passion of producing microfilm.
As a fresh graduate majoring in film, working in a television or movie company is the norm and an expected career path. However, Ka-fu thinks he would not be able to control the product autonomy if he works in these companies. Taking this into consideration, Ka Fu chose to chase for his dream by creating his own Facebook page.
"We should try every means to show off our talents," Ka-fu said. In this generation, opportunities are given to someone who is well-prepared. Ka-fu is a good demonstration showing us we can make our dreams come true with our passion and persistence.
Academy of Film
馬建恆:追夢不揸兜 影視製作行業有秘笈
馬建恆2015年自電影學院畢業後,與同科的志同道合同學開設一家影視製作公司。組建公司的金牌班底早在他們大二的時候已經開始,曾一起拍攝微電影並拿下大獎。在訪問中他分享了如何兼顧現實考量和合拍的朋友一起實現對電影的理想。After graduated from the Academy of Film 2015, Kenji MA set up a film production company with his mind-like friends from the same major. Cooperation in film production with his buddies began in their sophomore year at COMM, and they won a grand award in mircofilm competition. In the interview, he shared how they balanced their dreams with realities in persuing film production.
許多人想到工作就覺得沉悶沒趣,但2015年畢業的馬建恆(Kenji),很慶幸能寓興趣於工作。Kenji現開設影視製作公司,公司五個成員中有三位都是同科認識的同學,早已培養了彼此間的默契。這個金牌班底早於Kenji大學二年級開始,常常拍攝不同題材的短片,在2016年更於「MEG Let's Move 夏學期大專生微電影比賽」勇奪冠軍。Kenji認為要在競爭激烈的影視製作界闖出一片天,找到合拍的伙伴是需要一個重要元素:「其他人視之為工作,而我們是一群志同道合的朋友合力去做喜歡的事。」
Academy of Film
阮梓僑:Give Back 'Playback'Eason YUEN: 'Playback' BU Extraordinary Moments
新媒體及影視創意寫作2015年畢業生Creative Writing for Film, Television and New Media Graduate, 2015
阮梓僑與同樣畢業於傳理學院的幾位好同學創辦了製作公司PlayBack Creative,這個想法的源起是來自一首熱門二次創作歌曲《Buddha California》。訪問中他回顧了自己有幸跟良師益友並肩作戰的開心日子,同時,他還分享了如何突破框架發揮創意,不停思考與實踐,進行創作的秘笈。Eason YUEN set up the production company "PlayBack Creative" with his friends who were also graduates of COMM. The idea of establishing the company is from the popular second created song "Buddha California". At the interveiw, Eason thinks that the most tremendous and treasurable moments in university are getting to know groups of friends and teachers who share the same dreams and vision, apart from the knowledge he learnt from books.
「學嘅Theory好似無意思。」或許求學時期的你和我也有相似的感覺吧。現為PlayBack Creative共同創辦人及香港浸會大學傳理學院畢業生阮梓僑(Eason)憶起在母校時的點滴,也直言最深刻的往往不是課本上的知識和理論,而是沿途跟良師益友並肩作戰,一同見證的美好時光。
Eason與同樣畢業於傳理學院的一些好同學創辦了一間製作公司,而他和其中幾個合伙人聚頭的源起是來自一首熱門二次創作歌曲《Buddha California》。一次課堂小息時,Eason與前後桌的同學哼起這首網絡大熱歌曲,吵吵鬧鬧之下便決定組成隊伍參加歌唱比賽。縱使他們初賽就被淘汰,但他們贏了一份最真摯的友誼,從此成為彼此在創作路上最大的支持。
學習創作的Eason常常要突破框架,而學校提供很大的自由度讓他發揮創意。說起在求學時期深刻的事時,Eason憶起何故老師Creative Thinking的課。當中有一份功課要求學生解釋一個思考方法,殊不知Eason和他的組員打算設計一間鬼屋,以闖關的形式生動介紹理論。這一切看似是學生的荒誕想法,但何老師從沒阻止這浩大工程,更為他們預約課室,讓他們有足夠的空間去實現構想。「只要同學放膽去想,老師都會讓我們放心去做。」Eason道。
回首大學幾年時光,Eason仍不忘老師的教誨和與朋友打拼的開心日子。那份師生、朋友之間互相砥礪的情誼,成了他在大學生活這份作品中,最美麗的一筆。Written by Iki Lee, Kortney Lee
Edited by Peter Law
"Learning theories seems dreadful and useless." We may all have the same feeling when we were at school. This is also the thoughts of the Playback Creative co-founder, 2015 graduate of Hong Kong Baptist University Creative Writing for Film, Television and New Media program (BCW), Yuen Tsz Kiu, Eason. Yuen thinks that the most tremendous and treasurable moments in university are getting to know groups of friends and teachers that share the same dream and vision, apart from the knowledge he learnt from books.
Yuen always tried to think out of the box and broke away from norms in his creations. The School of Communication has given him a wide range of opportunities to expand and visualize his creativity. Yuen remembered the days when he attended a class on creative thinking by Mr. Ho Gu, Yuen designed a haunted house to illustrate what creativity is. Seemed to be ridiculous, yet Mr. Ho did encourage Yuen and his groupmates' wild idea and helped them to reserve classrooms for the setting. If students dare to explore and innovate, teachers of the School of Communication are always there to support.
To 'playback' his college life, Yuen treasured the love and support from his teachers and classmates in the HKBU. These good memories have all recorded deeply in the story of Eason Yuen.
Academy of Film
汪冉:尋覓影業蘋果樹之路WANG Ran: A Road to Catch Dream
影視與新媒體製片管理文學碩士2015年畢業生Creative Writing for Film, Television and New Media Graduate, 2014
MA in Producing for Film, Television and New Media Graduate, 2015
汪冉於2015年自電影學院畢業後創立了自己的編劇公司——草帽影業。從17歲獨立到香港學習、生活,她克服了文化和學習模式的不適應,五年的學士和碩士課程,幫助她在研究生時期完成了第一部影視作品。訪問中她分享了自己如何一步步找到自己喜歡的專業,並將其發展為終身職業。WANG Ran, graduated from the Academy of Film in 2015, had spent five years in the university to nourish her comprehensive capabilities to be a professional scriptwriter. And soon after completion of her studies, WANG established her own scriptwriting company - The 'Navi Pictures'. Through the interview, she shared that HKBU not only helped to find her career direction, but is also a place that witnessed her growth in her golden days.
除了有關電影的理論和知識,汪冉在大學生活中遇到的人也伴隨著她走過一個又一個的里程碑。不但和讀研究生時的同學一起完成了她的第一部影視作品,而她首次擔任編劇的網絡大電影《歡喜拍擋》也是由師姐推薦的,就連當時鄰系的同學也是她現在生意上最大的夥伴。對汪冉而言,大學不只讓她找到未來的方向,也是一個見證她成長的地方。正如她所言:「我覺得很多東西都是我在高中時期難以想像的,也是感謝香港這個平台、香港浸會大學的校園文化,這種氛圍給我帶來很多的見識以及成長。」她最後亦寄語一眾師弟妹,要隨心而行,找到自己喜歡的方向,這樣才會找到真正屬於自己的蘋果樹。Written by Abbie Tong
Edited by Peter Law
Wang Ran, graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University School of Communication in 2015, has spent five years in the university to nourish her comprehensive capabilities to be a professional scriptwriter. And soon after completion of her studies, Wang established her own scriptwriting company - The 'Navi Pictures'.
"To me, university life is an adventure, or more than that an exploration to discover the infinity," Wang said. Throughout the various trials over the years, Wang finally discovered her dream is to become a scriptwriter. After acquiring different scripts writing skills in the undergraduate program, Wang realized that she could only be able to crystallize her creative ideas to visual images and sell them to clients if she could have a full understanding of the operation process in film production. Hence, she continued her master program in HKBU to study film, TV and new media productions.
Apart from skills and knowledge, Wang also found friendships in the university. From her first film production assignment in university to her recent film projects, most of her working partners were her classmates in the university. To Wang, HKBU not only helped to find her career direction, but also a place that witnessed her growth in her golden days.
Department of Communication Studies
黃文偉、鄭葭柔:[對沉悶過敏:傳理人的創作堅持]Raymond WONG & Kovis CHENG: Boring Allergy: COMM professionals' persistence of creation
傳播系公關廣告主修2000 、2015年畢業生COMM PRA major graduates, 2000 and 2015
黃文偉和鄭葭柔主修公共關係及廣告,是對「沉悶」嚴重過敏的患者。三年前,黃文偉開創了「廣告狂人」Facebook 專頁,用多元化的傳媒思維寫下廣告業的大小事。鄭葭柔畢業後則投身媒體創作,加入了同是Facebook專頁的STAKK,以影片主導,成功帶起網絡熱潮。這兩位有著相似個性的傳理人在訪問中分享了如何打破框架,跨學科學習,成為全能廣告人。Raymond WONG and Kovis CHENG, graduates of COMM PRA major, were obviously oring" allergy terminally-ill patients. Raymond established the Facebook page "Madman Monologue" three years ago and wrote about the advertising industry from a multi-media dimension. Kovis worked on media production at STAKK, another hot Facebook page which focused on video creation. Raymond and Kovis were brave to break through traditions and norms because the passion and spirit of loving challenges were in COMM people's blood.
傳理人都有一個共通點 — 對「沉悶」過敏,患者接觸到枯燥的事物必昏昏欲睡,而天然良藥就是「創作」。黃文偉(Raymond)和鄭葭柔(Kovis)於香港浸會大學傳理學院主修公共關係及廣告,分別畢業於2000年和2015年,亦是對「沉悶」嚴重過敏的患者。當被要求用一個字形容自己,Raymond說「怕悶!」,「你要我用一個字, 我就要用兩個字,突破你給我的框架。」Kovis笑著接話: 「他講兩個字,我便講三個字!坐唔定!」二人爭相搶答,正正反映著二人相似的個性。
畢業後,不少同學都選擇進入廣告公司或大機構的宣傳部,但二人卻走出了新方向。畢業後的 Raymond 先當分秒必爭的記者,不久又跑到「公仔箱」擔當編劇,最後加入廣告行業。多次衝擊常態,令 Raymond 建立出新的思考模式。他三年前開創「廣告狂人」Facebook 專頁,用多元化的傳媒思維寫下廣告業的大小事。公關出身的 Kovis 畢業後則投身媒體創作,加入了同是Facebook專頁的STAKK,以影片主導,成功帶起網絡熱潮。經歷 STAKK的人事變動後,便與舊同事籌組新專頁 Whizoo,現在亦辦得有聲有色。二人畢業後都勇於跳出框框,正因流淌著傳理人敢於冒險、打破常規的血液。
Raymond 的創作之路,早在大學時期已埋下種子。主修廣告公關的他,曾跨學科出任《新報人》的編輯,可見他多才多藝。當Kovis 提到 :「大學時教的市場學知識, 例如營銷傳播、強弱危機分析(SWOT)可以爲同學打好基礎。」Raymond更點頭認同:「傳播理論的確讓我更了解行業運作,對培訓一個全能廣告人很有用。」
Raymond 續道:「PRA有個Facebook群組,尋找實習、招聘都很方便。」Kovis接話:「我加入STAKK便是因為看到校友臉書上的招聘信息!直到現在工作有需要,同學仍會義不容辭幫忙。」言談間,不難看見大家對傳理學院的歸屬感。校友即使互不相識,仍能有著一種「他鄉遇故知」的親切感,毫不吝嗇地彼此幫助。
傳理學院過去五十年,成就了不少傳媒人。談到對學院未來的展望,Raymond表示:「希望學院可以繼續培養出勇於發聲的同學。」Kovis則希望同學繼續秉承「唯真為善,不平則鳴」的院訓,不要被社會磨平棱角,被社會框著。Written by: Amanda Cheng, Joanna Chung, Vivie Kwan, Lau Ho Lam, Sandra Lau
Edited by: Peter
Translated by: Michelle Chan
Communication (COMM) people share a common illness: "boring" allergy. Patients feel sleepy when they see something boring. The cure is "creation". Raymond and Kovis, graduates of COMM PRA major, were obviously terminally-ill patients. When asked to describe themselves, Raymond immediately said "I am afraid of being bored." Similarly, Kovis answered "I can't sit there quietly."
Brave to take challenge and break through traditions
Many classmates chose to join advertising agencies or marketing departments of big companies after graduation. However, Raymond and Kovis took a totally different direction. Raymond was first a journalist who fought against time, then a TV scriptwriter, and finally joined the advertising industry. His diverse experience inspired him to think in a new way. He established the Facebook page "Madman Monologue" three years ago and wrote about the advertising industry from a multi-media dimension. Kovis majored in PRA and worked on media production at STAKK, another Facebook page which focused on video creation. The videos on the page went viral online. After the personnel changes in STAKK, Kovis set up a new page Whizoo with colleagues and gained much positive feedback. Raymond and Kovis were brave to break through the traditions because of the spirit of loving challenges was in COMM people's blood.
Multidisciplinary study makes a versatile advertising expert
Raymond started his career of creation since his university days. He was the editor of San Po Yan even though he was an advertising major, indicating how talented he was. Kovis said, "The marketing skills we learnt at university, like marketing communication and SWOT analysis, build a strong foundation for students." Raymond agreed and nodded a lot, "Communication theories indeed enable me to better understand the industry operation, and that facilitates the training of a versatile advertising expert."
Inheritance and assistance from alumni
Raymond was impressed by the Facebook group of PRA, "It is convenient to look for internship and job vacancy there." Kovis added, "I joined STAKK because of the recruitment message on an alumnus's Facebook! My classmates will offer their help without hesitation if I need them at work." Raymond and Kovis showed their pride in COMM during the sharing. Alumni may not know each other, but they feel connected by the sense of familiarity and are generous to offer their helping hand.
Voice loud and never forget school motto
The School of Communication has cultivated numerous communication experts over the past 50 years. Raymond hoped "The school will continue to nourish students who are brave to voice their opinions." Kovis wished the junior would follow the motto "True is virtue" and not to be framed by the society.
School of Communication
「余也魯傳理教育基金」The Timothy Yu Communication Education Fund
「余也魯傳理教育基金」成立,支持傳理學院的教研工作發展。The Timothy Yu Communication Education Fund was established to enhance the teaching and research development of the School of Communication.
School of Communication
與德國萊比錫大學和美國俄亥俄大學正式建立長期合作關係Long-term collaboration with Leipzig University in Germany and Ohio University in the United States
傳理學院與德國萊比錫大學和美國俄亥俄大學正式建立長期合作關係 。The School's long-term collaboration with Leipzig University in Germany and Ohio University in the United States started.
School of Communication
「未來科學領袖」國際研究工作坊International research workshop on Future Science Leaders
傳理學院舉辦「未來科學領袖」國際研究工作坊,參與者來自香港浸會大學、德國萊比錫大學、美國俄亥俄大學和中國浙江大學。The School hosted an international research workshop on Future Science Leaders with participants from HKBU, Leipzig University in Germany, Ohio University in the United States and Zhejiang University in the Mainland.
Academy of Film
電影學院成立點子電影工作室,全力支持同學實現拍攝電影的理想。studio-i, launched by the Academy of Film, sets students on the path to fulfill their aspiration in film production.
School of Communication
綜合傳播管理學社會科學學士學位課程Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Media and Social Communication
綜合傳播管理學社會科學學士學位課程升格至榮譽課程。Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Media and Social Communication was launched.
School of Communication
媒體及社會傳播社會科學學士(榮譽)課程Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Integrated Communication Management
開辦媒體及社會傳播社會科學學士(榮譽)課程。Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Integrated Communication Management was upgraded from a general degree to an honours degree.
Department of Communication Studies
梁振豪:做個現代說書佬 「用把口」捍衛我城故事Lawrence LEUNG: A Modern Story-teller Defending the Stories of our City
梁振豪現於國泰航空公司任職項目管理,但每當週末,他就會化身導遊的角色,帶團友遊走香港,用自己的聲音訴說一個又一個的香港歷史故事。帶團以來,不管路線、團友、天氣怎麼變,有一件事是振豪一直堅持的:只說經證實的真實故事。或許在傳理學院的幾年,他學到了不同的知識,但最重要而且是畢生受用的,正正是傳理學院的院訓「唯真為善」。Lawrence LEUNG is a project manager of Cathay Pacific, and at the same time, a guide to old areas of Hong Kong. During weekends, he guides foreign tourists to travel around Hong Kong, and tell them stories of Hong Kong history with his own voice. No matter how the routes, tourists and weather change, Lawrence insists to tell only true stories with solid evidence. It is influenced by the motto "Truth is virtue" of School of COMM.
文、編 /Kaylor Chau
漫步在石板路上,炎熱的溫度和汗水似乎一點也無阻梁振豪 (Lawrence) 的熱情,仍然帶著團友東看看、西看看,用聲音和腳步探索香港故事。
梁振豪(Lawrence) 現於國泰航空公司任職項目管理,但每當週末,他就會化身導遊的角色,帶團友遊走香港,用自己的聲音訴說一個又一個的香港歷史故事。「其實香港有不少引人入勝的故事,可以令人發掘香港商業化以外的另一面,我希望大家能找回專屬於香港的身分。」就是因為這個簡單而純粹的想法令 Lawrence 在週六日會帶團友遊歷他親自規劃的路線,當中歷史感和現代感完美融合的中上環路線更是 Lawrence 的獨家推介 。
「全靠當年學院給了我一個到瑞典交流的學習機會,再加上當年參加了的一個人文課程,讓我發現自己對香港歷史的興趣,而且希望香港可以像外國一樣尊重自己的歷史和文化。」Lawrence說。全因為一個到外地交流的機會,讓這個小伙子反思為什麼外國人可以如此尊重自己的文化和歷史,但擁有如此豐富又珍貴的歷史文化資源的香港卻不能呢?大家可能會想 Lawrence 肯定是一個歷史系的學生,才會對香港歷史擁有如斯的熱情,但事實上 Lawrence 於2013年畢業於傳理學院組識傳播專業,他衷心感謝學院令他能在校園生活中找到人生的興趣,在工餘的時間可以做有興趣又有意義的事。
「難!當然難!單是要自行規劃路線,和各方協調已經不容易。」說到帶團的困難,Lawrence 坦承最難是和各方協調,既要和團友解釋有甚麼要注意的地方、又要向老店溝通,希望能在不影響對方的情況下開放參觀。雖然有困難,但 Lawrence 卻覺得能夠溝通本來就是一種最好的交流,而且不少店舖都展現出本土的人情味,知道他的目的後都會答允他的要求。或許就是這份人情味讓 Lawrence 一直堅持在假期的時間抽空為我城說故事。
帶團以來,不管路線、團友、天氣怎麼變,有一件事是 Lawrence 一直堅持的:只說經證實的真實故事。或許在傳理學院的幾年, Lawrence 學到了不同的知識,但更重要而且是畢生受用的,正正是傳理學院的院訓「唯真為善」。的確,在這個感官先行的世代裏,似乎大家都會容易被一些譁眾取寵的故事而吸引,但他卻搬岀「傳理之父」余也魯教授的名言「你用甚麼方法得到成功,比你的成功更為重要」來告訴大家他要用自己「把口」向大家訴說他心中的香港,或許不是句句吸引,但你從中體驗的就正正是真正的香港故事!
Department of Journalism
「香港浸會大學--亞洲SOPA出版業協會.卓越新聞獎得主論壇」The HKBU-SOPA Award Winners Forum
新聞系首次舉辦「香港浸會大學 ─ 亞洲SOPA出版業協會.卓越新聞獎得主論壇」。The HKBU-SOPA Award Winners Forum was launched by the Department of Journalism.
School of Communication
黃煜教授出任第五任傳理學院院長Prof. HUANG Yu became the 5th Dean of the School of Communication
黃煜教授出任第五任傳理學院院長。Prof. HUANG Yu became the 5th Dean of the
School of Communication
四十五周年傳理學院院慶45th anniversary celebration of the School of Communication
四十五周年傳理學院院慶。45th Anniversary Celebration of the School of Communication.
School of Communication
傳理學院四十五周年相片展覽45th anniversary photo exhibition
「 想‧當年」傳理學院四十五周年相片展覽。"The Best of Times: Picturing Your Campus Memories" Photo Exhibition.
School of Communication
傳理校友會Communication Alumni Association
傳理校友會是連繫校友與傳理學院的平台。The Communication Alumni Association serves as a platform to connect alumni and the School of Communication.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
推行四年新學制課程New 4-year curriculum launched
推行四年新學制課程。在新學制下,傳理學院轄下的主修科目包括: 電影與媒體藝術,新聞,組織傳播,公關及廣告。並開辦新媒體及影視創意寫作文學士(榮譽)學位課程。New 4-year curriculum launched. The Majors available in the new 4-year curriculum were: Film and Media Arts (FMA), Journalism (JOUR), Organizational Communication (ORGC), Public Relations and Advertising (PRA). Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Writing for Film, Television and New Media opened for enrollment.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
「電影學院」Academy of Film
電影電視系改組為「電影學院」,開辦五個專業文憑及高級文憑課程。The Department of Cinema and Television was reorganized and renamed as the Academy of Film, and offering five additional professional Diploma and Higher Diploma programmes.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
許政:從大學Chur Queen到今天的阿毛Doris HUI: The all-rounded Curve Wrecker
傳播系公關主修2010年畢業生Public Relations Stream, Department of Communication Studies Graduate, 2010
從《蘋果日報》的副刊記者轉變為現在的獨立動物維權記者,許政開設了「阿毛四圍行」專頁,紀錄毛孩一點一滴。在訪問中她回顧了自己在傳理學院的「學霸」生涯,及如何處理「Chur」的工作,成為一個 multi-tasking 的人。Doris HUI, an independent reporter for animal rights, and previously a journalist at Apple Daily. She set up the Facebook page "阿毛四圍行" to document animals' daily lives. Through the interview, Doris recalled her school days as a curve wrecker at the School of Communication, and shared how this experience trained her to be multi-tasking.
一路走來,始終如一。即使今天的許政被毛孩填滿,她仍不忘當年大學的栽培:「感謝傳理學院的同學、老師、設施提供了現在的許政,希望學院繼續培育一些對社會有貢獻的人。」Written by Peter Law
Edited by Peter Law
Is it possible to get an Edelman scholarship while being an actress for the Drama Society? It is a "yes!" from our alumna Doris Hui, who is now an independent reporter for animal rights. Graduated in 2010, Doris was a curve wrecker but never a nerd. From competing for the Swimming Team to be an actress for the Drama Society, she enjoyed tasting different scope of work in her university life. But this did not mean she had sacrificed her studies. Utilising every break during practices, Doris read newspapers and completed assignments in the library. "This trained my multi-tasking skill and forced me to aim at a very high standard," Doris shared.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
Janice LAM:「我們都是傳理人」Janice LAM: We are COMM family
組織傳播主修2010年畢業生ORGC major graduate, 2010
Janice LAM 為前香港賽馬會擔任高級公共事務主管,貴為行業領袖的她坦言非常感謝傳理學院把她由當年對傳理一竅不通的自己,培育成今天能獨當一面的行業從業員,她更感謝學院的用心教導令自己最終把興趣發展成事業。Janice 深信「傳理一家親」從來都並非空談,畢業後她不但一直維持著和同學之間的聯絡,同時也從老師身上得到許多事業發展上的鼓勵和意見。最後,她寄語師弟妹要繼續努力學習和用心工作,令傳理學院的聲譽能長遠地維持下去。Janice LAM, is the former Senior Public Affair Officer at Hong Kong Jockey Club. She appreciated the School's effort to bring her up from a new-born of communication to an industry leader. She truly believed "傳理一家親" (the School of Communication is a close family), which stood by her from then until now. She received much support from them throughout her career development, so she always felt grateful for the social network and friendships she gained at her study. She hoped the new generation to learn, gain and work hard. Their efforts paid would worth in long run.
文/白子晴、羅伊善、Sharon Li
「我很年輕的時候就已經很喜歡和人溝通了!」訪問才剛開始, Janice 就半帶笑意地向大家大聲宣告她對 Communication 的喜愛和熱情。「但我認為 Communication 不單單是指說話,而是包含著語言的藝術、語氣以及肢體動作。」Janice 為前香港賽馬會高級公共事務主管,貴為行業領袖的她坦言非常感謝傳理學院把她由當年對傳理一竅不通的自己,培育成今天能獨當一面的行業從業員,她更感謝學院的用心教導令自己最終把興趣發展成事業。
在新校和傳理視藝大樓還未建成之前,Janice 最印象深刻的莫過於是當年傳理學生的上課根據地「舊校」,她和同學們最愛於課前課後時在被戲稱為「鬥獸場」的露天廣場裡談天說地。學會房間也是 Janice 心目中屬於傳理學生的第二個家,而同學就是我們的家人,三不五時都會相約在 「嫂房」 相聚聊天說笑。 Janice 寄語師弟妹,別錯過和其他同學一起相處的時光,因為他們都會是你值得好好珍惜的家人。
Janice 深信「傳理一家親」從來都並非空談,畢業後她不但一直維持著和同學之間的聯絡,同時也從老師身上得到許多事業發展上的鼓勵和意見,對此 Janice 非常感謝學院的教育,後來更選擇再返傳理學院修讀碩士課程。
Janice 非常自豪地表示不同機構都對浸會大學傳理學院的畢業生寄予厚望,相信他們能成為出色的業界從業員,對此 Janice 寄語師弟妹要繼續努力學習和用心工作,令傳理學院的聲譽能長遠地維持下去。Written by: Boey Pak, Eva Lo, Sharon Li
Edited by: Peter Law
Translated by: Michelle Chan
"I love communication from a very young age," Janice Lam, former Senior Public Affairs Officer at the Hong Kong Jockey Club, said while laughing, "and I reckoned it did not simply meant talking. It involved language arts, tone and gesture." Her interest in the profession fostered her to pursue quality education in School of Communication at the Hong Kong Baptist University. She appreciated the School's effort to bring her up from a new-born of Communication to an industry leader. Now, she is ready to share with the new generation her knowledge and experience.
Janice still missed the old days when Communication students could only have classes on the old campus. They called the open podium "the Colosseum" then. Janice and her friends often sat there and chit-chatted. The society room was another place for students to have fun and mingle. It was Janice and her friends' home, and classmates were her family members. Time files. Now Communication students study in the new building and are able to utilise high-tech facilities. Janice wished students would always cherish the time spending with each other and treasure everyone as their family members, as if what her generation did.
After graduation, her cohort continued to keep in touch with each other. Students and teachers gradually became a big family. Janice received much support from them throughout her career development, so she always felt grateful for the social network and friendships she gained at her study. She truly believed "傳理一家親" (the School of Communication is a close family), which stood by her from then until now.
Janice went back to HKBU to study for her master's degree after a few years working full-time. She explained possessing adequate and updated business knowledge was essential to achieve career success in a competitive city like Hong Kong. The Master of Social Sciences in Media Management program of the School of Communication, HKBU, offered jointly with the School of Business, provided her with business knowledge to excel in the business world.
While having a successful and busy career, Janice was and is always willing to spare time and share her valuable experiences and advices with the junior students. According to her experiences, she was proud to say that the interviewers from different companies all showcased their confidence to candidates who were graduated from the School of Communication of the HKBU. She hoped the new generation to learn, gain and work hard. Their efforts paid would worth in long run.
School of Communication
與時並進Keep abreast of the times
傳理學院遷入傳理視藝大樓,以配合新高中334學制課程需要,為師生提供更理想的教研和學習環境。The School of Communication strives to keep abreast of the times. The newly completed Communication and Visual Arts Building helps the School of Communication advance higher education in communication and media under the new 4-year curriculum.
School of Communication
傳理視藝大樓Communication and Visual Arts Building
傳理視藝大樓落成啟用,樓高十一層,實用面積約九千平方米,設有多元化設施。The Communication and Visual Arts Building was completed with
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
何海凌:無懼硝煙「跑新聞」Hilda HO: “Running for news” through the gunpowder
傳理系新聞主修 2009 年畢業生COMM Journalism major graduate, 2009
何海凌(Hilda) 是Now TV首席記者,是香港浸會大學兼職講師,也是在前線為真相奮戰的記者。經歷了香港浸會大學的訓練,Hilda對新聞熱愛的火花燎原,從業十年,對正義的維護讓她成為今日正直敢言的頂尖記者。永無畏懼,只憑她心底對真相與新聞的初心。Hilda HO has many identities, a chief news reporter at Now TV, a lecturer in Hong Kong Baptist University, and most importantly, a journalist who fight for the truth at frontline. After her studying and training in HKBU, Hilda fired up the passionate spark for the news industry. Her ten years’ worth of experiences and true passion for justice made her the strong and fierce reporter that she is today. Fearless as she is, the only power behind that always pushes her beyond limit is her founding aspiration for the truth.
文 / 蔡禧年、馮嘉建、郭倩盈、梁嘉豪、魏浩賢、楊碧祺
編 / 李航
何海凌(Hilda),2009年畢業於香港浸會大學新聞系,現任Now TV新聞首席記者。「坐唔定」及貪玩的性格讓Hilda當初毅然選擇修讀新聞,畢業後也順理成章成為記者。放棄平淡的辦公室工作,Hilda走上新聞戰場,報導即時新聞的刺激感、為社會發聲的成功感,對平淡的抗拒,和對新聞的熱忱,讓她轉眼間便堅持了十年。
恩師教誨 霧中燈塔
Hilda走上新聞之路,可以展翅高飛,少不了當年啟蒙老師的教誨。Hilda在提到黃天賜老師時坦言,「他啟發了我做記者,教識我以真誠待人。」恪守著傳理學院的院訓「唯真為善」,黃老師讓同學明白,無論面對著誰,也應該講真話,而記者的身份,亦象徵著為社會上不公義的事情發聲的責任。另一位杜耀明教授亦教會Hilda,「要時刻抱著持平的態度,不偏不倚的報導事實。」這句話成為何海凌在記者仕途的座右銘,亦塑造出今天率真直言的她。現在的她除了是Now TV的首席記者外,秉持著老師的教學精神,在浸會大學石門校園任教自資課程,把這份珍貴的價值傳承下去。
三年校園 千錘百鍊
硝煙戰場 無懼戾氣
Hilda曾經是《杏林在線》醫學專題節目的主持人,通過進入手術室見證奇蹟發生,深入探討不同的醫學問題。這種獨特的經歷教會Hilda要不斷虛心學習求教,才能做好本職。在面對專題節目與前線新聞的抉擇時,她不忘初心,毅然重回新聞記者的崗位,帶上黃色頭盔,手拿咪高峰,像特種部隊一樣將鏡頭轉向前線 。
寄語學子 勇於改變
現時日新月異的新聞行業,除了充滿著不同的挑戰,亦帶來不少的機遇。即使工作多年,Hilda時常抱持剛入行的心態,不斷學習和勇於面對改變。Hilda說,「 作為記者,要讓大眾了解事情的真相,傳承我們一直重視的新聞價值。」她寄語師弟妹要緊貼時代的步履,抱著敢於嘗試的心態。縱然現時記者的工作艱辛,她鼓勵道:「只要勇於面對困難,堅守新聞價值,便能秉承傳理人的初衷——唯真為善。」Written by: Daniel Choy, Zaccheous Fung, Cherise Kwok, Louis Leung, Karson Ngai, Katie Yeung
Edited and translated by: Seamus Li
Graduating from Hong Kong Baptist University with a journalism bachelor's degree, Hilda is at present the Chief Reporter on Now TV. Her never conforming to sitting down and playful personality drove Hilda into choosing journalism without any hesitation, and upon graduation smoothly transforming into a journalist. Giving up the insipid office desk work, Hilda chose to step into the Warfield of news. The adrenaline rush of reporting timely news and the sense of speaking up for the society, together with her resistance to boredom and her true love for news supported Hilda through her ten years as a journalist.
Teachings from the professors are like the lighthouse in the fog
Stepping into the news industry and thriving ever since, Hilda was blessed with the enlightening teachings from her professors. When mentioning Lecturer Wong Tin-chi, Hilda said, “He inspired me to become a journalist, and taught me to always be true to people.” Abiding by the motto of the School of Communication, "Truth is virtue", Lecturer Wong reminded students to be authentic to whomever they may encounter, and that the identity of a journalist representing the responsibility of voicing out the injustice. Prof To Yiu Ming also taught Hilda, “To never abandon the ‘balanced’ attitude, only in which way could the truth be reported without interference.” This saying became the motto of Hilda alongside her journalism career, and also built the woman that she is today. Apart from being the Chief Reporter in Now TV, Hilda also upholds the giving spirits of her teachers, taking up the role of teaching in Shek Mun Campus of HKBU, passing down the values through generations.
The ultimate training in 3 years of university life
Looking back to university years, Hilda expressed her gratitude towards the School of Communication for all the eye-opening opportunities, "When I was in my sophomore year, Taiwan was having its presidential election. I was fortunate enough to go there as a student reporter and interview the locals. The heated and accelerating atmosphere was something for me to remember." Besides these valuable opportunities, writing and editing for the San Po Yan, the student newspaper, also left a mark in Hilda's mind. Hilda shared that as she was a student journalist, interviewees always turned down her interview requests. Nevertheless, having a 'thick skin' enabled her to keep searching for the right targets and accumulating experiences. These practical opportunities not only allowed Hilda to get acquaintance with news production, but also helped to equip her with knowledge beyond textbooks, allowing her to understand the actual working conditions of the news industry, and build a sturdy foundation for her future career.
Through the gunpower, She fears no more
Hilda used to be the hostess of “Medicine Online”, a special medical program in which Hilda would go into the surgery room and witness the wonders, and dive deep into different medical questions. This particular experience taught Hilda to keep learning with a humble heart in order to perform well in her profession. When facing the choice between being in this special program and being a frontline journalist, Hilda chose to come back to the frontline for her founding aspiration, wearing a yellow helmet with a microphone in her hand, turning on the camera and record the truth.
The special nature of journalism requires a continuous of running to different places and people to interview, therefore comes the phrase “running for news”. During her running times, Hilda experienced rainbow as well as storms as a frontline journalist. Amongst the experiences, the anti-extradition bill left the most profound impression on her. "I used to think my 10 years of experience had made me acquainted with the mechanism of the news industry, and this event has proved me wrong. Anti-extradition bill movement has exposed me to many situations I had never seen before, and it asked me to keep learning step by step, ‘Finding my path through the river by feeling the stones’, as the idiom says." All these left Hilda with experiences of working in a war field. Despite all challenges, Hilda still loves her job, "Being a journalist allows me to speak on behalf of society. Reporting the truth also gives me a sense of achievement.”
Blessings for the next generation – the courage of changing
Within the ever-changing news industry, opportunities always come with challenges. After many years of practicing in the field, Hilda still keeps the mindset when she first joined this industry, continuously learning and facing challenges with bravery. Hilda shared, “As journalists, our job is to convey the truth to the public, and pass down the news value we always hold dear to our heart.” She sent her wishes to the young communicators to follow the steps of time closely, and always be willing to try. Although the working environment of journalists can be tough, she encouraged young reporters, "Be brave when encountering hardships and hold onto the values of journalism, only in this way can one passes down and embody the founding aspiration of a communicator – Truth is virtue."
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
多媒體講座及工作坊International Multimedia Training Series
舉辦亞洲首個多媒體講座及工作坊系列,題為「如何報導、如何報導缺乏關注的議題、如何具道德地報導」,邀得國際資深多媒體專家和學者分享多媒體製作的最新發展。The School of Communication launched Asia's first International Multimedia Training Series titled "Ethical Reporting on the World's Most Under-Reported Issues". The series invited the world's leading practitioners of multimedia journalism to share the latest industry developments in multimedia production at lectures and workshops.
School of Communication
「公共關係高峰會議」The Public Relations Summit Conference
媒介與傳播研究中心舉辦的「公共關係高峰會議」,榮獲二零零九年黃金標準大獎「領導及發展」組別最高殊榮。The Public Relations Summit Conference organised by the Centre for Media and Communication Research (CMCR) secured top honours in the 2009 Gold Standard Awards (GSA). The CMCR's Summit excelled in the "Leadership and Development" category.
School of Communication
綜合傳播管理學社會科學學士學位課程Bachelor of Social Sciences in Integrated Communication Management
開辦綜合傳播管理學社會科學學士學位課程。Bachelor of Social Sciences in Integrated Communication Management opened for enrollment.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
雷煒程:公關豈止講金 社企精英以專業回饋社會Lawrence LUI: The PR practitioner who Contributes his Knowledge and Experience to Society through Social Enterprise
傳播系公關主修2008年畢業生Public Relations Stream, Department of Communication Studies Graduate, 2008
雷煒程經營著香港首間長者家居設計社企。現時,公司已服務超過四百個家庭,更榮獲多個創業設計大獎。訪問中他分享了自己因抱憾父親離世而從公關轉向社企的故事,及利用公關知識解決社會問題的理念。Lawrence LUI is the founder of a social enterprise which is the first to specialize in home renovation for the elderly and disabled in Hong Kong. The company is growing sustainably and has served more than 400 families since 2015, and won serveral awards in entrepreneurial design competitions. Through the interview, he shared his story that he applies his knowledge and experience in public relations to help society through operating a social enterprise.
在傳理學院歲月匆匆,當中的得著卻伴隨Lawrence迎接人生各種挑戰和機遇。不管是初入公關界時面對繁重而富挑戰性的工作,或是從事截然不同的家居設計行業,他皆能融會貫通,憑著傳播信息的技巧和經驗,解決眼前的難關,並向前邁進。正如他所言:「公關及廣告行業帶來的經驗,是跟你一輩子的。」Written by Edith Tang, Michelle Chan
Edited by Peter Law
Lawrence Lui enrolled in the School of Communication and majored in Public Relations and Advertising with great passion for the industry. Graduated in 2008, he immediately joined the PR industry and was ready to devote himself to his career. The turning point of his life came up in 2013, when his father suffered from terminal cancer but Lawrence failed to provide a safe and cozy home for him in his last days. This regretful experience inspired him to start a social enterprise which specializes in home renovation for the elderly and people with physical disabilities.
Social enterprise seems not profitable while PR is usually perceived as a commercial tool. However, Lawrence believed the two industries do share a common ground, that is solving social problems by adopting a sustainable business model. Although the start-up capital was tight, Lawrence was able to develop successful promotional strategies based on his professionalism and experience in the PR field and effectively spread the mission and value of his social enterprise to society. The company is growing sustainably and has served more than 400 households since 2015.
Lawrence developed a strong sense of social responsibility and PR skills in his early days at School. Designing campaigns for the United Nations in IAA Global Student Advertising Competition has expanded his understanding of PR practices in non-business context. Lawrence said, "I realized that the good ideas we came up with could help promote the discussion of international issues. PR skills and practices can bring about advancement in society."
Lawrence's PR knowledge and experiences have always assisted him to overcome challenges in life. Even now he works in a total different industry, as what he said, "the experiences earned in PR and Advertising industry are a lifelong gift to me."
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
汪苑姿:半路出家的公關講師,化身成傳理使者Meigi WONG: Passing on Knowledge with Empathy
傳理學文學碩士 2008 年畢業生Master of Arts in Communication graduate, 2008
汪苑姿(Meigi)以自身經歷鼓勵我們,找到清晰的目標,那麼成功就會在轉角等待著我們。她本修讀國際關係,卻因一次海外實習,遠赴美國電台當記者,體會到「有效溝通」的重要性,自此對傳理產生了濃厚的興趣,相繼接觸公關及市場策劃的工作,最後修讀傳理學文學碩士, 選擇用教育的方式,成為公關講師,將傳理精神傳承下去。Meigi WONG showed us that when we have a clear goal in mind, success will not be far away from us. Studying International Relationships in her undergraduate program, she discovered her strong interest in mass communication during her radio reporter internship in the USA. She noted the importance of “effective communication” and started working in public relations and marketing related positions, and also studied a master-degree in communication studies. She now passes on the spirit of communication by being a full-time lecturer.
Meigi 的人生與傳理本是兩條平行線。她大學時修讀國際關係,因一次海外實習打開了傳理的大門。於大學求學階段遠赴美國電台當記者,令Meigi 體會到「有效溝通」的重要性:「當時什麼經驗都沒有,由零開始學習採訪新聞、錄音、剪片。不懂不打緊,最重要是願意學。」自此對傳理產生了濃厚的興趣。
大學畢業後,Meigi 相繼接觸了公關及市場策劃的工作。刻在骨子裡的傳理血,讓Meigi 最後選擇回到浸大,學習新鮮事,修讀傳理學文學碩士。問及Meigi 轉行的原因,她解釋道:「當年香港專業教育學院剛剛成立公關課程,希望聘請曾在公關界就業的人來授課。在平衡事業和家庭的因素後,我認為這是我應走的路。」Meigi 選擇了用教育的方式,將傳理精神傳承下去。
「用一句話形容跟學生的關係,那就是師友。亦師,亦友。」提及做老師的困難,Meigi 指溝通是關鍵:「現在的學生生於數碼年代,拿著手機匯報是常事。初時很不習慣,了解到他們的成長背景,從而理解他們,才不會誤會這行為是沒有禮貌。」Meigi 面對世代差異沒有灰心放棄,她抱著同理心主動了解差異背後的原因。最終與學生於不同的路上築起橋,將心和心連接起來。適逢傳理學院五十周年,Meigi 寄語未來想投身公關行業的同學們遇到困難時要迎難而上,並再次強調傳理的核心便是抱有同理心。Written by: Ho Kin Ying
Edited and translated by: Michelle Chau
We have been spending our time in searching for a path to move on our lives. The journey may not be as smooth and bright as what we expect, or we may even get stuck in a tunnel where there is no way out. But as long as we have a clear goal in mind, success will not be far away from us. Meigi WONG, who has overcome all the hardship and formed her own path to success, shared her journey with current communication students.
First Encounter with Communication Industry
Meigi studied International Relationships in her undergraduate programme and had no acquaintance with mass communication. During her internship in the USA, the experience of being a radio reporter connected Meigi to the communication family. In this journey, she discovered the importance of "effective communication" and generated immense interest in the knowledge and skills behind communication. "I have no experience at all, I learned everything from scratch. Yet, it's okay as I am eager to learn."
Becoming a Public Relations Lecturer
After completing her undergraduate programme, Meigi worked in public relations and marketing related positions. Her hidden passion for communication drives her to return to school and pursue a master degree in communication studies. "In that year, the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education has newly launched the PR Programme and was looking for some experienced PR practitioners to take up the training program." Taking a balance between career and family, Meigi decided to leave the frontline and use her own way to hand down the spirit of communication by being a full-time lecturer.
Learning through Teaching
"To describe the relationship between me and my students, I would say I am their teacher as well as their friends at the same time." Facing the generation gap between Meigi and her students, she opined out that being patient and willing to view from another angle can help. "My students are mostly born in the digital age and it is common for them to present with their smartphones in hand. I was initially not accustomed to this style. Yet I can understand them when I take their cultural background into consideration." Meigi was not discouraged by the generation gap but picked up a proactive role to find out the reasons behind and has gradually built a strong bonding with her students. Welcoming the 50th Anniversary of the School of Communication, Meigi blessed students to have the courage to overcome all challenges and difficulties and further emphasized the importance of empathy.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
「2008健康傳播系列」"2008 Health Communication Series"
傳播系與醫院管理局合辦「2008健康傳播系列:《溝通好,健康保》」,藉此推廣健康傳播。"2008 Health Communication Series - Enhancing Communication in Health Care" was jointly organised by the Department of Communication Studies and the Hospital Authority.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
採訪奧運盛事Reporting Olympic Games
新聞系同學採訪奧運盛事,把握機會發揮所學。Students from the Department of Journalism had the unique opportunity to gain international experience reporting first-hand from Beijing on the Olympic Games.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
成立「新聞與社會研究所」及「國際新聞與傳播資源中心」Institute of Journalism and Society, and International News and Communication Resources Centre
成立「新聞與社會研究所」及「國際新聞與傳播資源中心」。Institute of Journalism and Society, and International News and Communication Resources Centre established.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
國際新聞文學碩士學位課程Master of Arts in International Journalism Studies
開辦國際新聞文學碩士學位課程。Master of Arts in International Journalism Studies opened for enrollment.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
「第一屆普立茲新聞獎得主工作坊」The 1st Pulitzer Prize Winners Workshop
新聞系舉辦「第一屆普立茲新聞獎得主工作坊」,在亞洲新聞教育界開創先河。The 1st Pulitzer Prize Winners Workshop launched as the first workshop of its kind in Asia.
School of Communication
2007 ~ 2013
趙心樹教授出任第四任傳理學院院長 Prof. ZHAO Xinshu became the 4th Dean of the School of Communication
趙心樹教授出任第四任傳理學院院長。Prof. ZHAO Xinshu became the 4th Dean of the School of Communication
School of Communication
「張國興傑出青年傳播人獎」"Chang Kuo-sin Award for Young Aspiring Communicators"
由傳理校友推動的「張國興傑出青年傳播人獎」成立。The 1st "Chang Kuo-sin Award for Young Aspiring Communicators" established.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
黃國祺:不要怕「蝕底」,人生就是要放手一試!Jackin WONG: Going the Extra Mile, Roll the Dice!
傳理學文學碩士 2006 年畢業生Master of Arts in Communication graduate, 2006
一次大學實習使黃國祺(Jackin Wong)愛上了天馬行空的廣告世界,決心為廣告業多走一步,不但修讀傳理學碩士課程並成為教師,為業界培訓更多新人,更創立了「Jackin Wong 廣告一瘋堂」的Facebook專頁,分享各地有趣的廣告創作來與人交流。Getting inspired at a production internship when Jackin WONG was still a university student, he fell in love with the unconstrained world of advertising, thus aspiring to take one step further for the industry. Apart from becoming a full-time assistant lecturer, he also established a Facebook page “Jackin Wong Crazy Creation” (“Jackin Wong 廣告一瘋堂”) in further nurturing new blood.
本著對廣告創作的熱誠,Jackin從來未曾想過要離開業界。Jackin坦言,身兼兩個重要職務並不容易。但他認為時刻與業界保持聯系有助他與學生分享,從而令他們更了解廣告界真實及最新的一面。Jackin甚至創立了「Jackin Wong 廣告一瘋堂」的Facebook專頁。除了分享各地有趣的廣告創作,他還會利用此平台與學生和在職廣告人交流。Jackin繼笑言:「打工不是為了生存。只要是自己喜歡的事,便不會介意付出。」言談間盡顯了身為「傳理人」的滿腔熱誠。
不忘初衷 總會有路行
Jackin提醒學生不要忘記自己對夢想的熱誠,強調香港學生得天獨厚,應爭取機會走出香港,豐富自己。Jackin亦鼓勵傳理同學利用公關廣告知識去幫助弱勢社群,為社會多走一步。最後,Jackin勉勵各位「傳理人」勿忘初衷。他繼道:「不要怕『蝕底』,人生就是要放手一試!」他相信同學只要懷著這份衝勁,定必能發光發亮。Written by: Connie Chan, Wendy Lo, Niki Lui, Mandy Tam, Dawn Yu
Edited by: Michelle Chau
Jackin WONG is a full-time assistant lecturer of Languages and Communication Department and the academic coordinator of the Public Relations and Advertising Programmes of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies of Chinese University of Hong Kong. At the same time, he is also a part-time creative director of a local marketing and advertising company, Tangram Creative.
Nurturing New Blood
Getting inspired at an internship programme when he was still a university student, Jackin fell in love with the unconstrained and unlimited world of advertising, thus aspiring to be an advertising expert. Once graduated, he joined the advertising industry and fought for his dream for two years. However, Jackin still wanted to "take one step further" and made more contributions to the advertising industry by nurturing new blood and sharing his experiences with them. He then decided to further his study and attended the Communication master programme in Hong Kong Baptist University.
Staying Close to the Industry
With his overwhelming passion for advertising, Jackin has never thought of leaving the industry. He admitted that it is not easy to handle two posts at the same time but keeping contact with the advertising industry can assist him in teaching students with the most realistic and updated face of the field. Jackin even established his Facebook page "Jackin Wong Crazy Creation" ("Jackin Wong 廣告一瘋堂") for sharing interesting advertisements all over the world and communicate with his students and advertising practitioners." We do not work for survival. When you are working on things you love, you do not mind putting in extra efforts," he said. At the interview, Jackin has fully demonstrated his great passion and enthusiasm for being a communication professional.
Learning is More Than Scoring
After his master programme, Jackin has been a full-time lecturer at the Hong Kong Chinese University School of Professional and Continuing Education for more than a decade. Talking about the future prospects of COMM students, Jackin sighed, "Hong Kong teenagers do not lack creativity but opportunities." He said that the Hong Kong educational system always determines the capability of students by grading while creativity is always ignored and neglected. He pointed out that classifying teenagers into different classes by scores will easily push creativity to the very last priority. Noting the current problem in Hong Kong, Jackin tried his best to give his student opportunities to explore and practice. From his teaching, Jackin also gained much from his students. "Young people insist on things they desire. I become younger when staying with them and I see my young me." They also keep reminding him not to forget his original intention and adhere to his teaching philosophy.
Never Forget why you Started, There is Always a Way
Jackin emphasized that Hong Kong students are blessed with rich resources, so students should grab this opportunity to broaden their horizons by exploring the world. He encouraged COMM students to take a step further and contribute back to the society by helping the under-privileged. To conclude, Jackin reminded COMM students not to forget why they started. "Going the extra mile, roll the dice and you will see the way!" He also encouraged COMM students to take risks and do not care about gains and losses. As long as we keep this dynamic momentum, we can eventually let our lights shine.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
張榮顯:傳理人的「開荒牛」精神Angus CHEONG: The pioneer spirit from HKBU's communication professional
傳理學(哲學)博士2006年畢業生Master of Arts in Communication, 1999
Doctor of Philosophy (School of Communication), 2006
來自澳門的張榮顯(Angus)無可厚非是傳理學院的「開荒牛」,帶著「堅持到底」的精神,他先每天花接近 7 小時來回港澳,飄洋過海來港讀書,及後,他回到澳門母校開拓傳播系,教導莘莘學子,薪火相傳。在教學過程中,得到創業靈感,開發易研方案(eRS),作為這研究諮詢機構的總裁,他帶領公司在中港澳三地拓展業務,以研究結合資訊和數據技術的創新模式,向客戶提供市場研究和數據分析的產品和服務。Living in Macau, Angus CHEONG describes himself as a cow. He equipped himself across the ocean from Macau to Hong Kong for seven hours a day during his school days at HKBU. He then was a lecturer of University of Macau, a cow for opening up new markets of the University. During his teaching days, he got the inspiration and started his own research consultancy firm and became the Founder and Chairman of eRS. He even set up offices in Mainland, Hong Kong and Macau.
然而,張榮顯 (Angus) 義無反顧地擔當這角色。他笑言:「我是一隻牛,不過是隻『開荒牛』。」Angus分別於 1999 年及 2006 年畢業於浸會大學傳理學文學碩士及傳理學哲學博士,就讀期間,他同時在澳門大學擔任講師,也是該校傳播系的「開荒牛」。在教學過程中,得到創業靈感,於2009年暑假毅然辭去大學講師一職,踏上創業之路,成為了易研方案 (eRS)的創始人及總裁。在創業初期,他還回到浸大母校擔任兼職的訪問學者,給碩士班上研究方法和民意調查課程。
Angus回想起昔日飄洋過海來港讀書的日子,他慨嘆:「是個漫長的旅程!」他每天要花接近 7 小時來回港澳。晚上 10 點下課後,更要趕船,回家已是萬家燈火熄滅之時。捱更抵夜、舟車勞頓,全靠的是他對學術的堅持和熱誠。在浸大傳理的學習中,不但讓Angus投入更多學術參與,更助他建立強大的人際網絡。後來更和部分同學成為了工作伙伴,並肩作戰。畢業數年後,Angus並不忘本,他更回到母校教導莘莘學子,將學到的知識傳授予新一代,薪火相傳。
他於教學旅途中,萌生了創業的念頭:「假如把互聯網上的數據和民調所得的數據結合,社會、政府、商界,就能對事件有更清晰的掌握。」Angus當時有了此想法,適逢有市埸需求,「所以就一下子『砰』一聲跳了下海。」原是一名孕育出傳理人才的大學教授,毅然放下光環,從一位學者轉型成一間中小企的營運者。Angus於 2009 年開展了自己的事業,成立了澳門首間研究顧問機構,以研究結合資訊和數據技術的創新模式,向客戶提供在市場研究和數據分析的產品和服務,現時業務更發展得有聲有色,在中港澳三地都設立了分公司。Angus勇於嘗試創新,洞察先機,因應市場需求而生,期為社會創造更多價值。
雖則有人說「萬事起頭難,啟動就成功一半。」然而,Angus卻認為傳理人要成為一隻成功的「開荒牛」,堅持是不可或缺的條件。「做事沒有捷徑,堅持到底才能享受成果。」Angus深信做事不能急於求成,不堅持就必定難成大器,凡事都須全力以赴。他分享說,向客戶提交計劃書時,會比別人做多 3 倍的努力,「別人寫 8 頁紙,我們就寫 24 頁紙的計劃書。」此信念不但是他的營商之道,更是為人處事之道。
Angus寄語各師弟妹,當找到一個具發展潛力的行業,必須要花時間去建立,才能有美好的收成。急功近利,則難以成功。「希望大家做事情要有堅持,選對了一個行業時,就要努力成為一個專業人士。」過去五十年,傳理學院培育了不少專業人士,貢獻社會。也許在這急功近利的世代,我們不只需要成為一隻「開荒牛」,「開荒牛」的精神—堅持,才是使我們步向成功的途徑。Written by: Suey Chan, Yury Leung, Samantha Leung, Candice Yuen
Edited and translated by: Keith Ho
As the old saying goes, it is always difficult to get things started: with nothing to follow and no one to teach you. So who is willing to initiate the first step?
Angus Cheong, however, raised his hand without hesitation. "I am a cow, but a cow for opening up new markets." Angus completed his communication master degree in HKBU in 1999 and communication PhD in 2006. In these years, he was also a lecturer of the University of Macau, again a cow for opening up a new communication department at the University. During his teaching days, he got inspiration for his start-up business. He quitted his teaching job in 2009, started his own research consulting company and became the founder and chairman of eRS. In the early days of his business, Angus was also a part-time visiting scholar of HKBU and taught research methods and public opinion courses for master program students.
Equip himself across the ocean
Angus recalled that he had to travel from Macau to Hong Kong during his school days at HKBU. "It is really a long journey," he heaved a sigh of relief. He had to spend more than seven hours a day on travelling. After the class at 10 pm in Hong Kong, he rushed to take ferry back home. Yet, apart from study, Angus built a strong network with classmates. Some of his classmates have become his working partners later on.
Strive for a breakthrough
During his teaching days, a new business idea sparked off. "If we could integrate the data on Internet and from the general opinion polls, then the government, community and business sectors can have a clearer and fuller picture of the issue." Angus had this idea at that time. And with the increasing demand from the market, he started up his business.
Angus started his first research consultancy firm in Macau in 2009 and has achieved remarkable results. He adopted innovative operation methods comprising data analytics and technology and offered market research and data analytics products and services to clients. He also set up offices in the mainland, Hong Kong and Macau. Angus is not fearful to experiment and has foresight to markets, creating more values to the society.
Explore room for improvement
It is difficult to get things started. Yet, Angus considers that persistence is indispensable to be a successful pioneer. "There is no short cut at all, you have to be persistent to achieve your results." Angus also believes that we must not be too eager for quick results. We have to be patient and try out all efforts. "We write a 24-page proposal while others write 8-page," he shared he would make triple effort in preparing business proposals. This belief is not only his business practice but also his motto.
Inspired by the School's motto
After seven years of studying at HKBU, Angus said he was deeply inspired by the School's motto, 'Truth is Virtue'. The core value of his company is also about virtue, and has three layers of meaning: do not fake, do not offend and do not bully the weak."Be true - we should think critically and be brave to seek for truth. We should not produce any fake data, and this is 'the spirit of Truth'. For virtue, it means we should have a heart of gold. We do not offend and do not bully the weak, and this is 'the spirit of Virtue'. "
Angus advises HKBU students that if we discover an industry that has potentials, we should work hard on it, spend effort and time. Finding short cuts will not lead you to success. In this age which focuses on the quick success, we need more than a hard working cow for opening new areas. We should go for the spirit of working cow- persistence, and this is the key way to success.
School of Communication
「傳播與社會」學刊Communication and Society Journal
與中文大學新聞與傳播學院合作創辦學術季刋「傳播與社會」學刊。Communication and Society, a quarterly journal, founded jointly by the School of Communication and the School of Journalism and Communication of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
School of Communication
傳媒管理社會科學碩士學位課程Master of Social Sciences in Media Management
開辦傳媒管理社會科學碩士學位課程,為區內首個同類課程。Master of Social Sciences in Media Management opened for enrollment as the first programme of its kind in the region.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
于尚文:態度決定高度,90後不等於是港孩Sherman YU: Attitude Determines Altitude, "90s Generation" Should Never Belittle
傳播系組織傳播主修2005年畢業生COMM ORGC major graduate, 2005
于尚文(Sherman)重新定義「九十後」,展現「態度決定高度」的想法,善用成長於資訊發達年代的優勢,帶著不怕吃虧的精神,在工作上不恥下問、虛心受教,更勇於嘗試,衝出香港,現為澳門一間大型博彩機構的高級公關主任。Against the general perception towards “90s Generation”, Sherman YU showed the advantages of growing in a cyber age. A shaper sense of understanding of social media, digital marketing, public relations, and advertising is the strength of the young. With a belief that “Attitude determines Altitude”, she went for an adventure and started working in a large gambling corporation in Macau and is at present the Senior PR Manager.
身為『90後』是優勢 不是弱點
投身社會,Sherman發現批評「90後」的風潮有增無減。「90後」漸漸被標籤為自理能 力、情緒智商及抗逆力低的「港孩」。Sherman提醒一眾師弟妹,作為「90後」不應默然接受別人的批評,反而要本著不怕吃虧的精神去處事,並要不恥下問,虛心受教。Sherman認為「90後」的傳理人其實有許多優勢,因為他們自小在資訊發達的年代成長,對傳媒的理解、市場推廣、廣告公關等都有更敏銳的觸覺。她指同學們應善用這些優勢,證明自己不單是自理能力、情緒智商及抗逆力高的「90後」,更是浸大傳理人的驕傲。
認真學習 盡情玩樂
Sherman現時仍十分關心學院的事務,不定期會回母校作分享。「因為我希望師弟妹可以記得我的小小分享,那怕只是一兩句。我深信人與人之間的連繫,亦希望這份情得以傳 承。」最後,Sherman寄語一眾師弟妹要保持正面的人生態度,要多主動嘗試。「態度決定高度」,她更鼓勵眾師弟妹不要害怕失敗,嘗試過後,即使跌倒也要爬起來,傳承浸大傳理人的優良傳統。Written by: Doris Chan, Ashley Chan, Naomi Cheung, Sarah Ho, Tiffany Mou
Edited by: Michelle Chau
Sherman YU, used to study liberal arts, but switched to School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University coincidently and joined the communication industry thereafter. After working in Hong Kong for a few years, she decided to go for an adventure and relocate her career to Macau. Since 2013, Sherman has been working in a large gambling corporation in Macau and is at present the Senior PR Manager.
Being a "90s Generation" is a Strength, not a Weakness
In recent years, Hong Kong society imposes much criticisms on the "90s generation". They are labeled as over-protected "Hong Kong children" with low emotional intelligence and adversity quotient. Some employers even refuse to hire the "90s generation" as certain negative traits are concluded by the public, like lazy and irresponsible. Yet, Sherman advised current COMM students not to take these criticisms passively. "COMM students should be well-prepared at all times, willing to offer help and seek for advice humbly whenever in doubt." In addition, Sherman pinpointed the advantages of being the "90s generation" as they generally have a shaper sense of understanding of social media, digital marketing, public relations, and advertising as they grew up in the cyber age. Sherman encouraged the young generation to prove themselves as an individual with high emotional intelligence, adversity quotient, and responsibility that would enable them to be the pride of HKBU School of Communication.
Figure Out What You Want
"Having no dream is not a big deal, though you may be living like a salted fish. It is still food. However, it is the worst situation if you don't even know your own interest. There is no difference between you and the small stones on the roadside." Ask yourself, what do you want to do in your lifetime? Sooner or later students will get a handful of skills, probably with some working experience too. Yet it is hard to get closer to your legend unless you know what you want and start chasing for it. Thus, Sherman encouraged her juniors to figure out what they like or at least what they do not like.
Work Hard, Play Harder
As a former cultural officer of the HKBU Communication Society, Sherman engaged herself in many duties which included organizing events like orientation camp and being an anchor of the online radio station, the CommChannel, of School of Communication. Sherman suggested students apart from focusing on study, they should also join more extra-curricular activities as these experiences would allow them to explore different fields before entering the working society. "The more you know, the more you know what you don't know." Sherman conveyed the message of "never stop exploring the community, the society and the world" to current students and encouraged them to be proactive in grabbing every opportunity to explore.
Attitude determines Altitude
Even it has been a long time after graduation, Sherman still shows concern about the development of School of Communication where she does sharing irregularly. Sherman hopes that her words will be recalled by her juniors and that the strong connection between students and alumni can pass on. Positive thinking is important and Sherman encouraged all COMM students should always remember "your attitude determines your altitude" and be brave to face failures.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
「公關及廣告專業」榮獲國際廣告協會認可The Public Relations and Advertising programme obtained accreditation from the IAA
「公關及廣告專業」榮獲國際廣告協會認可,成為大中華地區首個獲該會認許的專業課程,畢業生可兼獲由該會頒發認可的市場傳播學文憑。左二為第三任院長汪琪教授。The Public Relations and Advertising programme obtained accreditation from the Public Relations and Advertising Association (IAA). The programme is the first in the Greater China region to secure this accreditation, and graduates can now obtain the IAA Diploma in Marketing Communications. Second from left is Prof. Georgette Wang, the 3rd Dean of the School.
School of Communication
Vickie HO:你比想象中更強大Vickie HO: Communication made me who I am today
ACS major, Graduate of 2005
Vickie Ho是連卡彿編輯部的負責人。遵循傳理學院的院訓“唯真為善”,她在工作上從不避重就輕。即使面對越來越多的挑戰,她仍然享受工作的每一秒鐘。Vickie相信,“你比你想像的更強大”。雖然依然有數不盡的困難在未來等著她,她知道只要擁有熱情和決心,任何事情都會是好的。Vickie HO is now the head of the editorial department in Lane Crawford. Following the School's motto "True is virtue", she never skimped through work. Even facing more and more challenges, she still enjoyed every moment of her work. Vickie believed "you can do bigger than you can imagine". Uncountable challenges may be waiting for her in the future. However, she knew everything would be fine when she is with passion and determination.
Written by: Chu Pik Yuk, Cheng Sze Wing
"Truth is Virtue". It is not only the motto of the School of Communication, but also Vickie's long-lasting belief. Vickie Ho was an Applied Communication Studies (ACS) student (former name of Organizational Communication concentration) with great influenced by the school's value. Following the School's motto, she never skimps through work. She keeps a close eye on fashion, finds out diversified and creative ways to promote the events on Instagram. Facing more and more challenges, she is still enjoying every moment of her work. As the head of editorial department, she is also the gate keeper of Lane Crawford.
'What is Art?' is the monthly theme developed by Lane Crawford for March 2018. The company has the opportunity to do cross-over with different designers and hold event at store. Recently, they have invited a street artist to do graffiti at store. To have a successful event, the preparation work starts with six months in advance. Vickie must keep a close eye with all the teams, working with designers on visual design, photographers, marketing team on introduction to ensure content meets the brand personality, in line with company's point of view. "I did a morning brief and introduced the brand and monthly program to the sales in Lane Crawford personally, made sure they understand the concept we are selling. The internal communication is highly concerned"
"Today's generation is confused with the communication in work, they are not specialists for communication." Vickie reminded the advantage for those who work in communication industry. "All we learnt in School are soft skills, we know how to communicate and express ourselves, we know how to present. This is what we are good at, the storytelling." One of her fondest memories on the job is a project where she collaborated with Victoria Beckham, as part of a huge investment of Lane Crawford with an international celebrity. Victoria and her team were received by Vickie and had an interview about the cooperation. The communication is crucial and necessary to make a good impression in the eyes of the honorable guests.
As an ACS graduate, she could strongly feel the bonding between classmates. She missed the old good days hanging out chatting with her classmates after classes. Vickie found the importance of relationship in the communication industry. In the workplace, once they find out they have graduated from HKBU communication, they feel like they are connected and love to help each other with no hidden agendas.
"The seriousness and enjoyable of studying is partly originated from the professors, they taught me to pursue the goal, and always double check or fact check during the process." Upon school life, she was appreciated by the Digital Graphic Communication's (DGC) professor. She registered DGC course about innovation. "He was optimistic and positive. He was energetic. He would adhere to what he believes and find a lot of resources to support himself. He could give up, but he insists on it." He perceived the meaning of 'walk the talk' on the professor and that was the value that promote by the school. A role model has an impact on Vickie to dig the truth and achieve the goal. She worked for Michelin's first time conference in Hong Kong, at that time she had no reference or source that she could refer to. However, she didn't stop to do research by herself. Finally, she was able to write 300 press releases, finding out that she is capable to do anything she puts her passion in.
"Do not limit yourselves and you can do bigger than you can". Different from some of the other students in HKBU, communication students learn soft skills. Perhaps they are not good at a specific field, but they are important in the society, having good storytelling skills. Students should enjoy study and live in the moment. For Vickie, more and more challenges are coming towards her. However, she is still relaxed about it because she knows that everything will be alright when things are done with passion and determination.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
傳理學社會科學學士課程Bachelor of Social Sciences in Communication
傳理學社會科學學士課程分為五個主修科目:電影電視、數碼圖像傳播、新聞、組織傳播和公關及廣告。The Department of Communication offered five options: Organizational Communication, Public Relations and Advertising, Digital Graphic Communication, Journalism and Cinema and Television.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
電影電視與數碼媒體藝術(製作)碩士學位課程Master of Fine Arts in Film, Television and Digital Media
開辦電影電視與數碼媒體藝術(製作)碩士學位課程。Master of Fine Arts in Film, Television and Digital Media opened for enrollment.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
陳倩茹:人生新一章 從主播走到言語治療師CHAN Sin Yu: A New Chapter in Life: from News Anchor to Speech Therapist
陳倩茹為前新聞主播,現時是言語治療師。她退下新聞火線後,機緣巧合體會到言語治療這門專業的重要性和莫大需求。她毅然轉行,進修言語治療,並將往日學到的溝通技巧和專業經驗應用到新工作上,希望盡己之力改善治療對象及其家庭的生活質素。訪問中她感激在傳播學院認識的一眾畢生摯友,並分享了如何將在校園及工作中學到的溝通技巧和經驗,應用於言語治療之中。CHAN Sin-yu, a former news anchor, is now a speech therapist. After she retreated from the news frontline, she realized the importance and great demand of professional speech therapy service. Therefore, she determined to change her job and pursued speech therapy. Applying communication skills and previous professional experience to her new job, Sin-yu contributes to improving qualities of life of her clients and their families. At the interview, she thanked her lifelong friends she met at COMM, and shared how to apply communication skills and experience in speech therapy.
正所謂「學海無涯」,浸會大學(傳理學)文學碩士陳倩茹小姐 (Ellen)以自身經驗,說明貫徹終身學習正是浸大學生追求知識的表現。Ellen曾任傳媒工作多年,和傳理學結下不解之緣。她退下新聞火線後,剛碰上家人需要接受言語治療,因而體會到這門專業的重要性及莫大需求。她毅然轉行,進修言語治療,將往日學到的溝通技巧和專業經驗應用到新工作,幫助家人之餘,更希望盡己之力改善治療對象及其家庭的生活質素。
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
陳靖潼:「努力成為一個全能型公關」Amanda CHAN: An Encyclopaedia of PR
傳播系公關廣告主修2003年畢業生COMM PRA major graduate, 2003
陳靖潼自2003年主修公共關係與廣告畢業後,懷著對公關的夢想和激情,投身公關行業十多年,現於MUSE木棉擔任公關總監。訪問中她分享了自己在傳理學院交友和學習的故事,及自己如何在工作中練成全能型公關的經歷。最後,她對師弟妹寄語:「無論做甚麼,也要有原則,不忘初心」。After graduatrf from PRA, School of Communication in 2003, Amanda CHAN joined the PR industry with her passion, and now is the PR director of MUSE. 15 years have passed. Some people think PR is tough because they need to cope with never-ending crises. However, Amanda enjoyed a lot in her work. She recalled the happy moments at COMM and shared working experience in PR industry. Lastly, Amanda encouraged junior students "Whatever you do, insist on what you believe and never forget it."
除了認識了志同道合的同學之外,權威的課程更讓陳靖潼受益匪淺。「可以說,現在工作上有很多東西也是以前讀書時學到的。」她說到,「我當時讀書也不僅僅只讀公關,我也有學習電影、電腦繪圖和項目預算安排等不同的範疇」。她更提到在傳播系開設的「The Young Agency」類似廣告公司的經歷,「我從未想過在學校會有Advertising Agency。它是由學生成立和營運,讓我們在讀書時親身實踐了未來工作上會面對的挑戰」。
在傳理學院畢業後,陳靖潼抱著對公關的熱情踏入社會。在公關這一行,轉眼已是15年。陳靖潼說,很多人覺得做公關就像做「關公」,需要處理各樣接踵而來的公關災難,但她自己卻覺得樂在其中。她說:「很多我的客戶說我是百科全書,但我說不是,我只是向Google『學習』」。正是因為這個行業的多元,讓她認識了超過100 個來自不同行業的客戶,從而學習了不同行業的知識。
說到自己已經工作了十幾年的公關「老」本行,年紀雖輕但已然是資深公關人的陳靖潼對於未來行業的發展趨勢充滿了信心。「我相信無論AI如何發達,任何需要創意、從『心』出發的行業都不會被取代,公關就是其中之一」。最後,陳靖潼對師弟妹寄語:「無論做甚麼,也要有原則,不忘初心。」Written by: Suki Jia, Jiaxin Lu, Jasmine Xie, Daisy Yuan
Edited: Peter Law
Translated by: Michelle Chan
Graduated from HKBU COMM PRA major, Amanda Chan is currently the PR director of MUSE Group. Her passion for the industry motivated her to progress and become a versatile PR.
It is not hard to spot the difference between Amanda Chan and an ordinary practitioner in the business world. Stylish purple hair and a decent red shawl showed the style and character of a PR professional. She was always curious about new things, and passionate about life and work.
Amanda graduated from the School of Communication (COMM) Public Relations and Advertising Major in 2003. She was still very excited whenever she recalled the happy moments at COMM. Getting to know all talented boys and girls, brainstorming with classmates for projects, thinking of creative ideas beyond anyone's imagination….. these memories were all precious to her.
Besides meeting friends with common interests, Amanda gained a lot of knowledge from the credible courses. She said, "I learnt most of the skills required for work when I was at COMM, including PR, film production, computer graphics, budget planning etc." The Young Agency enabled her to have a first glimpse of working in advertising agencies, "I did not expect to have a chance like TYA. We experienced possible challenges at work in the future through operating TYA."
After graduation, Amanda joined the PR industry with her passion. 15 years have passed. Some people think PR is tough because they need to cope with never-ending crises. However, Amanda enjoyed a lot in her work. She said, "Many clients call me an 'encyclopaedia', but I am not. I just learn from Google." The diverse nature of the PR industry allowed her to connect clients from over 100 industries, so she could broaden her understanding of different professions.
When asked about her views of the industry development, Amanda felt confident, "I believe professions that require creativity and humanised service, like PR, will never be replaced by AI no matter how advanced technology is." At last, Amanda encouraged junior students "Whatever you do, insist on what you believe and never forget it."
School of Communication
傳理學文學碩士(全日制)學位課程Master of Arts (Full time) in Communication
開辦傳理學文學碩士(全日制)學位課程。Master of Arts (Full time) in Communication opened for enrollment.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
「第一屆大中華地區大學生影視作品獎」"The 1st University Student Film and TV Award in the Greater China Region"
電影電視系(現為電影學院)舉辦「第一屆大中華地區大學生影視作品獎」。The Cinema and Television Department (Academy of Film) held "The 1st University Student Film and TV Award in the Greater China Region".
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
李泳蘭:小小的海棉寶寶,成就大大的公關力量Kitty LEE: From a small sponge to a super Public Relations Practitioner
傳理系公關及廣告主修2002年畢業生COMM PRA major graduate, 2002
作為FleishmanHillard 的Senior Vice President,李泳蘭(Kitty Lee)形容傳理學院生活精彩豐富,加上熱愛溝通和學習新事物的精神,令她成為了一塊可以為後輩扭出水份的「超級海綿」。曾在浸大新公關廣告社(TYA)負責公關工作,給她學習機會和實戰經驗,當中最難忘的,就是為一藥廠做市場調查,於三天內靠20多個莊員完成3000份街頭問卷。十五年間於同一間大型公關公司持續工作,她指自己每天都在接觸不同事情,每天都是新的一天。她續言指出學習並沒有盡頭,但所學到的絕對能跟你一輩子。As the senior vice-president of FleishmanHillard, Kitty LEE described the wonderful campus life provided the small dry sponges like her with water, and even became a ‘super sponge’ that can share ‘water’ with the next generation. The Young Agency (TYA) at School gave her much working experience and opportunities, like completing 3000 interview questionnaires on street for a pharmaceutical company within three days by 20 students. Working in the same PR company for 15 years, she still regards herself as a newbie because every day is a new day for a PR.
浸大傳理畢業生,十五年間於同一間大型公關公司持續工作,到底是一位怎樣莊嚴,知性的女強人,方可走到FleishmanHillard 的 Senior Vice President 的位置上?
打開純白亮麗的會議室房門,收入眼廉的是俯瞰大海,萬千摩天大廈的美景,以及架上擺放著公司獲得不勝枚舉的獎項。咯咯幾聲,走入來的是一位容光煥發、笑逐顏開的女性,她是李泳蘭(Kitty Lee)。Kitty形容自己在傳理學院的日子是一塊沒有水份的海綿,但熱愛溝通和學習新事物的精神,不斷吸收,令她成為了一塊可以為後輩扭出水份的「超級海綿」。
「希望往後的浸大人就像半乾濕海綿般,除了要在校園及工作上吸收大量的知識水份,更要適當地「榨」岀水份,應用於不同埸合。」 Kitty更建議想加入公關行業的同學可以留意三方面:保持好學、學好兩文三語及嘗試不同工作崗位,這便可運籌帷幄,成為優秀,獨當一面的公關人士。
學院踏入50週年,Kitty認為「海綿」最能夠形容浸大傳理學生,校園生活精彩豐富,為學生注入水分,而一代一代的傳理人亦保持不斷努力,實戰好學,吸收社會洪流流動汪洋中的知識,於公關界發光發亮,生生不息的面對新挑戰。讓「唯真為善」的精神得以薪火相傳,循環不息。Written by: Oscar Yu, Maddox Chan, Yasmine Chan, Adrian Chan
Edited and translated by: Keith Ho
Working in the same PR company for 15 years is not easy. Kitty Lee, graduate of PRA, Department of Communication Studies, shares with us her path from a small sponge to the senior vice-president of FleishmanHillard.
Kitty, charming and cheerful, described herself in her school days as a small dry sponge. But with her passion in communication and ability in absorbing new knowledge, Kitty has become a "super sponge" that can share "water" with the next generation.
The Public Relations family at school
Lack of practical experience is a common feature of fresh graduates. Yet, Kitty said she never had such worries. The Young Agency (TYA), a society which worked like a real advertising and PR agency at School, gave much working experience and opportunities to her. She was responsible for public relations in TYA and required to promote their services to different companies. Her most memorable experience was to complete 3000 interview questionnaires on street for a pharmaceutical company within three days by 20 students. "It was a challenging task in terms of time and sample size. Each of us went to different districts to conduct the survey to avoid duplication." Their hard effort and project outcome were highly appreciated by the company. "That sense of satisfaction was still in my mind after so many years," Kitty smiled.
Kitty and her peers liked to take a break in their society room after a day's hard work. "Who drank my coke?" Kitty always shouted to her committee members after opening the fridge in the society room- which was like a home to Kitty. Joining the School at direct year three entry, Kitty was grateful to the "brothers and sisters" in TYA. "Thanks to the companion of the seniors, I integrate into school quickly. School did not only provide me with knowledge, but also equipped me with the analytical mindset, critical thinking and widen my social networks. Such experience gave much water to a dry sponge like me.
A newbie with 15-year experience
After graduation, Kitty started her career in FleishmanHillard and stays there till now. "Working in the same PR firm for 15 years is really not easy, but I still regard myself as a newbie. It is because I can meet new people, clients and technology which allow me to have different challenges." Public Relations is a dynamic industry that keeps changing every single day, and there is endless way to learn. "I would never regard myself as a master of Public Relations because every day is a new day for me. There is no end in learning, but what we have learnt would benefit us for our whole life," said Kitty.
The words to new sponges
"I hope all HKBU students and alumni can be a sponge with some water. Other than keep absorbing from the campus and work, they need to apply knowledge in different areas." Kitty advised that students who would like to join the PR industry should be inquisitive and willing to learn, with good communication skills and eagar to try different job positions. With these qualities, they could become an excellent and independent PR practitioner.
Kitty said Communication students are just like "sponges". The wonderful campus life provides sponges with water. And with their professionalism, diligence, passion in absorbing knowledge from every aspect and determination in upholding the School motto "Truth is Virtue", COMM students will shine, excel and prosper in the industry.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
桂濱:不忘初心,攜科技與藝術的共舞Kwai BUN: ‘Remember the initial faith, play with art and technology’
傳理系數碼圖像傳播主修2001年畢業生Digital Graphic Communication graduate, 2001
「大學生係可以任性嘅,Right?學生嘛!」追求自由的桂濱説,他形容大學是踏入社會前最後一個可以讓學生自由想像、不停嘗試的地方。除了本科,他當年積極旁聽電影藝術科目、爭取到美國實習的機會、做了空中少爺。種種經歷推使他一手創辦 Manymany Creations與 Quantum Matrix兩間亞洲頂級的動畫公司,成為了香港數碼動畫界的先驅者。Pursuing freedom as a final goal in life, Kwai BUN described university is the last space for students to try out their imagination and live freely before entering the working world. As what he said, “You can do what you want! Right? You are a university student.” He sat in the film classes without any credits, got an internship in San Jose and San Francisco, United States through the School, and even worked as a flight attendant after graduation for a year. These experiences helped him founded ManyMany Creations Ltd. and Quantum Matrix Ltd., the two Asia top animation companies. He is a pioneer in the digital animation industry in Hong Kong.
「我真是一個好追求 freedom的人。」桂濱感嘆道。「讀書的時候我沒想到我會是一個 businessman,但現在竟然做了十多年 businessman。」於2001年浸大傳理學院畢業的桂濱,一手創辦 Manymany Creations與 Quantum Matrix兩間亞洲頂級的動畫公司,成為了香港數碼動畫界的先驅者。
談到大學生活,桂濱說除了本科外,他對電影藝術亦充滿興趣。「我當時很喜歡電影,便問老師可否 sit堂。」雖然旁聽並不計學分,但好學不倦的桂濱並沒有因此翹課,更完成當中大部分的功課。他指學生面對不同作業時縱有辛苦的時候,但卻可逃離現實社會中的一點壓力。「在大學你犯了錯沒人會炒你,但現實社會有很多規則是要慢慢學的。」 他指大學就像個小社會,可以讓學生準備工作的心態。他認為某程度上的任性可以讓學生了解自己更多。「我覺得大學生係可以任性嘅,Right?學生嘛!」
畢業之後,追求自由的桂濱走了一條不太一樣的路。「我當時有一個好得意的決定,畢業後我去了做空中少爺,做了一年。」 桂濱笑道。「我就想走出自己的comfort zone,去磨練一下自己,多同其他人溝通。」藉此機會他到訪了五十多個城市,和很多不同國籍的人們交流。與此同時,他提升了自己的英文水準,認識到不同的伯樂,更抓住了赴美參加business trip的機會。
桂濱秉承自己追求自由的本心,追求自己所喜愛,把握機會。正值香港浸會大學傳理學院50周年慶,桂濱鼓勵浸大傳理的同學們:不忘初心,在反思中進取,敢於挑戰,唯真爲善。「大學不只是學知識的地方。」桂濱認為大學是踏入社會前最後一個空間可以讓學生自由想像,不停嘗試的地方。他寄語一眾的學弟妹要把握見識的機會,在大學中發展出獨立思考能力,更應培養出良好的與人溝通能力,自由地發掘自己的人生。Written by: Li Peichen, Gao Ruijie, Cai Jiahui, Sarai Chan
Edited and translated by: Keith Ho
Walking down the stairs, a mechanically steampunk door comes to your sight. Then an artistic meeting room full of Gundam model is in front of you. A smartly-dressed gentleman comes in, and he is Kwai Bun.
"I pursue freedom as a final goal in life," said Kwai Bun. "I never set out to be a businessman when I was a student, but now, I have been doing business for many years." Kwai Bun graduated from HKBU School of Communication in 2001 and he founded ManyMany Creations Ltd. and Quantum Matrix Ltd., the two Asia's top animation companies. He is a pioneer in the digital animation industry in Hong Kong.
Kwai Bun was a Digital Graphic Communication major, but he was also a fan of film. "I sought permission from the Film Professor to sit in their classes." Although sitting in film classes did not count any credits, Kwai Bun had never skipped lessons. What is more, he completed most of the assignments. He said that completing assignments might be challenging, yet one could escape from the pressure of the real world for a while. "No one will fire you if you commit mistakes in university. But in the real society, there are lots of hidden rules that you have to learn." He commented that university was like a small society which allowed students to prepare for work. He believed that to a certain degree, students could be capricious as it allowed them to understand themselves more. "You can do what you want! Right? You are a university student."
In the summer before Kwai Bun's third year of study, he got an internship in the United States through the School. He stayed in San Jose and San Francisco for two months. After living independently in the United States, Kwai Bun described himself as being enlightened. He also thanked the School of Communication in fostering his philosophy of life. "School of Communication has many good teachers. I learnt about the philosophy of life from a Drawing teacher." He learned that art and design need constant re-think and reflection. "You need to know how to do your artwork and also what you would like to bring out from your art piece." Kwai Bun also began to re-think about his life, who he wanted to become in future and his role in the society.
After graduation, Kwai Bun has taken a different path from his classmate. "I worked as a flight attendant for one year after graduation." Kwai Bun smiled. "I would like to step out from my comfort zone and take this chance to meet different people." He visited more than 50 cities and met many people from different nationalities. He polished his English and also grasped opportunities to develop his career.
Starting up a business is never an easy task. There are only a few people can seize the opportunity to be an entrepreneur. Kwai Bun has worked in a well-known animation company after returning to Hong Kong. He met his partner there and they found their business. In order to win trust from clients, Kwai Bun impressed them with sincerity. "In presentation stage, we will complete one-third of the production. This is to impress the client that we have the ability to complete the job." He believed that as long as they showed sincerity, they will be appreciated and more opportunities will come.
Kwai Bun upholds the heart of pursuing freedom, pursuing what he likes and seizing different opportunities. At the 50th anniversary of the HKBU School of Communication, Kwai Bun encourages current students: don't forget what you want to be initially, make progress in reflection, dare to challenge, and remember the school's motto– Truth is Virtue. "University is not a place only for knowledge." Kwai Bun is convinced that the university is the last space for students to try out their imagination and to live freely before they enter the working society. He hoped current students to grasp every opportunity to explore, and to develop independent thinking skills in university. Students should also develop good communication skills and explore their own lives freely.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
劉佩思:由被動學生蛻變成公關強人Ceci LAU: From a Passive Student to a Tough PR Woman
傳播系公關廣告主修2001年畢業生COMM PRA major graduate, 2001
劉佩思(Ceci)為前英思宇公關公司執行合夥人,從業多年,自信及幹勁十足,是個不折不扣的「女強人」,然而她的傳理生涯始於好奇,全賴浸大的課堂涉及多類型、跨學科的學習,讓她學會「跳出框架」,由被動的她蛻變成一位勇於發聲、敢於面對挑戰的公關。Confident and tough, Ceci was the former partner of Instinctif Partner International. She is always a go-getter and a strong woman in the eyes of the public. Yet, who knows she was a passive student in her early schooldays. She was taught to think out of the box from the comprehensive development programme and cross-subject training in HKBU. All these were so contributive to her career development.
文/ 蔡佳慧、李穗旻、李美琪、呂珮瑩
編/ 蕭百希
儘管公關一直圍繞著Ceci的人生,但原來她當初決定報讀公關卻是出於一刻好奇。回想當初升學,她直言選擇浸大傳理是因為她在大學資訊日的所見所聞:「當時台上嘅lecturer好有創意,用咗一啲notepad遮住自己嘅眼同耳仔,好快咁介紹『我哋PRA係Let you see,Let you hear』。」好奇心盛的她,一聽見這獨特的介紹,便決定在傳理學院一探究竟,奠定了她成為傳理人的基礎。
Ceci的傳理生涯始於好奇,但令她能夠繼續前進卻是全賴學會如何「跳出框架」。由被動的學生蛻變成一位勇於發聲、敢於面對挑戰的公關,她衷心感謝老師 Dr. Ric Ruidl的鼓勵及栽培,訓練她的思考能力、應對能力、及帶著一顆好奇心去擴闊思維。浸大的課堂涉及多類型、跨學科的學習讓她跳出框架,接觸不同事物,成為一個全面的傳理人。
畢業後,Ceci的工作離不開公關及廣告。她表示公關從不簡單,除了舉辦活動外,策略思考是重要的一環,並解釋:「處理公關危機時,會牽涉很多持份者。我地需要好快諗一個對各方都是最好嘅方案。」 她在傳理學院學會策略性地思考並冷靜分析事情。近年傳統公關走向新媒體的變化,對她而言也是一種挑戰。所有資訊都來得快,所以做公關必需緊貼各種媒體去創新求變。
傳理學院的院訓是「唯真為善」,Ceci強調做公關要真誠待人。正所謂「飲水思源,薪火相傳」,Ceci亦提醒師弟師妹作為公關,面對問題「唔好避,試咗先」,大膽嘗試說出自己的看法也是傳理人的應有的特質。她寄語同學們要享受學習過程,並祝福同學可以由「平凡的自己」突破成「不平凡的傳理人」。Writers: Cai Jiahui, Christy LI, Li Mei-ki , Lui Pui-ying
Translation: Sampson Siu
Confident and tough, Ceci was the former partner of Instinctif Partner International. She is always a go-getter and a strong woman in the eyes of public. Yet, who knows she was actually a passive student in her early schooldays. How did Ceci make so much change?
While Public Relations is an indispensable part of Ceci's life, her intention of studying PR was out of curiosity. Her determination to join this field started on the University Information Day. "The lecturer then was very creative. He used a notepad to cover his eyes and ears and said: 'PRA is a programme to let you see, let you hear'." This unique and interesting introduction sparked off her curiosity and motivated her to study in School of Communication.
Apart from curiosity, Ceci's PR path would not make such tremendous achievements without the training, nurture and encouragement of her teacher Dr. Ric Ruidl. She was taught to think out of the box. Her strategic, analytical and critical thinking skills, problem solving abilities were all set as a good foundation at School. What is more, the comprehensive development programme and cross-subject training in HKBU led Ceci to leave her comfort zone. All these were so contributive to her career development. "Thanks to the teachers!" said Ceci.
Ceci focused in public relations and advertising after graduation. "It is never an easy job," said Ceci. Apart from organizing events, strategic planning is one of the crucial and essential parts in PR. "During a crisis, there are various stakeholders. We have to develop a comprehensive solution which is to the benefit of all stakeholders promptly and calmly. The recent rapid development in media industry and the emergence of new media have brought forth many changes in the work of PR. Ceci confessed that it is a challenge to her. Information is disseminated faster and faster thus PR practitioners need to follow the rapid changes closely.
All along, Ceci recalls and follows our School motto "Truth is Virtue". As a PR practitioner, Ceci said it is important to speak the truth and be sincere to others. To pass on the flame of remembrance to the next generation, Ceci reminds us- "never escape from a problem, try it out first!" Dare to speak out is also an essential quality of COMM practitioners. Ceci also advised students to enjoy the learning process in School and strive to be an extra-ordinary COMM people.
School of Communication
傳播研究中心Centre for Media and Communication Research
成立媒介與傳播研究中心。Centre for Media and Communication Research founded.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
黃文偉、鄭葭柔:[對沉悶過敏:傳理人的創作堅持]Raymond WONG & Kovis CHENG: Boring Allergy: COMM professionals' persistence of creation
傳播系公關廣告主修2000 、2015年畢業生COMM PRA major graduates, 2000 and 2015
黃文偉和鄭葭柔主修公共關係及廣告,是對「沉悶」嚴重過敏的患者。三年前,黃文偉開創了「廣告狂人」Facebook 專頁,用多元化的傳媒思維寫下廣告業的大小事。鄭葭柔畢業後則投身媒體創作,加入了同是Facebook專頁的STAKK,以影片主導,成功帶起網絡熱潮。這兩位有著相似個性的傳理人在訪問中分享了如何打破框架,跨學科學習,成為全能廣告人。Raymond WONG and Kovis CHENG, graduates of COMM PRA major, were obviously oring" allergy terminally-ill patients. Raymond established the Facebook page "Madman Monologue" three years ago and wrote about the advertising industry from a multi-media dimension. Kovis worked on media production at STAKK, another hot Facebook page which focused on video creation. Raymond and Kovis were brave to break through traditions and norms because the passion and spirit of loving challenges were in COMM people's blood.
傳理人都有一個共通點 — 對「沉悶」過敏,患者接觸到枯燥的事物必昏昏欲睡,而天然良藥就是「創作」。黃文偉(Raymond)和鄭葭柔(Kovis)於香港浸會大學傳理學院主修公共關係及廣告,分別畢業於2000年和2015年,亦是對「沉悶」嚴重過敏的患者。當被要求用一個字形容自己,Raymond說「怕悶!」,「你要我用一個字, 我就要用兩個字,突破你給我的框架。」Kovis笑著接話: 「他講兩個字,我便講三個字!坐唔定!」二人爭相搶答,正正反映著二人相似的個性。
畢業後,不少同學都選擇進入廣告公司或大機構的宣傳部,但二人卻走出了新方向。畢業後的 Raymond 先當分秒必爭的記者,不久又跑到「公仔箱」擔當編劇,最後加入廣告行業。多次衝擊常態,令 Raymond 建立出新的思考模式。他三年前開創「廣告狂人」Facebook 專頁,用多元化的傳媒思維寫下廣告業的大小事。公關出身的 Kovis 畢業後則投身媒體創作,加入了同是Facebook專頁的STAKK,以影片主導,成功帶起網絡熱潮。經歷 STAKK的人事變動後,便與舊同事籌組新專頁 Whizoo,現在亦辦得有聲有色。二人畢業後都勇於跳出框框,正因流淌著傳理人敢於冒險、打破常規的血液。
Raymond 的創作之路,早在大學時期已埋下種子。主修廣告公關的他,曾跨學科出任《新報人》的編輯,可見他多才多藝。當Kovis 提到 :「大學時教的市場學知識, 例如營銷傳播、強弱危機分析(SWOT)可以爲同學打好基礎。」Raymond更點頭認同:「傳播理論的確讓我更了解行業運作,對培訓一個全能廣告人很有用。」
Raymond 續道:「PRA有個Facebook群組,尋找實習、招聘都很方便。」Kovis接話:「我加入STAKK便是因為看到校友臉書上的招聘信息!直到現在工作有需要,同學仍會義不容辭幫忙。」言談間,不難看見大家對傳理學院的歸屬感。校友即使互不相識,仍能有著一種「他鄉遇故知」的親切感,毫不吝嗇地彼此幫助。
傳理學院過去五十年,成就了不少傳媒人。談到對學院未來的展望,Raymond表示:「希望學院可以繼續培養出勇於發聲的同學。」Kovis則希望同學繼續秉承「唯真為善,不平則鳴」的院訓,不要被社會磨平棱角,被社會框著。Written by: Amanda Cheng, Joanna Chung, Vivie Kwan, Lau Ho Lam, Sandra Lau
Edited by: Peter
Translated by: Michelle Chan
Communication (COMM) people share a common illness: "boring" allergy. Patients feel sleepy when they see something boring. The cure is "creation". Raymond and Kovis, graduates of COMM PRA major, were obviously terminally-ill patients. When asked to describe themselves, Raymond immediately said "I am afraid of being bored." Similarly, Kovis answered "I can't sit there quietly."
Brave to take challenge and break through traditions
Many classmates chose to join advertising agencies or marketing departments of big companies after graduation. However, Raymond and Kovis took a totally different direction. Raymond was first a journalist who fought against time, then a TV scriptwriter, and finally joined the advertising industry. His diverse experience inspired him to think in a new way. He established the Facebook page "Madman Monologue" three years ago and wrote about the advertising industry from a multi-media dimension. Kovis majored in PRA and worked on media production at STAKK, another Facebook page which focused on video creation. The videos on the page went viral online. After the personnel changes in STAKK, Kovis set up a new page Whizoo with colleagues and gained much positive feedback. Raymond and Kovis were brave to break through the traditions because of the spirit of loving challenges was in COMM people's blood.
Multidisciplinary study makes a versatile advertising expert
Raymond started his career of creation since his university days. He was the editor of San Po Yan even though he was an advertising major, indicating how talented he was. Kovis said, "The marketing skills we learnt at university, like marketing communication and SWOT analysis, build a strong foundation for students." Raymond agreed and nodded a lot, "Communication theories indeed enable me to better understand the industry operation, and that facilitates the training of a versatile advertising expert."
Inheritance and assistance from alumni
Raymond was impressed by the Facebook group of PRA, "It is convenient to look for internship and job vacancy there." Kovis added, "I joined STAKK because of the recruitment message on an alumnus's Facebook! My classmates will offer their help without hesitation if I need them at work." Raymond and Kovis showed their pride in COMM during the sharing. Alumni may not know each other, but they feel connected by the sense of familiarity and are generous to offer their helping hand.
Voice loud and never forget school motto
The School of Communication has cultivated numerous communication experts over the past 50 years. Raymond hoped "The school will continue to nourish students who are brave to voice their opinions." Kovis wished the junior would follow the motto "True is virtue" and not to be framed by the society.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
吳詠姬:傳播界猶如少林寺 過程艱苦仍毫不後悔Vicky NG: Never Regret for Joining a Shaolin Temple-like Industry
傳播系公關廣告主修 2000 年畢業生COMM PRA major graduate, 2000
「連續十晚通頂?當你回頭一望,會發覺一切困難都不外如是。」不怕「捱」的吳詠姬(Vicky)在廣告界打滾十數載,她脫離主流,從事世俗認為苦悶的研究工作,過程辛苦,彷彿進了少林寺,卻學到實用的基本功,由涉世未深的新鮮人,蛻變成為龍頭廣告集團GroupM的管理層。“Staying overnight for ten days? You will find it manageable when you look back.” Facing hardship fearlessly, Vicky NG has been working in the advertising field for over ten years. She left the mainstream and joined conducting research work which seemed like entering a Shaolin Temple. Those tough days made her acquire a bunch of basic and essential skills and transformed her from a freshman to the senior management of a top advertising agency, GroupM.
回想往日,Vicky提到想感謝的良師:「當時有一位超嚴格,要求很高的外藉教授Dr. Ric Ruidl。我邀請了他成為我畢業項目的指導教授,我想成為他一樣。」老師要求高必有其因,種種挑戰,也是改進自己的契機。Vicky還想答謝老師Prof Kara Chan:「她記得所有教過的學生,對每個都很重視、很關心。」
「想入行的同學,入傳理學院已經踏咗半隻腳入行喇。」Vicky認為擁有一眾良師和廣大人脈網絡是傳理學院對學生的最大價值。行業中很多「開國功臣」都畢業於浸大傳理學院,Vicky認為在此畢業的師兄姐都很樂意幫助新一輩入行、了解行業的資訊。「傳理學生都好主動,比上一輩更有創意。但不要入到大學就鬆懈,作為大學生要成熟啲,大學只是你的起點。」她提醒師弟妹,做一個完美傳理人要有才華之餘,亦要有工作態度、商務禮儀和自律。知易行難,但Vicky仍對師弟妹充滿信心:「傳理學生一定會成為天之驕子。」Written by: AWAN Sami-ul-lha, Sally Fong, Claudia Kong, Michael Lam, Wong Chak-mei
Translated and edited by: Michelle Chau
Having been working in the advertising field for over ten years, Vicky NG has transformed from a freshman to the senior management of a top advertising agency, GroupM. Welcoming the 50th Anniversary of the School of Communication, Vicky shared her experience in her career path and the way to success. She stressed that one needs to keep on learning, searching for fun and be passionate in work.
Let Nature Take Its Course
Vicky majored in public relations and advertising but chose to leave the mainstream and joined doing research work which is generally regarded as boring. She joked that it seemed like entering a Shaolin Temple where she had tough days but acquired a bunch of basic and essential skills. "Areas which one can conduct research on are so abundant that I can never research all of them before I retire. That's why I can keep finding pleasure in my work. Every client has different needs in getting different information from research, we cannot say something without proof but must be based on evidence." Vicky discovered her interest by coincidence and decided to follow her heart. She emphasized, "I do not have a belief that people who studied advertising can only work in the related field during their entire career journey. I'm a person who let nature take its course and believe that expanding one's ability can help in managing new challenges and opportunities."
Bear the Hardship
Tough and willing to attempt new challenges, these drive Vicky to her success path. When asked about the characteristics of a communication practitioner, she shared her observations over the years. "You have to be determined in bearing hardship." She truly believed that there is nothing impossible in the communication field. "Staying overnight for ten days? You will find it manageable when you look back." Vicky encouraged current students to grab every single chance and not to be afraid of facing hardship when young. "Even if you want to face hardship in future, your health condition may not allow you to do so."
Mentor and Friends
Recalling the old memories, Vicky wants to thank one of the good professors Dr. Ric Ruidl. "He is a foreigner professor who is strict and requires high quality of work from students. I invited him to be my honors project advisor as I wanted to be a great man like him." Vicky would also like to thank Prof Kara Chan, "She remembers every student in her class. She treats and cares everyone with love."
The Broad Network Formed by Our Alumni
"Studying in the School of Communication has already meant a big step forward for joining the media industry." Vicky believes that the strong team of teaching professionals and broad alumni network are the biggest benefit for current students. Many successful communicators in the field graduated from HKBU School of Communication and they are willing to offer assistance and advice to students. "Students nowadays are proactive and even more creative than the older generations. But they must stay vigilant. As a university student, you have to be mature, possess good working attitude, business etiquette and self-discipline as action speaks louder than words. Being a senior to current students, Vicky has confidence on them and believes that her juniors will one day become successful as well.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
王春媚:衝上雲霄的新聞女強人WONG Chun Mei: A female news warrior roaring into the sky
傳理系新聞主修 2000 年畢業生COMM Journalism major graduate, 2000
畢業於2000年廣播新聞主修,王春媚(Mei)現為香港有線電視新聞總主播。她曾經放棄新聞從業員的工作,轉至成為空中服務員,究竟是甚麼讓她放棄翱翔天空的機會,重返瞬息萬變的新聞行業?她又如何將熱情和經驗化作燃料,繼績變好世界?Mei WONG, a news anchor, graduated from the School of Communication with the major of Broadcast Journalism in 2000. She was once a flight attendant, but what made her give up the chance to fly over the sky and return to the ever-changing news industry? How does she fuel her passion and experience for bettering society?
文 / 鄧茜雲、何詠琪、蔣雯麗、林嘉美、梁芷欣、謝典雅
編 / 伍頴賢
談及在浸大的時光,Mei 回想起與學習及朋友的美好回憶。「當初選擇浸大傳理是因為它很有名,而且我很喜歡說話!」三年的大學生涯雖然辛苦,但 Mei 感到非常難忘:「傳理學院就像一個大家庭,不同主修科的同學也會一起上課。當中讓我最難忘的,便是製作廣播新聞網(BNN)。由於當時BNN是全新的課程,我們就像開荒牛一樣,要自己借studio,一起出去採訪,趕 deadline。」除了學習外,Mei當年亦是傳理學會會長。「上莊讓我學習跟不同背景的人相處,一起組織活動,很有回憶。」
傳理學院帶領Mei進入新聞界。Mei十分感謝恩師對她的悉心栽培:「特別是溫文爾雅的黃煜院長,他除了教授新聞知識,還分享了不少終身受用的人生道理,就如即使事情發展未如所願,他鼓勵我們不要輕言放棄,要勇於跨過挫折。還有很細心的李月蓮教授,當我們是她的子女般照顧。」說到終身受用的人生道理,Mei亦提及傳理學院院訓——「唯真為善」。「事實對個人、甚至社會組成也非常重要,尤其在這資訊爆炸的時代。」Mei表示有幸在「傳理跑道」啟航,使她具備新聞從業員的特質 — 求真精神和對新聞絕對的喜愛。對於上年獲頒「傑出傳理人獎」,Mei既興奮又尷尬地感謝傳理學院。「我覺得自己還沒有足夠資格獲獎吧…不過我相信努力總有回報,我希望每次都能做到最好!」
充滿熱愛,實事求是,人性向善,這樣的一位新聞女強人,直到今天,尚在飛翔,不言降落。Written by: Summi Deng, Katie Ho, Sophia Jiang, Meimei Lam, Cherry Leung, Victoria Tse
Translated by: Seamus Li
Graduating from Hong Kong Baptist University School of Communication, Wong Chun Mei (Mei) has become the leading news anchor at Hong Kong Cable TV. Mei’s life is like a plane, taking off in the lane of HKBU. After having a successful career, Mei sat down with us and reminisced the good old days with “the family of communication”, sharing her experiences as a reporter, and passing down the wisdom to the young reporters, celebrating the spirits of communication.
3,2,1, ready to take off
When mentioning the time at HKBU, Mei couldn’t help but smile. “The popularity of HKBU School of Communication drove me into choosing it. And I also enjoyed talking so much!” As hard as three years of university life can be, Mei enjoyed every second of it. “The School of Communication is like a big family. We were gathering in the same classroom most of the time. What I remembered the most is creating BNN, Broadcasting News Network. Because of the novelty and uniqueness of BNN, we are like pioneers, venturing into the unknown world. We needed to book studios, conduct interviews, and finish before deadlines all by ourselves.” Besides studying, Mei was also the Chairman of the Communication Society. “Being in the Society has provided me the opportunity to work with people from different backgrounds and organize activities together. It was filled with memories.”
The news anchor with silver eagles’ wings
School of Communication led Mei to enter the news industry. Expressing her gratitude for her professors and teachers’ caring, Mei stated, “Our Dean, Professor Huang Yu, is gentle and kind. Besides teaching me news knowledge, he also shared his wisdom of a lifetime. He encouraged us to never give up even if things don’t go as planned. The key is to combat the hurdles. Another professor who left a huge impression on me was Alice Lee. She treated us as if we were her own.” Speaking of the mantras and wisdom, Mei also mentioned the motto of the School of Communication, “Truth is virtue”. “Truth is crucial to individuals and the structure of society, especially when we are surrounded by fragments of information explosion. ” Mei was lucky enough to take off at the lane of HKBU, which equipped her with the will of seeking truth and absolute love for news. Regarding the Distinguished Communication Alumni Award, Mei thanked the School with gratitude and a bit shyness. “I don’t think I am qualified enough to be presented with this award…… But I believe in hard work and I wish to top myself every time!”
Fuel up, soaring through the clouds
Being in the working world for over 20 years, observing and experiencing, Mei still finds her passion rooting deep in the news. “Nowadays the news industry is changing rapidly. With different media and platforms emerging, news is not the only channel the mass gets in touch with information. Yet, we are obligated to monitor the government and voice for the unjust. Revealing the truth of society is exactly why news exists.” Although with such passion, Mei found herself wanting to quit during the hard times. “Wanting to explore the world more, I was once a flight attendant. And because of this unrelated experience, I discovered my true love for news and held on to it.” The love drove Mei to pick up the position of a news anchor and persevering ever since.
Mei sent wishes to those young reporters who want to enter this industry, “Thinking from different aspects, and viewing things with a macro perspective. Don’t forget your founding aspirations and keep learning with a humbled heart. Don’t be afraid of hardships, because the views along this journey will always be more precious than the destination.”
Devoted, grounded, and kind. Mei, as such a strong female news figure, till today, still thrives through the clouds, never landing, never fearing.
School of Communication
2000 ~ 2009
追求卓越In pursuit of excellence
傳理學院與時並進,屢創佳績,舉辦多個國際性大型學術活動及會議,課程亦獲國際認可。In order to remain up-to-date with best professional pratice, the School organized a number of cutting-edge, large-scale international academic activities and conferences; its programmes are also internationally recognized.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
司徒廣釗:親身上陣 不離地的「腦細」Ralph SZETO: The Down-to-earth Boss
司徒廣釗於2008年與友人創辦了CMRS,主攻社交媒體的營銷。在此之前,他輾轉擔任過不少龍頭廣告公司的要職,亦曾於傳理學院教授Media Planning等科目。訪問中他分享了自己如何成為一位肯親身嘗試的「腦細」的經歷,亦寄予了傳理學院的師弟師妹一番厚望。As the co-founder of CMRS that provides digital marketing solutions for clients, Ralph SZETO insists to work closely with staff and have first-hand experience. He also contributes back to School by taking up teaching role in several subjects like Media Planning. Ralph hopes graduates from School of Communication can uphold the School's motto. "We should distinguish the truth amidst the flood of information and determine its virtue," Ralph shared.
「腦細」這個位置,往往給打工仔一種十分離地的感覺,躲在磨紗玻璃房間中,在會議時提出看似很有用、實際是強人所難的建議,有時還不知去向。然而,這情況在CMRS 鮮有發生,因為其中一位創辦人司徒廣釗(Ralph)多年來堅持親身上陣,不道聽途說,令自己有效地與時並進。
Ralph於傳理學院碩士畢業後,輾轉擔任過不少龍頭廣告公司的要職,亦曾於傳理學院教授Media Planning等科目,令他的目光更遠大。網上媒體的興起,令Ralph洞悉到新的機遇。他毅然放棄廣告公司高薪厚職,於2008年與友人創辦CMRS,主攻社交媒體的營銷。十年過去,Ralph眼光準確,社交媒體於傳遞資訊上愈趨重要,而他對客戶也有另一番期望。「我們現在給客戶一些提案,我們也跟他們說,現在做marketer,或者公司的高級行政人員,自己也要落場去嘗試使用社交媒體,才能真正感受到威力。大家要一起參與,不要一味依賴第三方公司。」Ralph笑說。
即使到了現時,當Ralph到學院guest lecture時,仍不忘向同學了解社交媒體最新趨勢,務求做到教學相長。「到底現時的年輕人在用甚麼社交媒體?我真的很多時候需要用心聆聽。」Ralph道。
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
郭倩雯:來自傳理學院的人生資產Helen KWOK: The assets of a lifetime from the School of Communication
傳理系新聞主修 1986 年畢業生
傳理學碩士 1999 年畢業生COMM Journalism major graduate, 1986
COMM Master of Arts graduate, 1999
從昔日為人熟識的新聞主播,到現為大專院校講師,郭倩雯(Helen)一直將在浸大所學運用於她的工作及人生上,並致力回饋母校,成為浸大尚志會和傳理校友會的中堅份子。究竟她在傳理學院收獲了甚麼人生資產?她又如何秉承傳理學院的院訓 —「唯真為善」?From a well-known news anchor to a college lecturer, Helen Kwok utilizes her knowledge and experience gained in HKBU in her career and life. She also contributes to her alma mater, becomes a member of HKBU Century Club, and the Alumni Association of the School of Communication. What “life assets” has she gained in HKBU? How does she implement the School’s motto, Truth is virtue, in her life?
文 / 陳婕盈、陳映蓉、方素盈、胡易如、阮惠楹
編 / 伍頴賢
郭倩雯(Helen)對母校的情始於上世紀80年代,1986年於香港浸會大學傳理系新聞主修畢業,其後在無線電視和有線電視成為人所熟識的一線新聞主播,Helen 一直終身學習,於1999年重返浸大校園進修碩士課程,更於2018年在美國一所大學取得工商管理博士,現為大專院校講師,更是浸大尚志會和傳理校友會的中堅份子。
校園雖小 人情味濃
離校多年,Helen最懷念的是當年校園生活的點滴。當年的浸大,未有新校和傳理視藝大樓,傳理師生主要在星島傳理中心上課。Helen 笑言當年校舍雖小,師生及同學之間的關係卻很熟絡,而 Helen 跟當年的同學們、碩士課程的教授、現任傳理學院院長黃煜教授時有聯繫。「在人生的成長過程中,有一班相識於微時,沒有利益衝突,能互相信賴的同學是非常重要,所建立的友誼最為純真,無疑是『人生重要的資產』」。
專業知識 畢生受用
最後,Helen 寄語師弟妹們珍惜校園美好的時光,善用學校資源,增進多方面的知識,提升個人社會意識和批判思考能力。Helen 續指出在人生每一階段,可能對「唯真為善」有不同的領唔,就讓我們繼續追尋這院訓的真諦,並把傳理人「人生重要的資產」— 「唯真為善」的精神實踐出來。Written by: Jill Chan, Christy Chan, Suyan Fong, Jacquie Woo, Jeanie Yuen
Translated by: Seamus Li
Helen Kwok weaved her love for the School since the 1980s. After graduating from Journalism major, becoming a familiar news anchor to the public at TVB and Cable TV. Helen never stops lifelong learning. In the peak of her career in 1999, she came back to Hong Kong Baptist University to continue her further education in a master's degree. And in 2018, she got her Doctor of Business Administration from a university in the USA. Being a lecturer at an institution of higher education, Helen is also the backbone and elite member of HKBU Century Club and the Alumni Association of the School of Communication.
Delicate as the campus, strong as the relations
Having left the School for many years, Helen reminisced about her good old university life. Back then, HKBU did not have the Shaw campus and Communication and Visual Arts building as it does now. The faculty and students from the School of Communication were mainly having lectures at the Sing Tao Communication Centre. Helen smiled when saying that although the campus was small, the relationships between professors and students were something grand. She still keeps in touch with her old classmates, professors from her master's degree study, and the one who is the current Dean of School of Communication, Prof Huang Yu. “During the lifelong journey, it is very important to get acquainted with classmates whom you can trust and stay clear with conflict of interest. The friendships being built are the purest, and undoubtedly ‘the asset of a lifetime’.”
Professional knowledge sparkling through life
As formerly being in the news industry, Helen admitted, “Journalism is a highly challenging job. ‘Iron legs, horse eyes, and god-sent belly’ are the three must-haves. The long duration interviews require journalists to have a certain amount of stamina. When facing accidents, a journalist needs professional knowledge and a clear mindset to make accurate judgments. Also, amid the ever-changing environment, a journalist may not get hold of the most updated information. Communicating with peers becomes more important than ever, helping journalists to grasp the pulse of the shifting information.”
Helen expressed her being honored to study in HKBU. From bilingual news writing, interviewing, reporting, to the training of each different concentration and expertise, Helen acquired fundamental skills. These skills, as another great set of assets of a lifetime, have been extremely useful no matter in work, career, or life.
“Truth is virtue”, a lifetime mantra
Ever since, Helen has been living by the motto of the School of Communication strictly, holding “Truth is virtue” as her life mantra. The wisdom behind has not only benefited her throughout her journalism career but also served as a continuous reminder to always seek the truth. “ ‘Truth’ is about reporting impartially and being true to oneself. ‘Virtue’ is about being ethical and positive.”
Towards the end of the interview, Helen sent her wishes to the younger generation. Students should enjoy and cherish university life, utilize resources and elevate individual citizenship and abilities of critical thinking. Helen continued to point out that in life, different times may grant you a different understanding of the motto, “Truth is virtue”. We should all join hands and follow the wisdom calling, practice the preached, and as a communicator, pass on the assets of a lifetime.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
沈達元:從不耕作的人生農夫Theo SHUM: A life farmer who never farms
傳理系新聞主修 1999 年畢業生COMM Journalism major graduate, 1999
從記者到節目主持,沈達元 (Theo) 一直默默耕耘,透過媒體素養教育,以自身於傳理學院及職場上得到的收穫,塑造一個理想的傳媒生態。究竟這位「農夫」,如何運用這些「養分」,實踐他的理念?From a journalist to a programme host, Theo SHUM has been working hard to build a better media ecology through enhancing public media literacy with what he has learnt from the School of Communication and the workplace. How does the ‘farmer’ utilize his attributes and experience to work out his aspiration in real life?
文 / 何樂頤、林穎彤、伍頴賢、黃子晴、黃兆楓
編 / 伍頴賢
苦幹亞視萌去意 落戶港台續前緣
忠於深耕細作 關注媒體素養
從事傳媒行業二十載,Theo 用上「深耕細作」四字總結他的體會。「影響世界並非一下子就能發生的事。即使你要做的只是很細微的工作,覺得影響力不大,但很多成就就是以『深耕細作』這種模式耕耘出來。」辛勤的農夫深耕細作,冀望天下老百姓皆得溫飽。Theo 不是農夫,那究竟是甚麼令他如此忠於深耕細作?就是他在傳媒界工作的初衷,培養社會大眾的媒體素養(media literacy)。
「我覺得 media literacy 重要在要了解每種媒介背後是怎樣運作,以及它們所發放的資訊的真偽。以前我們還會訴諸權威,相信某幾個大型媒體機構,但現在許多報章也有其立場,我們更需要有media literacy去明辨事理。」 Theo 現職港台健康資訊節目《精靈一點》主持, 而幾年前曾任浸大國際學院兼職講師,雖說不上和報導新聞有很大關係,但他仍希望透過每天的耕耘,將一點一滴真確的資訊傳達予觀眾和學生,不單是為保持媒體素養把關,更是為教育新一代媒體素養的重要性。
寄語傳理人 宜明辨真理 忌急於求成
明辨真理,可謂媒體素養的核心。曾是大學辯論隊主要成員的 Theo,明言當年的經驗除了鍛練出他高強的批判思維,還提升了他分辨真假言論的能力。「新聞報導要持平,是否只要涵蓋正反雙方的立場和意見?我覺得不是,因為我還要知道事實是甚麼。」Theo堅定地說,並以這番話開展了他對當下傳理人的勸勉。
「我曾在自己的工作評核上寫道:『滿腔熱誠一團火,有若燃於海上浮油,火光熊燃熱不及水。』」Theo一直以這句話作為鑑戒,並藉此寄語傳理人,要實現心中所想,不能急於求成,也不能過早放棄,否則就會「熱不及水」,影響力未達社會深層,那腔熱誠的火焰便已熄滅。說到底,在 Theo 眼中,我們都是待成大器的小農夫,即使我們的能力多麼微小,但只要「深耕細作」,熬過各種挫折,終能集腋成裘,在社會上散發獨特的影響力。正如農夫播種過後,必須經歷寒冬和酷夏的試煉,才能盡收滿地金黃的稻麥。Written by: Judy Ho, Suki Lam, Natalie Ng, Ophelia Wong, Kelvin Wong
Edited and translated by: Natalie Ng
Technology changes rapidly, so does the media ecology. It is not easy for Communication graduates to gain a foothold in the ever-changing ecology. However, among the communication professionals cultivated by HKBU, there is a farmer who works in obscurity, applying what he learned to better the society. He is Theo Shum, whom we can see on television every day.
Leave and return
Graduated from Journalism in 1999, Theo worked as a reporter in Cable TV and Asia TV (ATV) successively. He was well-equipped for the media industry with his experience as an editor of San Po Yan and a member of the Debate Team at university. While we thought he must have boundless enthusiasm for the industry, he said he had given up once because of the hardship in ATV. He worked in fields of marketing and public relations afterwards, yet he eventually decided to return to the media industry, continuing his career at RTHK.
Intensive cultivation and media literacy
Theo summed up his 20 years of experience with the importance of cultivation. “We cannot impact the world overnight. Tiny tasks cultivate great achievements with diligence.” Theo is in fact not a farmer, but what makes him value intensive cultivation? It’s the reason why he enters the media industry, to cultivate the public's media literacy.
“The essence of media literacy is to understand the operation of every medium, and the authenticity of the information it delivers. In the past, we would appeal to authority and believe in some large media organizations. However, many of them have their stance now. We need media literacy to discern right from wrong.” Theo is now the host of “精靈一點”, a health programme of RTHK and had been a lecturer of the College of International Education (CIE) of HKBU some years ago. Although he is no longer a reporter, he still hopes to deliver the right information to students and audiences in this way to maintain media literacy and educate its importance to the next generation.
Wishes to juniors
Discern right from wrong is the core of media literacy. The time in the Debate Team has strengthened Theo’s critical thinking skills. “Unbiased news is not only to cover both stands of an issue but also to know what the fact is,” Theo stated.
“Passionate for change but not too anxious for success, that’s what I had written on my appraisal,” Theo mentioned. He always reminds himself and hopes the juniors to be persistent with their goals and aspirations. Otherwise, these won’t be achieved and influential as you imagine. We are all small farmers who possess the abilities to change the world. Even though our power is tiny now, as long as we keep persistent and never give up, we will be powerful enough to improve the world.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
黃盈盈、梁慧兒:十年只做一件事 堅守全因情意結Vicky WONG & Edith LEUNG: Achieve Excellence of One thing in Ten Years
傳理系碩士1998年畢業生COMM Master of Arts in Communication graduates, 1998
黃盈盈和梁慧兒都在香港浸會大學工作了接近十年的時間,原來無獨有偶二人均是浸大傳理學院文學碩士第一屆畢業生。如今二人都在浸大工作,原來當年驅使她們選擇重返母校工作最大的原因是一個情意結--老師的用心施教。她們身體力行用時間實踐當初在傳理學院找到的興趣和人生方向,這種快樂的堅持令「十年只做一件事」變得沒有想像般這麼難。Vicky WONG and Edith LEUNG, the first batch of graduates in Master of Arts at COMM, have worked in HKBU for nearly 10 years. What motivates them to return to their mother school HKBU to work is the hard effort of their teachers they witnessed in their school days. They highly appreciated their support and contributions from them. The past decade recorded the happiness Vicky and Edith have gained through doing what they are interested. The experience of Vicky and Edith showed that focusing on one thing for ten years is possible and happy.
Vicky 和 Edith都在香港浸會大學工作了接近十年的時間,原來無獨有偶二人均是浸大傳理學院文學碩士第一屆畢業生。問到昔日一邊工作一邊攻讀碩士的生活,二人坦言:「的確很辛苦的!但我們同學之間的關係很好,放假會去遊船河,平時又會去同學家一起做功課。我們一班同學現在還有聯絡的!」二人如數家珍般提起昔日青蔥的校園生活時,面上總是帶著燦爛的笑容,這大概就是學生時期最大的快樂吧。
如今二人都在浸大工作,原來當年驅使她們選擇重返母校工作最大的原因是因為一個情意結。Edith說:「或許是因為一份情意結吧,當初在這裡讀書有一個好的學習環境之餘,老師的用心亦令我受到的啟發,於是機緣巧合下就想回來這裡工作。」說到這點, Vicky 亦有同感。「老師和我們的關係真的很好,溝通非常緊密,在學業和人生方面都給了我們很多意見。」老師用心施教,加上師生關係密切成為她們心中浸大最特別的回憶。昔日留下的除了同儕之間的友誼,還有一份對這個校園的感情,最終促使二人又再次回到這個充滿笑聲和回憶的校園工作。
「找到自己的興趣是最難能可貴的,如果很有興趣的話,不但不會覺得辛苦,而且更會成為你的動力!」Vicky笑言。從就學到就業,由始至終興趣都是兩位傳理人最大的動力,在浸大的十年似乎霎眼就過去。她們身體力行用時間實踐當初在傳理學院找到的興趣,這種快樂的堅持令「十年只做一件事」變得沒有想像般這麼難。Written by: Kaylor Chau, Keith Ho, Abbie Tong, Angel Tsang, Toby Wong, So Lok Tung
Edited by: Peter Law
Translated by: Michelle Chan
It is often said that "only do one thing on a day", meaning you can succeed with your determination no matter how difficult the task is. If so, how about persisting on one thing in the same place for ten years? Vicky and Edith's story proved that striving for excellence in the thing they enjoy is a happy persistence.
Vicky and Edith have been working at Hong Kong Baptist University for nearly 10 years, and both of them were the first batch of graduates of Master of Arts in Communication. When asked about the time when they worked and studied master programme, they said, "That was really a tough time! But we got along well with our classmates. We had launch picnics together, did homework at others' home. Until now we still keep in contact with each other." Vicky and Edith recalled the green school days with a big smile, as if they went back to the happiest moment at School.
Vicky and Edith shared old photos of their gathering after class: left was having a boat trip, right was having class dinner.
Vicky and Edith are now working at HKBU. The main reason for returning the School to work was the emotional attachment with the School. Edith said, "We studied at a good environment here and got inspired by the teachers' whole-hearted teaching, so I decided to come back and work here when I happened to get the chance." Vicky agreed, "We had a close relationship and good communication with teachers. They gave us much advice on academic and life." Wholehearted teaching and the close relationship with teachers became Vicky and Edith's most precious memory. Friendship with classmates and the emotional attachment with the School encouraged them to return and work on the campus full of laughter and memory.
Freshmen in workplace are always confused about their future. Edith recognised her life goal during her study at COMM, "The master programme broadened my horizon and found me to my real interest, gradually led me to the right direction of career and life development." Edith continued to study and recently attained an education doctoral degree, kept on insisting on what she liked with satisfaction.
"It is grateful to find your real interest. If you are indeed fond of doing something, you don't feel stressful but motivated!" said Vicky with a smile. From study to work, interest was always Vicky and Edith's motivation. Ten years at HKBU flew. They transformed their interest found at COMM into their career development, proving that their persistence would make "only one thing in 10 years" more enjoyable than what you imagine.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
關偉、梁光漢:「想當年我都是爬水管到廣播道返工!」Peter KWAN & Philip LEUNG: "I climbed up the pipes to get to Broadcast Drive to work."
傳理系碩士1998年畢業生COMM Master of Arts, 1998
關偉及梁光漢分別於新聞界及資訊科技界廣為人知——前者為前香港新聞行政人員協會主席(2005 – 2008)及亞洲電視新聞及公共事務高級副總裁 (1999 – 2008),現為香港珠海學院新聞及傳播學系專業應用教授; 後者則為前香港中文大學資訊科技服務處處長、金融糾紛調解中心董事、香港互聯網協會董事及消費者委員會前任副主席。他們22年前t於傳理系同窗修讀碩士課程,這些年來於兩個行業發光發熱,名聲響亮。訪問中他們分享了攻讀傳理學碩士獲得的知識和經驗對人生發展的影響,及兩人超過二十年的友情。Peter KWAN and Philip LEUNG were renowned professionals in journalism and information and technology respectively: Peter was the Chairman of Hong Kong News Executives' Association from 2005 to 2008, Senior Vice-President (News and Public Affairs), Asia Television Ltd form 1999 to 2008, and Professor in Practice, Department of Journalism and Communication Department, Chu Hai College of Higher Education; and Philip was the former Director of Information Technology Services at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Director of The Financial Dispute Resolution Centre and former Vice-Chairman of Consumer Council. They got their master's degree at Communication (COMM) 22 years ago. In the interview, they shared the knowledge and experience they gained in their master degree programme , as well as their 20-year friendship at COMM.
「想當年我都是爬水管到廣播道返工!」關偉回想起當年於香港浸會大學傳理系上課的時光,不禁咯咯大笑,一旁的梁光漢也會心微笑。關偉及梁光漢分別於新聞界及資訊科技界廣為人知——前者為前香港新聞行政人員協會主席(2005 – 2008)及亞洲電視新聞及公共事務高級副總裁 (1999 – 2008);後者則為香港互聯網協會董事及消費者委員會前任副主席。他們22年前於傳理系修讀碩士課程,這些年來於兩個行業發光發熱,名聲響亮。
現時關偉及梁光漢也身兼教職,以身為教,幫助新一代裝備自己。面對社會上氾濫的新媒體,梁光漢希望未來的傳媒工作者能保持專業,盡力實事求是,切忌隨波逐流,人云亦云。同樣,關偉贈言師弟妹八個字「獨立思考、刻苦耐勞」,於芸芸是非中保持熱情及專業態度,才能於傳媒行業屹立不倒,闖出屬於自己的天地。Written by: Choy Ka Hei, Kristy Fung, Ina Lee, Alexandra Leung, Anya Pai
Edited: Peter Law
Translated by: Michelle Chan
"I climbed up the pipes to get to Broadcast Drive to work. Those were the days!" Peter grinned when he thought of the school days at Hong Kong Baptist University School of Communication, and Philip nodded with a smile. They were renowned professionals in journalism and information and technology respectively: Peter was the Chairman of Hong Kong News Executives' Association from 2005 to 2008 and Senior Vice-President (News and Public Affairs), Asia Television Ltd form 1999 to 2008; and Philip was the Director of The Financial Dispute Resolution Centre and former Vice-Chairman of Consumer Council. They got their master's degree at Communication (COMM) 20 years ago.
Peter and Philip shared their reasons for taking the master's degree programme: to better equip themselves with a broader understanding of the world and build a strong career foundation. "Knowledge we learnt at COMM is useful in our entire life. Communication and relationship management is always there in our daily life. The courses enlightened us with the skills to survive in the society and our daily work." Philip's sharing pointed out the uniqueness of communication and the importance of lifelong learning.
The two old classmates remembered they discussed different hot social issues in their master's dissertations. Some were about Prince Charles's speech of the handover of Hong Kong, while some were about the emergence of the Internet and the rapid development of TV industry. The training at COMM enabled them to stay alert to every happening in the society.
Besides knowledge and experience, Peter and Philip gained a 20-year friendship at COMM. Peter got his bachelor's degree at COMM in 1978 and returned to the School for the master's degree in the late 90s. The courses not only broadened his horizon, but also expanded his social circle. "Classmates came from diverse disciplines. Studying for the master's degree enriched my knowledge, and more importantly, brought me many friends. Our friendship never fades away over time. Last year, we planted a tree on the campus as a memorial of our friendship." Graduates of COMM master class of 1996 donated a tree to School in 2017. The ever-green tree was situated next to the CVA building, representing the COMM spirit will continue to pass down to the future generations.
Peter and Philip both took part in teaching and equipping the young by sharing all they knew. Philip hoped future media practitioners would stay professional, insist on searching the truth and not to blindly follow the trends despite the influx of new media. Peter reminded the junior to "think critically and work hard". Stay passionate and professional is the only key to success in the media industry.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
文地貓:畫storyboard變畫漫畫 文地貓育成記Mandy Cat: From Storyboard to Comics
文地貓,香港繪本作家及插畫家,浸大傳理學院畢業生,主修廣告。文地的漫畫深受上班族歡迎,除了因爲她畫筆下的辦公室與愛情生活令人共鳴,也因為她筆下的可愛貓咪,治癒了香港人疲憊的心靈。訪問中她回想起大學生涯中的熱血回憶,及學習廣告的經歷為她漫畫創作帶來的基石和靈感。Mandy Cat is a picture book writer and illustrator in Hong Kong, graduted from School of COMM, major in advertising. Mandy's cartoons are very popular among young workers in Hong Kong, because the office and love lives, as well as the cutie cats depicted in her cartoons resonate among audience and cure their weary hearts in the modern society. Through the interview, Mandy shared her passion moments at COMM, and the experience of studying advertising which was the cornerstone and also provided inspiration for producing her comics.
當年公關及廣告學系有三十人,關係相當親密,最令她難忘的是和同學通宵做project。在那個通訊科技不太發達的年代,他們不能用視像通訊或雲端硬碟安坐家中工作,只好和組員在同學家留宿數天,通宵達旦地趕工。這種與同學並肩奮鬥的生活,反而成為她大學生涯中最熱血的回憶。至今文地貓想起與同學玩secret angel,與TYA莊員躲在系房吃火鍋、令房間煙霧瀰漫的場面,仍會泛起淘氣的笑容。
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
吳慧雯、陳凱欣、傅若茵:一條大樓梯 凝聚傳理人Buji NG, Helen CHAN & Barbara FU: A staircase that links to all COMM people
傳理系公關廣告主修1997年畢業生COMM PRA major graduates, 1997
位於「舊校」的大樓梯,對於其他人來說可能只是上課的必經之路而已,但是奧美集團廣告創作總監吳慧雯、城泉市場發展總監陳凱欣、以及資深廣告人傅若茵將其稱之為「我們的小社區」,是她們在浸大求學時最寶貴的回憶。儘管離校多年,三人亦不忘回饋母校。現時,傅與陳均在校擔任兼職講師,而吳去年亦協助拍攝傳播系宣傳影片,將自己所學所得傳承給師弟妹。A staircase may mean nothing more than a road to ordinary people, but for COMM people, it means a lot. Creative Director of Ogilvy & Mather Buji NG, Business Development Director of Urban Spring Helen CHAN and advertising expert Barbara FU came back to the staircase full of memories after many years, talked about their young and joyful school days at COMM. Even Helen, Buji and Barbara graduated years ago, they never forgot to contribute their most to school. Barbara and Helen taught at school as part-time lecturers and Buji took part in the production of School of Communciation Studies promotional video last year.
文/鄭皓駿、徐嘉蔚、廖凱頤、 繆浩然、黃杏婷
回憶大學生涯 難忘樓梯情懷
傳理人 脈搏相連
跨越半個世紀 延續傳理傳奇
邁向金禧的傳理學院,在半世紀的康莊大道上,孕育出不少傑出的傳理人才,一切名望及口碑皆得來不易。「由零到現在,傳理學院為傳播界培育了不少中堅份子。」符表示,傳理學院有如水一樣,生生不息,縱使經歷時代轉變,但一直沒有退卻。「浸大不能缺了傳理,正如人不能缺少水一樣。」她期望,傳理學院能夠維持自身優勢,將五十年基業傳承下去。Written by: Anson Cheng, Kaya Hsu, Chloe Liu, Andy Miu, Guby Wong
Edited by: Peter Law
Translated by: Michelle Chan
A staircase may mean nothing more than a road to ordinary people, but for COMM people, it means a lot. Creative Director of Ogilvy & Mather Buji Ng, Business Development Director of Urban Spring Helen Chan and advertising expert Barbara Fu came back to the staircase full of memories after many years, talked about their young and joyful school days at COMM.
Recall university moments, unforgettable story of staircase
The three COMM graduates in 1997 all agreed that the staircase on the Old Campus was the most important in their memory of university life. That was the must-go way to class and the best place to kill time, so the three graduates called it "our little community", where they enjoyed their time together there every day. Barbara remembered COMM students from all majors gathered there and shared their opinions from entertainment to social issues. She said, "The academic environment at COMM is perfect for learning. No matter we study film, PRA or journalism, as one of the COMM people, we are dedicated to the society."
Inheritance of COMM people
Even Helen, Buji and Barbara graduated years ago, they never forgot to contribute their most to school. Barbara and Helen taught at school as part-time lecturers and Buji took part in the promotional video production of school last year. Helen believed "this is an inheritance" and the other two friends nodded. What makes COMM incomparable? They all answered "networking". Helen explained she always asked COMM teachers if they would refer any students to her when she looked for an internship, "I feel a sense of familiarity when I meet alumni in the workplace. I guess that is the sense of 'COMM people'." Creative director, Buji looked forward to cooperating with the junior students as well, "Working with COMM people, we atomically synchronise and strive for the same goal."
Continue the legend of COMM over half century
The School of Communication has nurtured numerous outstanding communication talents over the past 50 years. It is never an easy task to build the reputation. "From zero to now, the School has cultivated many talents who support the industry," Barbara was proud that the School stood up despite the dramatic changes of the society over time, "The School is an indispensable piece of the University, as if water is essential to human body." She wished COMM could uphold its competitiveness and continue to prosper based on the 50-year foundation.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
開辦新聞專業廣播電視Broadcast Journalism option opened
開辦新聞專業廣播電視,同年成立「廣播新聞網 」工作坊,專為修讀廣播新聞的學生而設。Broadcast Journalism option opened for undergraduate selection. In the same year, the "Broadcast News Network" (BNN), a workshop for students of the Broadcast Journalism major, was established.
School of Communication
陳凌教授:誠信,每一個傳理人應守護的核心價值Professor CHEN Ling: Core Values of a Communicator: Personal Integrity
傳理學院教授 (自1997年)Professor of School of Communication since 1997
「傳承」、「誠信」是陳凌教授作為一個傳理人守護的核心價值。二十多年來,她活到老,學到老,擴闊知識的同時,一直謹守教育的崗位,成為傳播學院的教授,向學生傳播「誠信」的素質,身教言教。曾有一班學生集體作弊,她沒有作出立即行動,反而給予他們自首和道歉的機會,最終有參與作弊的學生在其辦公室門外排隊道歉,讓她最為難忘。Giving up a bright future in communication industry, Professor CHEN Ling devoted her 20 years to teaching and imparted the importance of “personal integrity” to students. Once facing a mass cheating by students, she chose not to penalise nor scold them immediately but gave them a chance. Students involved queued up outside her office to apologise and confess their mistakes. It proved her success in education.
陳凌教授於1997年加入香港浸會大學傳播系,有別於其他修讀傳理的學生,陳教授在美國完成博士學位後,選擇成爲教師而非投身於傳播界。二十年來,陳教授一直致力於教學,並將「誠信」的重要性傳授給她的學生。在訪問中,陳教授分享了她在學院授課二十載的點滴, 從中道出成爲成功傳理人的要素 —誠信。
要放下 但不能放棄
陳教授亦勉勵學生:「學習只是我們人生的一部分。不論成績好與壞,享受學習的過程,吸收當中的知識更為重要。」另外,陳教授亦引用「要放下,但不能放棄」,去勸勉學生面對失敗時不要太在意結果,反而要著重當中的過程,並繼續努力。Written by: Jennifer Cheng, Maggie Chung, Jessie Ip, Jason Kam, Cora Lo
Edited by: Michelle Chau
Professor Chen Ling joined the School of Communication of HKBU in 1997. Unlike other communication graduates, Prof Chen chose teaching instead of joining the industry after completing her doctoral degree in USA. For the past 20 years, she devoted her heart to teaching and imparting the importance of "personal integrity" to her students. Recalling the days in HKBU, Prof Chen highlighted "personal integrity" as the most important attribute of a successful communicator.
Adhering to your Original Dream
"Everyone has one's own dream which may sound ridiculous to others." Majority of people will choose to get into the industry which can provide them with the largest financial support and many opportunities. Yet how many will keep on chasing their initial dreams after graduation? Prof Chen is one of the remaining few, who adhere to chasing her goal.
Chasing after the Unpopular Dream
"I am more interested in learning and searching for higher level of knowledge." After receiving her Ph.D. in Communication, Prof Chen chose to become a teacher. Her decision was always being questioned by others who commented she had given up a bright career in the communication industry. But Prof Chen knows herself well as she is only hungry for knowledge and not money.
"Life is about learning." Apart from satisfying her own desire, Prof Chen also wants to pass her knowledge and values to the next generation and wishes her student to pursue life-long learning.
Upholding the Qualities of Communication Student
The School of Communication has been nurturing many professional communicators and also created thousands of memorable moments in past years. What makes Prof Chen most unforgettable in her teaching days is the mass cheating by students. Put yourself in Prof Chen's shoes, what is your response when you discover dishonest behavior from your students? It is hard to avoid being hurt, but how should a teacher do to settle the issue? The first thing comes up in people's mind would be penalising or scolding them, but Prof Chen took no initial penalty action and gave them a chance to confess and apologise. Her lenient action was not supported by her colleagues as no one believed that students would come forward for punishment. Prof Chen remained trusting her students and ignored other’s judgments. The reality has proved her choice; students who took part in the mass cheating queued up outside her office to apologise. "I was very impressed and happy that people respect rules and shoulder their wrong doings." Everyone makes mistakes but they all deserve a chance to correct. This experience has not only engraved upon Prof Chen's heart but also in students' memory.
Prof Chen's reaction to this cheating incident displayed the high importance she placed on integrity. Working in the communication industry, we receive more information than the public. "In this information explosion era, we may face with much attractive news that leads us to make some evil decisions. Thus, personal integrity shows extra importance." Through sharing this memorable incident, Prof Chen reminded us the high moral and ethical standard that communication students should uphold.
Just Let It Go, But Don't Give Up
To encourage current students, Professor Chen defined study as only a part of our life. No matter we did it well or not, enjoy the process and focus on the knowledge that we gained is much more important and meaningful. Besides, Prof Chen also embraved students not to be dragged by one's failure but learn to appreciate every single moment of the process.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
林偉基、吳秀賢:我們不是白紙Ricky LAM & Fanny NG: We are not 'white paper'
COMM PRA major graduates, 1996
林偉基及吳秀賢現分別為靈智廣告有限公司的執行董事及嘉華國際集團有限公司的市場總監。他們重返母校,細數當年大學生活的各樣趣事,暢談職場生存之道,一同「傳話當年」,用過來人身份把累積的經驗傳承下去。Ricky LAM and Fanny NG are Havas Hong Kong Managing Director and K. Wah International Holdings Senior Marketing Manager respectively. They shared their fun memories at COMM and the rules of the workplace, hoping to pass down the accumulation of experience to the junior generations
人們常道:「畢業生入行前都是一張白紙。」,對工作一竅不通,處處需要別人的提點,甚至十分容易「撞板」。不少成功人士在訪談中回首過去,也會用到「白紙」一詞來形容當時的自己。那麼讀大學的意義到底是甚麼? 適逢香港浸會大學傳理學院五十週年,林偉基(Ricky) 和吳秀賢 (Fanny)重返母校,細數當年大學生活的各樣趣事,暢談職場生存之道,一同「傳話當年」,用過來人身份把累積的經驗承傳下去。
「當年最難忘的是活動就是加入新公關廣告社(The Young Agency),它像一間廣告公司的縮影,為即將入行的我們提供不同的練習。我在TYA的職位是一位資料蒐集員,這個職位十分『好』,它讓我知道原來我不適合這個崗位。」Ricky笑言。然而, Ricky十分感激TYA以排除法幫助他認清了自己的興趣,亦慶幸當時獲得實習機會,明白到創意型職位才是他的方向,是他想用一生追隨的目標。
「當時有一科目叫 Media Planning媒體規劃,讓我們獲益匪淺。而時至今日這科也未被廣泛學習,它當中涉及很多專業用詞需要我們有基本知識,可是依然有一班行內人士完全沒有概念。」Fanny語畢,Ricky立即補充,「其實還有許多科目,例如Copy Writing、Campaign Planning、Research Method等,都在職場這二十年間幫助了我不少。我可以驕傲地說當年剛畢業的我們,不真的是一張雪白無瑕的紙。」浸大在學生的身上留下了鏗鏘有力的痕跡,為畢業生做好準備。
當年,傳理學院30週年校慶聚首了Ricky、Fanny和一班舊生;今天的50週年再次拉近了新舊生的距離。當年Ricky和Fanny對浸大感恩的心在求學時己在心中種下幼苗,在甫出職埸後結成了果。舊生們抱着對浸大的感恩回來,回報着如母親一樣照料他們茁壯成長的浸大,她給予同學們不同的機會,擴闊了我們的道路。正因為感恩的心一直長存,所以有了現在 ── 浸大傳理五十週年。
若學生是張白紙,那麼浸大協助我們提了一首好字,賦予了各位學生踏出社會的最後彈藥。Written by: Coey Chan, Amanda Lam, Joey Lo, Katherine Ng, Christina Sin
Edited by: Peter Law
Translated by: Michelle Chan
Fresh graduates are usually described as a sheet of white paper, as they are rookies and easily make mistakes at work. Even many successful people say they were once "white paper" when asked about their past. If so, what is the true value of studying at a university? Hong Kong Baptist University School of Communication (COMM) alumni, Ricky Lam and Fanny Ng, shared their fun memories at COMM and the rules of the workplace, hoping to pass down the accumulation of experience to the junior generations.
Ricky and Fanny are Havas Hong Kong Managing Director and K. Wah International Holdings Senior Marketing Manager respectively. It is surprising to know that two green graduates of COMM Public Relations / Advertising have transformed into confident and mature market leaders after two decades.
"My most memorable activity was joining The Young Agency. The agency was a microcosm of a real advertising company and provided us with opportunities to taste how it worked in reality. I was a researcher …Thanks to the opportunity, I realised I did not fit that position," Ricky said with a smile. He appreciated that TYA helped him find his real interest and goal, which was doing creative work.
"We learnt a lot from the media planning course. Until now, this course is not yet included in most schools' curriculum. However, it covers many technical terms and important fundamental concepts that some industry practitioners lack," said Fanny. Ricky added, "Many courses I took, like copywriting, campaign planning and research method, supported me at work. I am proud to say, we are well-prepared when we graduated, not a sheet of white paper."
Keen competition of the industry never stops. Ricky and Fanny wished the junior to keep being curious and determined. Sustainable learning is the key to develop a steady career in the ever-changing society. At last, the alumni reminded the junior to enjoy their job, so they can overcome the future challenges bravely and confidently.
All students are a sheet of white paper in the beginning. HKBU puts on wonderful colours and depicts a bright future for us.
School of Communication
張妙娟:「二十年來讓你做過最無悔的事是什麼?」Eve CHEUNG: "What I have gained in these 20 years?"
傳理學院行政秘書(自1996年)Executive Secretary, School of Communication since 1996
擔任傳理學院行政秘書一職超過二十年,張妙娟認為這些年來最享受的就是與學生和同事建立的深厚友誼和緊密的關係,她坦言這些都是其他人無法體會的快樂和收穫。由1996年起開始為傳理學院服務,這二十多年來她為學院完成大大小小不同的任務,這一切的任務都是與學生有關。她認為,變化是必須的,但是無論世界怎麼變,她與學生的友誼是不會變的,有些友誼甚至維持超過20年。Being the Executive Secretary of the School of Communication for more than 20 years, Eve CHEUNG enjoys the close relationships with students which outsiders would never be able to feel and expect. "Change is necessary," said Eve. Admittedly, the world is changing every day. No matter the School or Eve's duties, change is necessary. Nothing lasts forever, except the friendship that Eve has gained over the 20 years.
文/方珈琪、張倩衡、Jenny Li
在這個人來人往的大學校園裏,最不乏的應該是離別的故事吧。不論是往日的三年舊制或是如今的四年制,要維繫一段十年以上的友誼應該是一件難度甚高的事,但張妙娟(Eve)就正正證明了這一切是可能的。擔任傳理學院行政秘書一職超過二十年的Eve ,認為這些年來最享受的,就是與學生和同事建立的深厚友誼和緊密的關係,她坦言這些都是其他人無法體會的快樂和收穫。
由1996年起開始為傳理學院服務,這二十多年來 Eve 為學院完成大大小小不同的任務,這一切的任務都是與學生有關。「每年只有十四至十五個學生修讀碩士課程,我們的關係自然比較密切!」專責協助碩士生的 Eve 說起來一臉笑意,或許這些年來與學生們的互相交流,讓她多了種年輕的活力和調皮。
「我在這裡認識了很多朋友,和他們相處時令我彷彿變得像他們一樣年輕,甚至有一位我在1996年認識的同學,到現時仍有聯絡!」從 Eve 娓娓道來時略帶興奮的聲線,可見她在浸會大學傳理學院工作中獲得的自豪感,來源於和學生之間所建立的深厚友誼。
現在我們常說「十年來讓你做過最驕傲無悔的事是甚麼?」,雖然每個人的答案都不一樣,但對 Eve 來說,多年來能在浸會大學傳理學院工作並從中收穫的友誼,絕對是這二十年來讓她做過最無悔的事之一。Written by: Kadence Fong, Nicole Cheung, Jenny Li
Edited by: Kadence Fong
What would be the most treasurable and unexpected friendship in a university? A more than 20-year friendship between staff and student could be one of the answers. Being the Executive Secretary of the School of Communication, Eve Cheung enjoys close relationships with students which outsiders would never be able to feel and expect.
"I enjoy the interaction with students. It makes me feel young again."
Joining the School of Communication in 1996, Eve has been helping a lot on different tasks. "My work is mainly related to postgraduates, and the daily operation of the Research Centre. I also assist in receiving guests during conferences and seminars."
Eve's daily tasks provide opportunities for her to establish close relationship with students. "Every year, we have only 14 or 15 students admitted to the master programme. There are, as a result, stronger connection and more frequent interactions. Students come to me for everything such as course registration, form submission and more." Friendships are built through these interactions.
Eve enjoyed so much getting along with the students. "It feels like I became younger when I'm with them," she laughed. Her smiling face may be one of the reasons why students love to be with her and ask for her advice.
"To me, they're not only students. They're my friends."
Alike all good friends, students shared their worries with Eve and she tried her best to console and advise them. A case in point would be the discussion with a Polish girl on her studies. She wanted to quit as there was misunderstanding among her and teachers. "I talked to her for hours and persuaded her to stay. I tried to explain to her with my experience." At the end, the Polish girl graduated and has now been a teacher in the United International College. "She mentioned years later that it's me who influenced her decision to stay. Indeed, this brings me great satisfaction," Eve said with pride.
Eve shared with us her happiness of being part of the lives of students. "I am happy to witness how our students grow," Eve told us. "Many of them invited me to their weddings, if not birthday parties of their newborn babies. Some of them, moreover, become teachers in the School of Communication. This change of identity is interesting to me!" Eve did not hide her happiness and satisfaction when she was sharing her stories. "They don't treat me like a staff member. We're just like close friends."
"Students in the past were more mature…"
Besides the growth of students, Eve has also witnessed the difference between today's and past students. "Students in the past were more mature. Maybe it's because they had work experience when they came back to campus. Students nowadays require more time to take care. They are not handling stress well," Eve concluded. Another difference Eve observed is the diversity of students. "There are more mainland students nowadays and more foreign and Asian students due to globalization."
Eve, last but not least, offered a piece of advice to students. "Explore more. Try to join overseas attachment programmes or other exchange programmes if possible. Explore yourself more on new areas," she suggested. "And international exposure is surely beneficial to students." 20 years are not a short period. There are precious moments, hard times and changes. Eve told us, "Change is necessary." Admittedly, the world is changing every day. No matter the School or Eve's duties, change is necessary. Nothing lasts forever, except the friendship that Eve has gained over the 20 years.
School of Communication
傳理學文學碩士(兼讀式)學位課程Master of Arts in Communication (part-time)
開辦傳理學文學碩士(兼讀式)學位課程。Master of Arts in Communication (Part-time) opened for enrollment.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
成立「傳播坊」及「數碼坊」Set up of "The Young Communicator" and "Digiforce"
成立「傳播坊」(現為組織傳播主修的工作坊),專為傳播系同學而設,讓他們應用所學;同期成立「數碼坊」,專為主修數碼圖像傳播的學生而設。"The Young Communicator" was set up for students of the Applied Communication Studies major (run by Organizational Communication major) and "Digiforce" was set up for students of the Digital Graphic Communication major.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
羅振邦:人生只在一念間Bond LAW: Life is all about making choices
傳理系新聞主修 1995 年畢業生COMM Journalism major graduate, 1995
羅振邦(Bond),傳理系新聞主修畢業生,先後在亞視、無線、鳳凰衛視從事新聞工作二十載。Bond分享了在學時的美好回憶,以及傳理學院對他的教誨。與此同時,Bond回顧廿年記者生涯的難忘片段,並感激記者的身份讓他親證歷史。在2015年,Bond選擇跳出舒適圈,從事消費者委員會公關工作。即使身份改變,他依然心繫社會,關心世界。Bond LAW, who graduated from the School of Communication (Journalism) at Hong Kong Baptist University, has worked as a reporter in ATV, TVB and Phoenix Television for 20 years. Bond shared his fond memories of those days at HKBU, as well as how the School of Communication inspired him to become a competent journalist. He recalled some significant reporting experiences and he was proud to witness the change of an era during the handover in 1997. In 2015, although Bond chose to work in a new environment – Consumer Council (PR Department), he still cares for the public, society and the world.
文 / 張穎欣、趙紫淇、葉鎵怡、曾曼莉、梁芷欣
編 / 伍頴賢
人生每分每秒都在選擇,很多時候,轉變都只是一念之間的抉擇。羅振邦 (Bond),第一個人生重要的選擇就是加入香港浸會大學傳理大家庭。畢業後他分別在亞視、無線、鳳凰衛視從事新聞工作,後來選擇成為消費者委員會公關的一份子,現為消委會首席公關主任。即使身份改變,但Bond對新聞的熱誠從來沒變⋯⋯
最佳選擇 只因有『理』
選擇轉變 初心不變
在2015年, Bond選擇跳出舒適圈,加入消費者委員會,運用多元化的新媒體,以圖像及影片吸引消費者閱讀最新資訊。縱然離開了新聞行業,但他認為自己現時的工作也與新聞息息相關:「傳理學院及新聞行業讓我明白關心社會的重要性,現時的工作也如新聞般,與社會很貼近。」Bond 現在也會以傳媒的角度為產品測試修改新聞稿,工作更貼近消費者及社會。
獨立思考 追求理想
人生每分每秒都在選擇,不論消費者選擇產品,或是Bond處於人生轉捩點時的選擇,只要不後悔,並保持初心向前,就已經足夠了。而Bond的選擇,無疑造就了消費者更精明的選擇。Written by: Amy Cheung, Kelly Chew, Samantha Ip, Cherry Leung, Christine Tsang
Edited and Translated by: Natalie Ng
Life is made up of infinite choices. We often opt for changes within a flash of thoughts. Bond Law made his first important choice in life by joining the Communication family. After graduation, he chose to start his career in journalism and successively worked in Asia Television (ATV), Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB), and Phoenix Television. Recently, he stepped out of his comfort zone, became the Chief Public Affairs Officer of the Consumer Council. Nevertheless, he is still passionate about news.
The best choice
Bond reminisced about many unforgettable moments in his university life. As a communication student, he spent most of the time in the Sing Tao Communication Centre and thus built good relationships with classmates here, “We all had different majors but the building gathered us up. I met my wife here.” Bond couldn’t help revealing this little secret to us. “Journalists tell the truth. It motivates me to choose journalism as my major.”
Bond would like to thank teachers for their guidance in particular Prof To Yiu Ming and Prof Huang Yu. He was also grateful for the opportunities offered by the School of Communication, “The School provided diverse internship opportunities for students. I started my journalistic career as an intern at ATV. I tried different positions there, which made me familiar with the duties of a journalist, and this facilitated my career development afterwards.”
Change with unchanged passion
Bond’s journalistic career was filled with memorable experiences, especially those in 1997. “Back then, I worked in Guangzhou and was sent to Beijing to report the passing away of Deng Xiaoping. I felt like I was so close to history and witnessed the end of an era. Meanwhile, Hong Kong was experiencing new changes because of reunification. My journalistic role allowed me to record history.”
Bond chose to step out of his comfort zone in 2015. He joined the Consumer Council to provide the latest consumer information through videos and photos by using multimedia. Although he leaves the news industry, he believes his current job is also closely related to news, “The School of Communication and the news industry taught me the importance of caring for our society. My current job also connects with the community, but I change to deliver information by using multimedia instead of news channels.” Bond now writes the press release for product testing from the media perspective, staying close to consumers and society.
Bond is glad that the Consumer Council is credible among the public. “I enjoy my current job a lot as it is related to our everyday life and more meaningful, which can help the public purchase wisely.” Despite the change to a new industry, Bond never changes his passion for news.
Independent thinking to fulfill aspirations
In the face of the current adverse circumstances, the young are in the worst yet best of times. “As a news practitioner, you need to have iron legs, horse eyes, and god-sent belly, implying to be observant, alert, and possess great stamina.” Bond hopes, “The challenges ahead may be more arduous. However, whatever you pursue in the future, keep your independent thinking. We can adhere to our views and fight for our aspirations only in this way.”
Life is made up of infinite choices. No matter making choices on consumer products, or an important decision in your career, never forget your original motivation! And Bond’s life decision undoubtedly prompts consumers to shop smartly.
School of Communication
張潤禮:「傳理是溫暖的家」Henry CHEUNG: "Can't be luckier to work in this warm home"
傳理學院傳播學系IT技術員(自1995年)IT Technician, School of Communication, Department of Communication Studies since 1995
「我覺得我只是一個很普通和平凡的人,以對待朋友的方式協助和監督學生。」一位在傳理學院傳播學系服務了超過20年的IT技術員張潤禮這樣描述自己。令Henry留在浸會大學二十多年的原因不僅是他與學生和同事之間擁有的密切關係,也包括他與學校所建立的深厚感情,讓他感到難以割捨。Henry對今天COMS所得的成就感到非常自豪。展望將來,他希望學院能夠繼續進步,獲得更高的聲譽。他同時希望學院採取以學生為本的教育政策,為社會培育出更多傳播界的人才。"I feel like I am a general factotum, to supervise students for everything, while not being too harsh." This is how Henry CHEUNG, the IT Technician who has served School of Communication, Department of Communication Studies (COMS) for more than 20 years describes himself. The job itself is clearly not the reason why Henry stayed for more than 20 years. The relationships with students and fellow staff and the strong bonding he has built with the School make him stand fast and remain at his post. Henry is very proud of today's achievements of COMS. As for the future, he hopes the School could keep gaining higher reputation and at the same time, adopt a student-oriented education policy to nurture more talents for the industry.
文/Anson Lok,Katie Ka,Lepa Hung
二十多年來,Henry感到非常忙碌。「工作讓我幾乎喘不過氣來」他回憶說道,因學生總是向他尋求技術協助或借用設備。那時候,學生們參加很多比賽和展覽,為學校和自己贏得不少獎項。舊時IT設備昂貴,幾乎沒有學生能夠負擔一部私人電腦。因此,他們會日以繼夜留在實驗室。 「我們就像朋友一樣,我可以記起那段時期每一個同學的名字。」縱使同學們給Henry帶來了不少麻煩,Henry也沒有埋怨半句,更把那些麻煩當作挑戰。 「我記得有一次,一個學生在準備一個展覽項目,展品下竟埋藏了電線,豈料設備過熱,幾乎釀成火災!」他微笑著話,回想起昔日段段的記憶,就像昨天才剛發生的那樣。
令Henry留在浸會大學二十多年的原因不僅是他與學生和同事之間擁有的密切關係,也包括他與學校所建立的深厚關係,令讓他感到難以割捨。 「有一次,一名學生意外丟失了昂貴的攝錄機,價值約9,000 元。我用盡辦法幫助她,但還是無法得到保險索償。當時的院長便允許她在學校做兼職,以薪金在一年內慢慢償還。」學院中每個人的溫暖和愛護,羈絆著Henry,成為他和浸會大學緊緊連在一起的關鍵。
Henry對今天COMS所得的成就感到非常自豪。展望將來,他希望學院能夠繼續進步,獲得更高的聲譽。他同時希望學院採取以學生為本的教育政策,為社會培育出更多傳播界的人才。 「學生就像廚師一樣,能否烹飪出美食取決於他們的創作力和意念。」他鼓勵學生從多方面獲取知識,盡可能學習不同的技能和技巧,積極參與更多的比賽,充分發揮潛能,通過經驗讓自己能擁抱更精彩的未來。Written by: Anson Lok, Katie Ka, Lepa Hung
Edited by: Jenny Li
"I feel like I am a general factotum, to supervise students for everything, while not being too harsh." This is how Henry Cheung, the IT Technician who has served School of Communication, Department of Communication Studies (COMS) for more than 20 years describes himself.
Why did Henry join COMS as a technician when the IT industry was blooming and IT officers were in great demand back in the 1990s? Certainly not the salary. He worked in the financial industry after graduation, from afternoon until early morning to earn a considerable income. "My biological clock was messed up at that time. The job was hectic, so I applied for the job offered by HKBU after few years. I decided to change in order to have a more stable working schedule and also to gain the opportunity of further learning, which is difficult to have in other workplaces. I was so delighted to join this big family." And ever since, Henry has helped thousands of students who stepped in the IT laboratory.
It was very busy back in the old days, "I could barely breathe" he reminisced. Students always sought after him for technical help and to borrow equipment. At that time, students were urged to participate in competitions and exhibitions, to win prizes for the School and themselves. As IT devices were so expensive in those days, barely no student could afford computers to work for their projects. Therefore, they had to seek assistance from Henry and stay in the laboratory day and night. "We were like friends, I can recall almost every name of the students from that period." They also caused Henry a lot of troubles, which he took as challenges and gave him great sense of success. "I remember once a student who showcased a project for an exhibition buried some cables inside, the equipment got overheated and almost caught fire…" He was smiling, while recalling these memories like they have just happened yesterday.
Gone are the days when students relied much on teachers in their learning. In this age of advanced technology, most students have their own computers and they can easily find answers on the internet to tackle their problems and wherever needed. Nowadays, students look for Henry mostly because the printer is not working or they have forgotten their computer login credentials after a long holiday. Asked if he has ever felt upset because of this, he joked and said, "It is better not to bother me that much so that I can focus on my own work."
The job itself is clearly not the reason why Henry stayed for more than 20 years. The relationships with students and fellow staff and the attachment he has built with the School make him stand fast and remain at his post. "There was a time when a student accidentally lost a video camera that costs around $9,000. I tried to help her, but she was not able to claim insurance. The Dean at that time allowed her to take up a student helper job to slowly pay back the amount within a year." The touching qualities of people in COMS bond him with the School.
Henry is very proud of today's achievements of COMS. As for the future, he hopes the School could keep gaining higher reputation and at the same time, adopt a student-oriented education policy to nurture more talents for the community. "Students are like chefs, whether a delicacy can be cooked depends on their creativity and ideas." He encouraged students to try their best to acquire knowledge, learn as much useful skills and techniques as they can during school days and participate in more competitions to fully develop their potentials. Embracing the future by remembering the past. Henry wishes the COMS family he has been worked for 23 years to continue its success.
School of Communication
第二任傳理學院院長The 2nd dean of the School of Communication
朱立教授接任第二任傳理學院院長。Professor Leonard Chu became the 2nd Dean of the School.
School of Communication
傳理學哲學博士(研究式)學位課程Doctor of Philosophy in Communication
開辦傳理學哲學博士(研究式)學位課程。Doctor of Philosophy in Communication opened for enrollment.
School of Communication
劉慕慈:沒有「美好的舊時光」Monna LAU: There Are No "Good Old Days"
傳理學院電影學院項目主任(自1994年)Programme Officer, Academy of Film, School of Communication
「我和這所大學一起長大!」劉慕慈以這句話描述她與香港浸會大學傳理學院一直以來的合作關係。在2014年轉向行政部門工作前,她擔任學院攝影師和黑房助理,負責黑房的正常運作。令她一直留在浸會大學工作的原因,不僅是因為大學擁有各種各樣的資源,讓她為之著迷,更重要的是她對這地方有著強烈的熟悉和歸屬感。在Monna的眼中,沒有所謂的「昔日美好時光」,因為她和傳理學院共同發展整整20年頭,她們一起長大,見證著彼此的成長。"I grew up together with this School!". This was how Monna LAU described her long-standing relationship with the School of Communication. Monna assisted the operation of the darkroom till 2014 before she transferred her job function to administration. Apart from having a great variety of resources, another reason that made Monna stay is her familiarity and the strong sense of belonging to this place. From her point of view, there are no "good old days" as she and the School of Communication are developing and evolving together throughout these 20 years.
Monna回憶道,她在偶然的機會下加入了傳理學院。她發現學院所使用的設備和技術,比她在英國時所使用的豐富。 「我在香港浸會大學接觸了我生命中第一台自動電影拍攝機!我在英國學習時,只有一套攝影機供全校學生使用,但是香港浸會大學竟有十套供學生使用。我第一次來到這裏時,便認為浸會大學十分專業和可靠,令我為之著迷。」Monna說。
Monna熱情地談論起她在黑房工作的日子。當時黑房位於星島樓,那裡非常大,一共劃分為21個小房間。黑房對Monna來說不僅代表了她攝影的專業,更承載了她與學生之間點點滴滴的美好回憶。 「在老師們授課後,就輪到我來照顧學生。我非常支持學生的每個決定,我只會在他們迷惘時提醒一下他們下一步應做什麼,這樣學生才有更大的空間學習。我認為過去和現在的學生沒有區別,因為我遇到的所有學生都很可愛且求知若渴,熱愛學習。」
在Monna看來,沒有「美好的舊時光」,只因浸會大學和她在50年內均不斷進步,從未停步,她們在未來都會攜手成長,開創更多美好、令人引頸以待的時光。Written by: Sarah Kwok, Ankie Lui, Cherie Poon
Edited by: Michelle Chan
"I grew up together with this School!" This was how Monna Lau described her long-standing relationship with the School of Communication at Hong Kong Baptist University.
Monna has been working in this higher education institution since 1994. She studied for a degree of Photography in England and had worked in a product photography studio there for a few years. When she first joined HKBU, she was with the Department of Cinema and Television (upgraded and renamed as the Academy of Film in 2009) as a photographer and darkroom assistant. She assisted the operation of the darkroom till 2014 before she transferred her job function to administration.
Monna recalled that she joined the School of Communication by chance. She found the equipment and technology provided by the School of Communication were much more plentiful than those she utilised in England. "I got in touch with the first automatic filming machine of my life in HKBU! There was only one set of equipment for student use in the university where I studied in England, but HKBU had ten sets for students. When I first arrived here, I had a strong feeling of professional standards." said Monna.
Apart from providing a great variety of resources, another reason that made Monna stay is her familiarity and the sense of belonging to this place. "I can't tell the difference between the past and present because I grew up with the School together. The only thing I could say is that there are now more staff, students and resources than before. From her point of view, there are no "good old days" as she and the School of Communication are developing and evolving together throughout these 20 years.
Monna Lau talked passionately about her days working in the dark room. The darkroom used to be in Sing Tao Building, which was very large and had 21 small rooms. It did not only represent her profession of photography, but also her beautiful memories with the students. "After the teachers finish their classes, it's my turn to take care of the students. I supported them and reminded them what the next step was. There is no difference between the students in the past and in present, as all the students I have met are lovely and eager to learn."
Reviewing the past and the present of the Department, Monna was happy to work with professional and inspiring colleagues. She added, "We now have a new Director, Professor Man Kit Wah. She is just like a breeze, which brings in new management style and plans. I think this is a good practice that adds in more kinds of elements and ideas into the operation of Academy of Film."
There are no "good old days" in Monna's mind, as both the School and she have evolved and advance over the 50 years and will continue to do so in the future.
School of Communication
數碼圖像傳播主修科目Major in Digital Graphic Communication
開辦數碼圖像傳播主修科目。Major in Digital Graphic Communication opened for enrollment.
School of Communication
鄒靜儀:「二十五年、與學生一同成長、學習愛」Monica CHAU: Learn, love and experience life with students over 25 years
傳理學院傳播系行政秘書 (自1993年)Executive Secretary, School of Communication since 1993
鄒靜儀是傳播系任職時間最長的行政秘書,自學系成立以來便開始為學系服務,至今已有25年了。回顧這25年,她指浸大傳播系最美的風光是人:「我為這裡的同事、老師和學生感到自豪,他們很友善、互相愛護。」 一直以來,Monica 對傳播系的愛不曾減退,即使她將於明年離開現時的崗位,將來也不會改變。最後她寄語傳播系學生:「要對自己有信心!祝你們前程錦繡!」。Monica CHAU, is the longest-serving executive secretary in COMS. Looking back on the past 25 years in COMS, Monica established a good relationship with students. Monica's love of COMS never faded even she would leave the COMS office next year. Lastly, she has a few words for COMS students, "COMS students should have confidence in themselves and wish them every success in the future careers!"
縱然未必見過廬山真面目,但鄒靜儀 (Monica Chau)的名字對每位傳播系學生而言都是耳熟能詳的。她自學系成立以來便開始為學系服務,至今已有25年。
Monica對傳播系的愛不曾減退,即使她將於明年離開現時的崗位,將來也不會改變。最後她寄語傳播系學生:「要對自己有信心!祝你們前程錦繡!」Written by: Nadia Chu, Daphne Chu, Tony Lo
Edited by: Michelle Chan
Monica Chau, a familiar name to all Department of Communication Studies (COMS) students though they may have never met her in-person. She is the longest-serving secretary in COMS. More than 25 years since the first day of the Department's establishment.
Looking back on the past 25 years, Monica said the most beautiful scenery of HKBU COMS was people. "I am so proud of the friendliness of people, who are my colleagues, teachers and students. They are so affectionate, which is also one of the characteristics of COMS teachers and students." She witnessed the changes of COMS Department, seeing her single-person office fill with more and more colleagues and students grow up. "Each year I feel a lot when students are preparing their graduation exhibitions and honours projects. I'm with them from the beginning to the end. When I see many parents are so excited to take pictures during the prize ceremony, I feel grateful and touched as I see myself as one of those involved."
Working for 25 years in COMS, Monica established a good relationship with students. They talked to her about their doubts and difficulties both in their study and personal life. They also created many good memories for her. "The most impressive and memorable moment was when graduates suddenly appeared in the Department office without noticing me and gave me a big surprise thank." Monica believed that every student came into her life for a reason: to teach, to love, or even to experience life with her. "I'm still keeping contact with students and will always treasure our relationship."
COMS is regarded as one of the best Communication faculties in Hong Kong. Monica was always so proud of the HKBU COMS students, "All of them are talented and outstanding. Their excellent performance during internship helps to establish and maintain our school reputation. Our part-time and guest lecturers who work in the communication industry with senior positions are often impressed by COMS students' language proficiency."
Monica's love of COMS never faded even she would leave the COMS office next year. Lastly, she has a few words for COMS students, "COMS students should have confidence in themselves and wish them every success in the future careers!"
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
堵冠偉:情繫。五十年Gilman TOO: Love Connection - 50 Years
堵冠偉是1992年浸會大學傳理系的畢業生,投身行銷行業將近二十年,現在正準備成立自己的企業。在這次訪問中,他回憶了自己在浸大生活的一點一滴,最難忘的是傳理學院一年級生的才藝晚會(Year one performance)和在The Young Agency的快樂時光。畢業已有二十載,冠偉認為同學之間雖然各有所忙,但是不變的是當年的那份「情」。同時,在訪問中他還分享了自己穿梭在香港市場和中國內地市場的寶貴工作經驗。Gilman TOO graduated in 1992 majoring in Public Relations and Advertising, he devoted himself into the marketing industry for nearly 20 years and has become the managing director. He is recently ready to start his entrepreneurship soon. Aside from that, Gilman had shared with us the wholehearted and long-lasting friendship he gained at Communication school, those good old days back in university life and many of his valuable experiences working between Hong Kong and China market during the interview.
堵冠偉(Gilman)是1992年浸會大學傳理系的畢業生,這次筆者有幸和他進行訪談,細聽Gilman當年在浸大生活的一點一滴。筆者與Gilman談笑甚歡,得知很多Gilman當年身為學生的趣事。Gilman還興致勃勃地反問:「現在傳理學院還有一年級生的才藝晚會(Year one performance)嗎?」Gilman稱才藝晚會為學院一年一度的大事,皆因所有一年級生必須為二、三年級的師兄師姐準備表演,這不但能夠為學習生涯增添倩影,更促進了同學彼此間的了解。Gilman回憶起當時唱歌跳舞什麼都有,問及Gilman當年的表演節目,他笑說:「如無記錯,我是表演跳舞的。」Year one performance 就像是COMM普天同慶的節日,大家聚首一堂,這項傳統造成COMM就像一個小社區,大家互相認識守望相助。
除了才藝晚會,最令Gilman難忘的還有在The Young Agency(TYA)的時光。「當年TYA給予我很多接觸傳媒的機會。」Gilman言道,當年有許多傳媒或廣告公司透過TYA聘請同學做資料蒐集或或協助籌辦活動,他曾經任香港電台節目「千禧年代」的助理,又在明報擔任兼職,更一度嘗試扮演「公仔」,他笑言做「公仔」既不辛苦又好玩,最重要是人工豐厚,是當時的筍工。
School of Communication
蕭小穗教授:「求知若飢,虛心若愚」Prof XIAO Xiao-sui: The Importance for Communication Students to "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish"
傳理學院教授 (自1992年)Professor of School of Communication since 1992
1992年,蕭小穗教授在美國完成博士學位後就加入了香港浸會大學,但他和其他傳理學院講者最大的分別是他的專業是修辭學,這令很多同學認為他是一個非常特別的老師。總結這26年來的教學經驗,他對學生總是充滿信心,但蕭教授同時亦寄語現今學生在擁有大量資源的時候,也要學習一下昔日的學習氣氛,對知識和世界保持著好奇心和熱誠,向「求知若飢,虛心若愚」的心態邁進。In 1992, Professor XIAO joined the HKBU after he received his PhD in Communication and Rhetoric Studies from The Ohio State University in the U.S.A. Different from other lecturers in Communication Studies, his expertise is rhetoric study. Many students think he is a very special lecturer because he is the only one lecturer who is specialized in rhetoric which seems not really related to communication. With 26 years of teaching in HKBU, Professor Xiao always has a faith in his students, but he also hopes students today can learn from the "Good old days," maintaining their curiosity and interest to know the world deeper, and to "Stay hungry, Stay foolish" in searching for knowledge.
文/張美珠、辛綸安、 劉雅桐
1992年,蕭教授在美國完成博士學位後,加入了香港浸會大學,但他和其他學者最大的分別是他的專業 ── 修辭學。「修辭學真的非常重要,對語言和文字使用的熟練程度尤其對傳媒行業來說就更甚。不少大學都會忽略了這個部分,但浸會大學並沒有。」說起修辭學,蕭小穗彷如如數家珍般數說自己的專業和傳理學院的關係。這也令很多同學認為他是一個非常特別的老師。
「在課堂上最放鬆的一刻就是我在白板上寫字的一刻,因為不用面對學生和不用持續說話。」蕭教授笑說。總結這26年來的教學經驗,他對學生總是充滿信心。「我們的畢業生擁有一定程度的競爭力,對業界實際運作相當熟悉,同時對世界的真實情況有充足的認知。」但蕭教授同時亦寄語現今學生在擁有大量資源的時候,也要借鏡昔日的學習氣氛,對知識和世界保持著好奇心和熱誠,向「求知若飢,虛心若愚」的心態邁進。Written by: Cheung Mei Chu, Sun Lun On, Lau Nga Tung
Edited by: Cheung Mei Chu
"Being a teacher is my first and last job of my career, it's the best choice I have ever made in my life," Professor Xiao Xiao-sui says about the 26 years in teaching at the School of Communication at Hong Kong Baptist University. Among these 26 years, Professor Xiao has witnessed lots of changes from the "Good old days" to the present. The biggest difference is, the students today are lacking the consciousness to "stay hungry, and to stay foolish."
"The learning culture in the old days was more energetic and dynamic. Students were more active and concentrated, they always asked many in-depth questions," Professor Xiao remembered. This learning culture helps to nourish numerous communication professionals, carrying the basic attributes of being curious and inquisitive, to step into the media and communication industry. "In the past, there were lots of study clubs organized by the students for exchanging knowledge. It's a regret that this tradition does not maintain now," Professor Xiao said with pity.
In 1992, Professor Xiao joined the HKBU after he received his PhD in Communication and Rhetoric Studies from The Ohio State University in the U.S.A. Before coming to Hong Kong, he reviewed the syllabus for lesson planning. "I was very surprised and excited when I was reviewing the syllabus. I never imagined that the readings and materials used to teach master students in the U.S.A, is used for undergraduate students in Hong Kong!" Hence, he really looked forward to living and working in Hong Kong at that time - this was how he started his career journey in HKBU.
Different from other lecturers in Communication Studies, his expertise is rhetoric study. Many students think he is a very special lecturer because he is the only one lecturer who is specialized in rhetoric which seems not really related to communication. "Rhetoric is important," he says, matter-of-factly, "language proficiency is extremely important when it comes to media industry, especially argumentation. Most of the universities in Hong Kong do ignore the significance of Chinese language, even those journalism and communication departments, yet, HKBU does not." The School of Communication of HKBU is distinctive among others, in which it offers communication courses, and more importantly, rhetoric and literature courses for equipping students with good language proficiency. Thanks to this teaching principle of the School of Communication, it is the unique attribute of HKBU communication students for having language proficiency polished.
Professor Xiao admitted being a shy person despite his rich teaching experience. "The most comfortable moment during a lecture is writing on whiteboard. I don't need to keep saying something and facing the students when I am writing," Professor Xiao claimed.
Finally, with 26 years of teaching experiences, Professor Xiao always has a faith in his students, "Our graduates have a high level of competitiveness, they are familiar with the practical operation in the industry, and have a better understanding of the real-world situations." He gives some recommendations for students, "Students nowadays are lucky to have more resources for learning. However, they can't just simply rely on the internet, search for a simple answer and then stop thinking," Professor Xiao hopes students today can learn from the "Good old days," maintaining their curiosity and interest to know the world deeper, to "Stay hungry, Stay foolish."
School of Communication
傳理學哲學碩士(研究式)學位課程Master of Philosophy in Communication
開辦傳理學哲學碩士(研究式)學位課程。Master of Philosophy in Communication opened for enrollment.
Department of Journalism
Department of Communication Studies
Academy of Film
陳民傑:年少的率真,如今的真誠—我不曾改變Thomas CHAN: The Everlasting Sincerity
傳理系新聞主修1991年畢業生COMM Journalism major graduate, 1991
「唯真為善」——傳理學院精神,不僅伴隨著陳民傑(Thomas)的成長,更貫徹了他創立的圓通公司的業務。由財經記者到管理層,最後創辦自己的公關公司,到成為現時公關界首屈一指的成功商人,二十八年間,他一直堅持「做人一定要真!」、「唔認真先輸!」。The School motto “Truth is virtue” has stayed with Thomas all along. Started as a financial journalist, Thomas subsequently moved on his career to Public Relations and later on established his own PR company. At present, he is recognized as one of the most successful businessmen in PR industry. Working in the communication industry for 28 years; he holds strong his belief that “We must be true!” .
文/ 梁詠舜、莫嘉茵、魏迪
編/ 蕭百希
「做人一定要真!」是他在公關行業歷經風雨多年仍然保留著的堅持。當年為何選讀傳理 ?他坦誠又直白地說:「因為傳理學院係浸會大學既招牌,名聲夠響亮!」不是說為要貢獻社會,或為誰發聲,他只為自己而讀,只因當初為浸會傳理的名聲而吸引,他絲毫不掩飾他的真性情。但謙虛的Thomas卻未只借助於傳理的名聲,多年來以「真」實力,對行業作出不少貢獻。
除了管理業務以外,陳民傑更是不遺餘力地提攜後輩。 「態度決定高度。 」是陳民傑對浸大學弟學妹的寄語。他認為年輕人於求學期間該多鍛煉誠懇和真誠的辦事態度,將來定必有更多的機會去發揮最大的潛力。他勸勉年輕人不要做「slash族」,不要蹉跎歲月,最重要的是修練「態度」。「我唔同意認真你就輸」,他毫不猶豫道,「做人,唔認真先輸!」
傳理學院五十年來以自由、負責、求真的土壤,為傳媒行業培育一代又一代傳理人才;「唯真為善」這四字不僅伴隨著陳民傑的成長,更是貫徹了他創立的圓通公司的業務。在一個小時的訪問裡,我們感受到陳民傑的和藹可親和關懷後輩的心,但更多的,是從他內心散發出來的真誠。我想也正正是由於這樣的真誠,這樣的「真」性情才令他成為成功的傳理人。Written by: Karen Leung, MO Jiayin, WEI Di
Translated and edited by: Sampson Siu
Started as a financial journalist, Thomas subsequently moved on his career to Public Relations and later on established his own PR company. At present, he is recognized as one of the most successful businessmen in PR industry. Yet, you never see him put on airs as other great businessman may. He is warm and friendly in greeting the juniors. Thomas has worked in the PR industry for 28 years; his sincerity and truthfulness have never been changed.
"We must be true!" said Thomas. Facing various challenges and difficulties in the past, he still insists to keep this motto wherever he goes. Sharing the reason of choosing Communication in HKBU, he answered frankly, "Communication is the most famous and one of the best in HKBU." Thomas's sincerity and truthfulness demonstrated again in his answer. Yet, Thomas never takes advantage of BU COMM's fame; on the contrary, he makes great contributions back to the industry.
Thomas never stops learning in his career. As a financial journalist, he already took every opportunity to seek advice and learn from bankers and financial analysts. Later on, he was promoted to Communication Chief of Hong Kong Monetary Authority and Head of Investor Relationship of the Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited respectively. However, the success in career never hindered his drive in learning. He further pursued his studies in corporate communication and executive business management in other universities. Now being the boss of his company, he still shoulders the responsibilities of human resources and accounting despite his busy management role.
Thomas is very passionate in helping the young. "Attitude determines altitude," he advised to the juniors. "If teenagers can uphold their sincerity in learning and working, they would have more opportunities to excel their potentials." Thomas encourages young people not to be a "slashie" in wasting time but should put more efforts to develop good "attitude". I don't agree that seriousness would make you lose. Careless would!" he said undoubtedly.
The School of Communication persists the spirit of freedom, responsibility, and truth-seeking to nurture communication elites in the past fifty years. The School motto "Truth is virtue" has stayed with Thomas all along. This is also the principle that he holds on in running his company. In the one-hour interview, we could feel Thomas's sincerity and caring and we believe this is the core competency of being a successful communication practitioner.
School of Communication
傳理學系升格為傳理學院The Department of Communication was expanded as the School of Communication
傳理學系升格為傳理學院,下設三個學系:電影電視、新聞及傳播系。謝利國教授出任傳理學院首位院長。The Department of Communication was expanded as the School of Communication with three departments: the Department of Cinema and Television; the Department of Journalism; and the Department of Communication Studies. Professor John L. Jellicorse became Dean of the School of Communication.
Department of Communication
1990 ~ 1999
創建新里程New landmarks for innovation
傳理學系升格為傳理學院,開辦多個高等學位課程,建立更完整的升學階梯。The Department of Communication was expanded to become the School of Communication and offers many diverse of higher degree programmes, providing a more extensive study path.
Radio and TV
區樹洪影視教育中心啟用Inauguration of the Au Shue Hung Centre for Film and Television
區樹洪影視教育中心命名啟用。The Au Shue Hung Centre for Film and Television named and inaugurated.
Department of Communication
第四屆系主任The 4th head of the Department of Communication
林年同博士於八十年代後期出任第四屆傳理系系主任。Dr. Lin Nian-tong became the 4th Head of the Department of Communication in the late 1980s.
Department of Communication
開辦傳理學社會科學學士(榮譽)學位課程Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Communication program launched
開辦傳理學社會科學學士(榮譽)學位課程,約一百位新生入讀,開始三年的研習生活 。Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Communication program launched. Over one hundred freshmen commenced their three-year degree studies.
Radio and TV
池文皓:「最多發問獎」得獎者:好奇心驅使傳理人生Virginia CHI: A Curiosity Motivated Communication Journey
傳理系新聞主修1985 年畢業生COMM Journalism major graduate, 1985
求學時,得「最多發問獎」的池文皓(Virginia),一直帶著對世界的好奇和期盼,不甘停留於自己舒適區,由記者轉行為公關,不但擔任了國際傳播專業人士協會(IABC)香港分會會長,更與幾位同業於1995年創立香港公共關係專業人員協會(PRPA),期望能把公關工作變得更專業。Being curious about the world, Virginia CHI loves raising questions all the time and never keeps herself in her comfort zone. She switched her career from a reporter to a public relations officer. She established the Hong Kong Public Relations Professionals’ Association (PRPA) with a few peers back in 1995. Now, she moves to communication consultancy and is the current president of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Hong Kong.
在學時被導師選為「最多發問獎」得獎者的 Virginia,發表了得獎感言:「感謝導師鼓勵我要有追求突破,敢於挑戰的精神。」她隨即補充:「但傳訊工作的確不容易。」被問到當初為何選讀傳理系,Virginia笑道:「我對身邊的事物十分感興趣,修讀傳理系能讓我多接觸這個世界。」她的好奇心驅使她不斷突破自己,更擴闊了她的眼界 。
Virginia後來由記者轉行為公關,被問道為什麼有這改變,Virginia則認為公關行業十分廣泛, 有多方面的發展空間, 及可接觸不同類別的行業和人士,而記者的工作就富有挑戰性。而這兩個截然不同的行業,正正反映Virginia對新事物感興趣的性格。 其後,她與幾位同業於1995年創立香港公共關係專業人員協會(PRPA),期望能把公關工作變得更專業。Virginia勇於挑戰的精神更使她跳出框框,於香港建築業仲裁中心負責策劃有關利益相關者的參與項目及糾紛解決替代方案的推廣活動。最近,她更開始發展傳訊顧問的工作。
Virginia表示「唯真為善」在傳訊界尤其重要,因傳理人的工作主要是與各方進行良好溝通 。 「當你與其他人接觸的時候,如果讓人懷疑你所做事情及說話背後的目的和可信性,試問又怎能建立一種良好及長久的關係呢?」適逢傳理學院五十週年,她寄語新生們學會冷靜分析,多聆聽別人說話的含意後才作適當的回應,便可避免不必要的誤解或衝突。Written by: Lau Weng-nga, Lee Gillian, Lee Sheung-yau, Li Lut-ka, Tsui Ka-man
Translated by: Michelle Chau
Being curious about the world, Virginia Chi loves raising questions all the time and never keeps herself in her comfort zone. She majored in English Journalism at the School of Communications and graduated in 1985. Virginia is a former reporter of the South China Morning Post and is the current president of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Hong Kong.
Motivated by Curiosity
Labeled as the student who raised the most questions in class, Virginia made her award speech: "Thanks to our lecturer who encouraged me to break through traditions and be brave when facing challenges." However, she admitted that working in the communication field is never easy. Curiosity has driven Virginia to widen her horizon and choose her desired discipline for study. She believed that professional communication education would enable her to reach out to the world in various dimensions.
Dare to Break Through Boundaries
Discovering new possibilities in different industries, Virginia switched her career from a reporter to a public relations officer. Comparatively speaking, the work of a reporter is more challenging to Virginia but public relations offers a broader scope for development and allows the practitioners to reach out to different fields. With the objective to further introduce public relations to the general public and enhance the professionalism of this profession, Virginia established the Hong Kong Public Relations Professionals' Association (PRPA) with a few peers back in 1995. Dare to break through boundaries, she took on a role to plan for stakeholder engagement programmes and promote alternative dispute resolutions for the Hong Kong Construction Arbitration Centre. More recently, she moves into communications consultancy.
Pass on knowledge of the Profession
On the other hand, Virginia has been a part-time lecturer of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the School of Continuing and Professional Studies of Chinese University of Hong Kong. "I am interested in understanding the younger generations, and hope to help the students to identify their future career which suits them best." Hoping to pass on the professional knowledge to the young, Virginia picked education as a channel. "I wish that I can solve some of their worries and questions with my own experiences."
Truth Is Virtue
Integrity is extremely important in the communication field. Communication practitioners have to perform effective and efficient communication with different parties. "If others have doubts on your integrity and the motive behind your messages and actions, how can you establish a good and long-term relationship with them?" As the School of Communication enters its 50th anniversary, Virginia advised current students to practise critical thinking and be patient when they listen to what the others have to say before giving a response as this can reduce unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts.
Radio and TV
盧偉力:從多功能導演到電影學院老師LO Wai Luk: From an all-round filmmaker to film professor
傳理系電影主修 1982 年畢業生
香港浸會大學電影學院副教授 (至2019年)
香港浸會大學電影學院榮譽駐院作家COMM Film major graduate, 1982
Associate Professor, Academy of Film, HKBU (until 2019)
Honorary Resident Writer, Academy of Film, HKBU
盧偉力博士於1982年畢業於傳理系電影學院,浸會大學電影學院前副教授。求學時期,受到恩師啟蒙,讓他決意回到母校,承傳恩師的教學理念,培育一代又一代電影人。在訪問中,他除了分享與同學和恩師的故事,還寄語師弟妹:「無論面對什麼事情,都應以真心、真情來應對。」Dr. LO Wai Luk, former Associate Professor of the Academy of Film, graduated in the School of Communication with a major in Film in 1982. Inspired by his mentor, he decided to return to his alma mater to cultivate generations of film enthusiasts to all-round filmmakers. Other than sharing interesting stories back to his school time, he hopes all juniors to keep sincere whatever they do in the future.
文 / 陳諾怡、周穎怡、郭皓俊、林宇慧、梁頌萍
編 / 伍頴賢
昔日啟蒙 今日承傳
靈活應變 多功能優才
在昂貴的菲林年代,加上器材有限,在校內每次拍電影最多可借用器材四日,盧博士說他們要好好規劃利用那寶貴的四天時間。例如四人一組,他做導演時,另外同學就會負責攝影、燈光、製片、或其他工作,並且每一個鏡頭都要經過深思熟慮,務求「一 take過」。到其他人執導時,就會角色互換,互相協調,使統籌能力增強,更能掌握製作電影的不同崗位,使每位同學都成為「多功能小導演」。
真心真情 應對未來
面對着現時社會的逆境,盧博士認為傳理學院院訓「唯真為善」的「真」尤其重要,並寄語一眾師弟妹們:「無論是新聞的『真實』或是電影中的『真情』,以致在日後選擇拍什麼電影題材,還是做什麼事情,都應以真心、真情來應對。」Written by: Novia Chan, Winnie Chow, Chris Kwok, Kristy Lam, Jenny Leung
Edited and translated by: Natalie Ng
The teaching and training of the School of Communication have cultivated generations of film enthusiasts to all-round filmmakers. Dr. Lo believes all communication students uphold and are proud of the belief: “Dare”.
Inspire and pass on
With a passion for films and theatre shows, Dr. Lo enrolled in the School of Communication in 1978. Dr. Lin Nien Tung, the fourth Head of Department of Communication, inspired and influenced him a lot. Talking about the old school days, Dr. Lo shone with delight in his eyes.
Dr. Lo remembered Dr. Lin broke the traditions, introduced literature and theories to courses to train students’ abstract thinking and research skills. Doing so, students can understand the needs of society for a good film. Dr. Lo said, “We did not find it useful at that time. However, after graduation, I recognized the importance of having such training.” Thus, he decided to return to his alma mater to pass down Dr. Lin’s teaching philosophy.
The theories taught by Dr. Lin might be boring. However, there were many unforgettable moments with Dr. Lin. “He showed an 8mm film produced by Sergei Eisenstein, a director from the Soviet Union, in classes.” He bought it from Italy at his own expense as teaching materials even in the time videotapes were not common. “Besides, we went to bookstores with Dr. Lin every Thursday to search for different literature and movie books.” Dr. Lo said. The profound influence of Dr. Lin is not only his eruditeness but also his close bonding with students.
Become an all-rounder
In the old days with expensive films and limited equipment, film students could borrow equipment for up to four days only. Dr. Lo said that they had to make good use of the time. For example, in a group of four, when he was the director, other group mates would be responsible for cinematography, lighting, production or other tasks. Also, they need to plan every shot carefully in order to film a shot in one take. They would swap to other roles regularly. The practice enhanced their planning skills and allowed them to better understand different filmmaking positions to become an all-round filmmaker.
“University is not a place which trains us for one kind of job. It teaches us to formulate directions for different situations.” Dr. Lo said. He thanks the teaching here to make him become an independent and self-driven person. No matter what tasks or problems, they can be solved by applying the adaptability to changes and problem-solving skills learned here.
Keep sincere
Facing the current social adversity, Dr. Lo believes the School"s motto, "Truth is virtue", is of paramount importance. He wishes the juniors, “We need truth in both news and movies. Always keep sincere whatever you do in the future.”
Radio and TV
劉帝傑:「要學習的是建立關係和謙卑」Dick LAU: Building Relations and be Humble are What We Need to Learn
劉帝傑在香港浸會學院傳理系主修電影,1982年畢業後往美國繼續進修。在移民到美國之後,他選擇了在商界發展,並同時不斷寫作,累積一篇又一篇的文章,最後結集成書。在2017年,他的作品更獲得香港出版雙年獎2017「商業及管理類」出版獎。帝傑在訪問中提及自己對傳理系最難以忘懷的是所遇到的老師給予的教導和啟蒙,以及同學間深厚的感情。最後,他寄語傳理學院學生們,「我們要懂得與不同人去聯繫及溝通,才會知道世界在互相影響。同學要知道學海無涯,以謙卑的心不斷學習,與不同的人築成橋樑。」Dick LAU, graduated from the major of film at COMM in 1982, and went on to study in the United State. After emigrating to the United States, he chose to devote himself in the commercial field, and at the same time continued his writing. In 2017, his book was awarded the Hong Kong Biennial awards in the Business and Management category. In the interview, Dick mentioned that his most unforgettable experience was the teaching and enlightenment by teachers and the strong relationships build among classmates. His message to current students, "We should know we have to connect and communicate with different people, then we could realize the world is affecting each other. Students need to know learning is boundless and should learn with a humble heart, and build bridges with different people."
問到Dickie最印象深刻的往事,他特意要多謝當年的老師。「要特別感謝林年同博士當年的教導、梁偉賢博士對我宗教的啟蒙,更要多謝『老爺』張國興先生嚴謹的教誨。」 Dickie與傳理學院的老師關係亦師亦友。「在我移民廿多年之後,梁老師亦有到美國和我聚會。在我在美國修讀研究院課程期間,張國興老師和我繼續有書寫來往,時而勉勵我。」
移民美國之後,Dickie選擇在商界發展,並同時不斷寫作,累積一篇又一篇的文章,最後結集成書。在2017年,他的作品更獲得香港出版雙年獎2017「商業及管理類」出版獎。就此,他再次感激當年傳理學院的教學。「當年在中文新聞寫作和劇本寫作的課堂上,讓我學到KISS ── Keep It Short and Simple。更感謝在傳理系的安排下,讓我能夠在香港電台中獲得實習機會。我後來更成功投考香港電台的編劇訓練班,甚至能夠為第一屆香港電影金像獎頒獎典禮撰寫司儀稿。」Dickie亦盼能靠自己的文字向世界帶來一點的改變。「林年同老師教懂我對『時空』既觀念,我希望靠著寫作,用文字去跨越邊界(over the space)而去影響不同地區的人。亦去靠著時間與空間(time and space),令我可以將自己的作品於離開後傳流於世,繼續影響他人。」
Dickie亦感恩在浸會大學生活中與同學建立了深厚的感情。「在美國進修期間,才體會到美國學生的個人主義(individualistic ),大家在下課後便各自各生活。相反,還記得在浸會大學期間,和同學一起到旺角做訪問,一起去拍電影功課,到廿多年之後,大家仍然有互相聯絡。這些的友情都是傳理系帶給我的珍貴禮物。」
Radio and TV
劉志權:給傳播者的忠告CK LAU: A word for communicators
傳理系新聞主修 1982 年畢業生
香港浸會大學傳理學院新聞系專業應用教授、系主任COMM Journalism major graduate, 1982
Head and Professor of Practice, Department of Journalism, School of Communication, HKBU
社會分歧的溝壑加重傳理人肩上的責任。傳理的意義究竟是什麼?在新聞行業中摸爬滾打近30年的劉志權教授,提醒下一代傳理人不忘使命,用真相與眼界爲社會敲響警鐘。Social divisions are imposing a heavier burden on the shoulders of communicators. What is the meaning of communication? Having worked in the news industry for almost three decades, CK LAU urges the next generation of communicators to stick to their mission of using truth and vision to warn the society of impending dangers.
文 / 洪子晴、李曼琦、龍家威、呂家欣、黃希彤
編 / 李航
現今社會充斥著各種分歧,傳播信息的人到底肩負甚麼責任?浸大傳理系畢業的劉志權(CK Lau)從八十年代開始就為新聞界作出貢獻。他藉著自己多年累積的經驗,傳承在此時此刻應有的責任與精神給下一代的傳理人。
CK十年前從新聞前線退下來,返回母校任教,盼為下一代的傳理人打好基礎。他在傳承「唯真為善」的精神給後輩時,不忘當年多位老師的教誨。CK說,對他影響最深遠的前輩是傳理系第三位系主任張國興先生。張老師在上世紀40年代國共内戰時是通訊社記者,堅持報導真相。1949年南京解放後,他留在當地八個月,來港後發表報導,詳述共產黨管治下的情況,轟動全球。「唯真為善」的院訓的英文原文Truth is virtue,就是張老師創作的,提醒一眾傳理師生堅持追求真相。他要求學生認真求學,常説「You must work through the Communication Department, not walk through it.」
當時的副系主任梁偉賢博士,在Public Opinion課裏教同學做民意調查,同學們決定就市民對1997年香港前途議題進行調查,梁博士悉心指導同學設計問卷和進行街訪,調查結果後來在實習報紙The Young Reporter發表。時任英文虎報總編輯Alan Castro,是The Young Reporter的顧問,性情爽朗,教授編採之道時敏銳指出學生的錯誤,同學獲益良多。
CK指出,現時香港社會分化,傳媒人要充分認識不同派別的論述,客觀求證,報導必須建基於事實。CK 續表示,新聞報導對社會非常重要,而「新聞工作,就是傳達事實給受眾。」
科技日新月異,互聯網的普及使資訊變得唾手可得,令媒體盈利下降。CK慨嘆,整個行業的工作條件在過去二十年沒有改善。面對本地市場萎縮,傳理人受到地域限制,要有一番成就並不容易。CK告誡傳理學生,要跨越地域去尋找出路,無論到中國内地或海外,都必須練好兩文三語,瞭解不同地方的文化歷史,擁有宏觀視野,才可以把握機會,發揮所長。Written by: Winnie Hung, Mandy Lee, Tiger Long, Yanka Lui, Agnes Wong
Edited and translated by: Seamus Li
In a highly polarized society like Hong Kong, what are the responsibilities of communicators? CK Lau is a graduate of the English Journalism programme of the then Communication Department. With almost 30 years of working experience in the news industry since the 1980s, he has returned to the Department of Journalism as a teacher to passing down the spirit of communicators to the next generation.
Enlightenment from the elders
CK Lau retired from the front line of the news industry ten years ago, coming back to the university as a teacher to help educate the next generation of communicators. While passing down the spirit of “Truth is virtue”, he remembers the earnest guidance he received from his teachers. CK says Mr. Chang Kuo-sin, the third Head of the Communication Department, was the teacher that left the deepest impression on him. As a journalist of a news agency reporting the Chinese civil war in the 1940s, Mr Chang persisted in reporting and revealing the truth. After the liberation of Nanjing in 1949, he stayed there for 8 months. On arriving in Hong Kong, he published a series of articles on what life was like under communist rule, which made headlines around the world. Mr Chang coined the School’s motto, “Truth is virtue” as a reminder for teachers and students that they should never stop seeking truth. He required devotion from students, telling them that “You must work through the Communication Department, not walk through it.”
Dr. Kenneth Leung Wai-yin, who was then the Associate Head of the Communication Department, taught students how to conduct public opinion polls in his course Public Opinion. When students decided to conduct a survey to assess Hong Kong people’s view on the city’s future after 1997, Dr Leung patiently guided them to design the questionnaire and conduct street interviews. The findings of the survey were published in the Department’s experimental newspaper, The Young Reporter. Mr Alan Castro, then chief editor of The Standard, was The Young Reporter’s adviser. With a sharp mind and a hearty character, he never held back in pointing out students’ mistakes in their reporting and editing assignments.
Since graduation, CK had worked in three newspapers in Hong Kong and Australia. Before returning to HKBU, he was Editor-in-Chief of the South China Morning Post.
Mission of communicators
CK notes that in reporting a society as highly polarized as Hong Kong, journalists should try to appreciate the views of different schools of thought, verify their arguments objectively and stick to the facts. Journalism is very important to a society and “Journalism is about conveying truth to the public,” he says.
Challenges of the new era
With technological advances, information has become readily accessible in the internet age and the profitability of the news media has fallen. CK laments that the industry’s working conditions have not improved over the past 20 years. As the size of the local market shrinks, territorial constraints have made it harder for communicators to stretch their wings. CK advises communication students to look beyond Hong Kong in planning their careers. Whether they are heading for the Chinese mainland or overseas, they need to hone their skills in Cantonese, Putonghua and English, appreciate the culture and history of different places and develop a broad vision. Only then would they be able to seize opportunities that come along and apply their talent.
Department of Communication
星島傳理中心落成Sing Tao Communication Centre completed
星島傳理中心落成啟用。Sing Tao Communication Centre completed and inaugurated.
Radio and TV
李瑩:盡一生之力與藝術同行Lena LEE: Walk with Arts in my Life
李瑩於電影學院畢業後,投身到香港藝術界工作二十多年,現為香港展能藝術會藝術顧問。憑著能為藝術做得更多、更深、更廣的心,近年致力為殘疾人士爭取公平參與及創作藝術的機會。訪問中她分享了年少時於浸會大學參加劇社的經歷,及傳理系所學知識,對她堅持藝術的幫助。Lena LEE is the Arts Specialist of The Arts with the Disabled Association (ADA) Hong Kong. She has devoted herself to the Hong Kong arts community for over 20 years after her graduation from the Academy of Film. With passion in arts, Lena has been striving for the opportunities for the disabled to fair participation in creative arts. Through the interview, she shared her experience of joining the drama club in HKBU, her knowledge learned at COMM, and her devotion to arts.
Radio and TV
陳婉芬:從播音員到傳理系學生Candice CHAN: From radio announcer to communication student
傳理系電影主修1981年畢業生COMM Film major graduate, 1981
從事醫院籌款工作三十多年的陳婉芬(Candice),昔日是傳理系新廣播人節目的中堅份子,從中承傳了謙卑接受意見的特質,加上她主修電影製作,立下基礎,讓她能有效率地與其他媒體溝通,以籌備各式各樣籌款活動。Devoted to hospital fundraising career for almost 30 years, Candice CHAN was an active core member of The Young Broadcaster (TYB), the Department’s radio station in her school days and she learnt from the generosity of seniors in giving advice to juniors. Also, majoring in Film laid a good foundation for her in establishing effective communication with production teams in planning and organizing fundraising events.
緣在傳理 ‧ 開拓思維
Candice特別享受學院首兩年的課程,因為涵蓋各個主修,包括公關及廣告,新聞和電影電視,為她打好基礎。「當時傳理系的課程十分豐富,教授的傳播理論開拓了學生的思維。」 Candice現在的工作經驗涉獵甚廣,她認為在傳理系所學的知識功不可沒。「當年幸好選擇了電影製作,這對我現時的籌款工作很有幫助。在今天我還能應用當時所學的理論,讓我能夠有效率地跟電視台、導演們溝通去籌辦活動!」 Candice感激傳理系為她立下的基礎,對她事業的發展有莫大幫助。
多方知識 ‧ 校友傳承
當年老師和師兄姐的指導對Candice影響至深,今天她也想藉此勸勉各位師弟妹。她引用一句話:「豐富自己,比取悅他人更有力量.種下梧桐樹,引得鳳凰來。」以提醒師弟妹要時刻裝備自己,等待機會到來時就能緊緊抓住。她建議同學在香港獨特的多元文化社會下,要用心學好兩文三語,語言作為溝通基礎,將來必定有助事業發展。Written by: Tinka Liu, Ben Tsang, Riane Tsoi, Stephy Wan, Oscar Yeung
Edited by: Keith Ho
Before studying in Hong Kong Baptist College, Candice Chan was already an announcer in Commercial Radio in the late 1970s and received broadcast training there. Her strong interest in radio broadcast never subsided but had strengthened her determination to study Communication in university. After graduation, she worked as a public relations officer in RTHK for two years and then migrated to Canada, starting her fundraising career for hospitals. The good old times at school sprang to her mind when she first stepped into the Communication and Visual Arts Building after nearly 40 years.
Multi-disciplinary study at COMM
Candice's school days in Department of Communication were busy and colourful. She was invited to join The Young Broadcaster (TYB), the Department's radio station, in her first year. "I was glad to be part of TYB which gave me a lot of opportunities to learn from and work with senior students. I went to TYB whenever I had time."
Candice enjoyed courses particularly in the first two years because they covered all majors: Public Relations and Advertising, Journalism, Film and Radio and Television. It laid a good foundation which helped her to develop her future career. "Students broaden their horizon by the rich and variety content in courses." Candice firmly believed that the knowledge she acquired from COMM has contributed significantly in carrying out her diverse work. "I was fortunate to choose Film as my major. What I learnt at school is still useful nowadays. It helps me a lot in my charity fund-raising work as I can communicate effectively with the production team in planning and organizing fundraising events." Candice thanked the Department of Communication in helping her in career development.
School's spirit: inherit the knowledge
Candice was most grateful to the guidance from her seniors. As a core member of TYB, Candice always assisted in broadcast programs during lunchtime or whenever she was free. She learnt so much from the seniors. Even sometimes she made mistakes and was scolded by seniors, she accepted with gratitude for the teaching from them. "The advice shared by seniors helped me a lot. Furthermore, I learnt to accept criticism from others humbly," Candice added. The generosity of seniors in giving advice to juniors was believed to be a common spirit for all COMM people- to pass the flame onto the next generation.
The seniors had a profound influence on Candice. And years later, she encourages the young to equip themselves to grasp opportunities in future with the quote, "Good wine needs no bush. Enriching yourself is more powerful than pleasing others." Candice suggests students should sharpen their language skills, these are essential and vital core competencies and will facilitate their long-term career development.
Radio and TV
岑倚蘭:無懼社會變遷 謹記毋忘初衷SHAM Yee Lan: No fear of social changes, Never forget why you started
傳理系新聞主修 1981 年畢業生COMM Journalism major graduate, 1981
八十年代出道,由前線記者到香港記者協會主席,岑倚蘭經歷過香港回歸前後的變遷。 面對社會的各種衝擊,本著那份在傳理學院所培養對真相的渴求,讓她多年來也堅守「唯真為善」。Debuting in the 1980s, from a front-line reporter to the Chairman of the Hong Kong Journalists Association, SHAM Yee-lan has experienced the changes of Hong Kong before and after its reunification. In the face of social turmoil, she always upholds the value, “Truth is virtue”, all because of her hunger for the truth cultivated by the School of Communication.
文 / 周裕欣、李凱瑤、廖天納、陸文倩、王建欣、楊靜怡
編 / 伍頴賢
談到大學生活,岑倚說當年只有「三件事」,就是上課、做專題研習和幫別人補習湊學費 。而讀新聞系的更是份外辛勞,要負責編輯「新報人」,出外採訪,更要閱讀很多課外書, 難怪她直言:「廿四小時都不夠用!」當中令她最難忘的便是張國興老師(老爺)的課堂。「 老爺好嚴,好像軍訓,一定要我們考英文能力試,還將我們的成績貼出來!」但正正因為老爺的嚴厲教導,讓她清楚明白到成為記者應有的道德觀和原則,尤其是記者的使命和職責中「四不」主義:不黨、不賣、不私、不盲,為日後走出「大染缸」打好穩固的基礎。
堅守正道 摒除滋擾聲音
多年的經驗,讓岑倚坦言記者工作是危險的,加上現今社會環境惡劣,新聞自由下滑,記者的工作將越趨艱巨,但正因如此,社會更需要記者報導真相。岑倚認為,作為記者,保持好奇及擁有獨立思考能力至關重要,必需多看、多寫、多聽,以宏觀理性的角度理解社會和世界。岑倚亦寄語一眾師弟妹:「縱然這行收入低、前景未明,但能夠影響社會的滿足感比任何事都要大!謹記那團讓你燃燒的火焰,毋忘初衷,便問心無愧。」Written by: Charis Chau, Yoyo Lee, Samuel Liu, Janice Luk, Cathy Wong, Emily Yeung
Edited and translated by: Natalie Ng
Some believe we shouldn’t turn our passions into a career while Sham Yee Lan (Sham Yee) chose her major based on her interests. She cares about society, loves history and helping the weak, “When I saw John F. Kennedy was assassinated in the news, I wish to send him my prayer.” After considering her interests and academic results, she struggled to make a choice between programs of Social Work and Journalism. Eventually, she chose the latter, becoming an expert in the news industry today.
The three things
Sham Yee shared her university life was filled with only three things, attending classes, conducting projects, and giving private tutorials to make up tuition fees. Studying journalism was much more arduous as they needed to write for San Po Yan, conduct interviews, and read many books, which she felt 24 hours were not enough to finish them! Talking about the most unforgettable moments, she mentioned lessons taught by Mr Chang Kuo-sin, “Mr Chang was very strict. He must test our English ability and post up our results.” Nonetheless, his teaching enabled Sham Yee to clearly understand the four NOs of journalists: not to follow any parties, not to sell, not to have evil intentions, not to be blind, which built a solid foundation for her future career.
Stick to the right path
After graduation, Sham Yee joined the news industry. The challenging job has put Sham Yee in danger when she was seeking truth, “I was beaten on a train as I forgot to bring my visa when I was in Eastern Europe for interviews. Back to the early days of Chinese economic reform, I broke into the Diaoyutai Guesthouse in order to interview ambassadors of other countries. It was really terrifying.“ Nevertheless, these experiences made Sham Yee close to truth, and witness history, which motivated her to commit to her work.
Sham Yee has also encountered many difficulties in her 30-year journalistic career, “It’s always good when we are in schools. There are lots of challenges and cruelty at work. Working from a reporter to management, society is complex to me.” Her boss once demanded her not to use the Tiananmen Square Protests as the news headline. She was also asked not to report news of an organization. Facing all kinds of obstacles, Sham Yee adhered to her principles, putting public interest in the first place, “If we try to avoid certain news, it exploits the public’s right to know. Hence, we must be very careful as what we write would affect different stakeholders.”
Never forget why you started
Equipped with years of experience, Sham Yee admits that the work of a journalist is dangerous. Moreover, the social turmoil and the decline of press freedom would make the situation even worse. However, journalists are more important to current society to tell the truth. As a journalist, Sham Yee believes that it is essential to keep curious and independent thinking. We must read more, write more, and listen more to understand society and the world from a macro-perspective rationally. She addresses, “Even though the job income is low and with uncertainties in prospect, it is really satisfying when my news stories can influence society! Keep your passion and never forget why you started!”
Radio and TV
伍曼儀:「係夢想先可以喺同一行做 40 年」Amen NG: Only Dream can Drive People to Stay in one Industry for 40 Years
傳理系廣播電視主修 1981 年畢業生COMM Radio-Television major graduate, 1981
未曾寫過求職信的「曼E」-伍曼儀(Amen)從事廣播界四十一年,全因一個「非電台電視我都不做㗎啦!」的夢想,由身兼六職的大學生,到得到大學提供的實習機會,一步步成為香港電台發言人和機構傳訊及節目標準組總監,見證整個電子傳媒的發展和變化。Without any resume nor application for jobs, Amen NG has devoted to HK public service broadcasting for 41 years. With only one dream “I would only take jobs in radio and television!”,she took 6 part-time jobs and gained an internship opportunity in Commercial Radio Hong Kong during her days at HKBU. Now Amen is the spokesperson of Radio Television Hong Kong, and she witnesses the development and changes in HK media.
作為傳理校友會會長,Amen亦寄語師弟妹:「傳播媒體又好,或者係其他工作都好,我哋每一個人都有個理想,但係理想未必咁快實現到。而你追求嘅嘢,都唔係一朝一夕就即刻得到。當你未實現你的理想時,千祈唔好放棄,最緊要係機會仲喺度。但記住,機會係留俾有準備嘅人,當機會未到嘅時候要做多啲準備。因為當你做好準備嘅時候,就會有機會嚟搵你。」Amen亦提點師弟妹切勿太早失望,在耐心等待機會的時候可以把靈感記下,隨時會成為自己日後創作的題材,有助自己突圍而出。Written by: Michelle Chau, Keith Ho, Jacqueline Po, Wendy Wan, Nicole Wong
Edited by: Michelle Chau
The year 2018 marks the 90th anniversary of public service broadcasting in Hong Kong and also the 41st year of Amen NG's career in the broadcast industry. She has taken up various positions including frontstage artiste, editor and producer but has never left the industry after graduation. She is at present the spokesperson of Radio Television Hong Kong. Looking back, Amen is honoured to witness the development and changes in the media and also being part of Hong Kong's broadcasting history.
"I would only take jobs in radio and television!" Amen had set a strong and clear career direction 40 years ago. "I'm glad that it was compulsory to have internship for third-year students during my days and this enabled me to secure a job in Commercial Radio Hong Kong!" Amen was hired before graduation and started her broadcasting career since then. She laughed and joked that she has never written any resume nor application for jobs. "I am grateful that I started my career in the 1970s when the industry was desperate for talents."
Fruitful School Life
Being the Head of Corporate Communication & Standard Unit of RTHK, it is definite that Amen is always having a busy life. In fact, this pace of living can be traced back to her college life. "In my days at HKBU, the highest record was taking 6 part-time jobs at the same time: script writing, program assistant, private tutor and even a helper to clean the sausage oven at the school's tuck shop Panorama." These experiences may not all be related to learning, but the valuable memories enriched her university life. Amen was so eager to earn money because she had a dream of possessing her personal movie camera. "A camera costs around HK $3,000 at that time. That's so expensive!" But Amen believed it was worth it as having her own camera could provide her more practice opportunities and sharpen her photography skills which could benefit her studies.
Life's Enduring Production
Throughout her years of studying in the Department of Communication, Amen recalled the most profound memory was producing her final year project without sleep for days and night. It was a video on flame - how fire turned into sparks and burned to a cinder. She added background music to the video and implicated the burning flame as the rise and fall of a person’s life. It is a lesson for everyone to accept ups and downs in life. "I can't imagine why I can think of such in-depth idea when I was that young," Amen joked.
PR Challenges
"Being a PR officer or a spokesperson, you have to be a prophet. In the past, people working in the corporate communication department were told to deal with crisis once it occurs. But now, you should be able to smell and predict any crisis that may affect your company. You have to stay alert to your surroundings." From her point of view, there are important requirements for joining the industry. "Strong analytical skills, logical sense and ability in judging the credibility of information are the three basic but crucial qualities of a communication practitioner."
Advice to the Young
As the Chairman of the HKBU Communication Alumni Association, Amen gave some wise words to current students and young communication professionals, "No matter you are working in the communication field or not, everyone has one's own targets and goals which are never easy to be achieved. Life may not be that smooth. Yet, we should never give up as long as there are possibilities. Get yourself well prepared, then opportunities will be knocking at your door." Amen added that students could jot down any insights or creative ideas in mind as this may provide innovations in their future jobs and enable them to stand out among other candidates.
Department of Communication
星島傳理中心奠基典禮Foundation Stone Day for the Sing Tao Communication Centre
星島集團當時主席胡仙博士主持星島傳理中心奠基典禮。Miss Sally Aw Sian, Chairman of Sing Tao Newspaper, officiated at the Foundation Stone Day for the Sing Tao Communication Centre.
Department of Communication
1980 ~ 1989
面對挑戰 自強不息Persevering against tides of change
傳理學系的教學大樓星島傳理中心落成啟用,並開辦首個學位課程-傳理學社會科學學士(榮譽)學位課程。Sing Tao Communication Centre, housing the Communication Department, completed and inaugurated as the academic building of the Communication Department. The Department also launched its first undergraduate programme - Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Communication.
Radio and TV
葉啟恩、梁璟意:從廣告人走到教師的人生伴侶Simon YIP & Kitty LEUNG: Life partners from advertising experts to lecturers
傳理系公關廣告主修 1979 年畢業生COMM PRA major graduates, 1979
葉啟恩(Simon)和梁璟意(Kitty)是主修公關廣告的一對夫妻,畢業後一同從事商界行業,共同打拼。退休後,他們決定返回母校教書,以生命影響生命,將傳理學院的精粹傳承下去。Simon YIP and Kitty LEUNG are a couple graduated from the HKBU School of Communication with a major in PRA in 1979. They are currently working as part-time lecturers of master programs in HKBU. After working in the commercial industry in mainland China for years, they decided to return to their alma mater and pass their experience and knowledge to the next generation.
文 / 陳紫盈、林曉晴、林穎彤、湯嘉慧、胡曉欣
編 / 伍頴賢、李航
轉輾內地 歸根香港
Simon 和 Kitty 可謂青梅竹馬,由幼稚園至大學也是就讀同一間學校。從成長到就業,他們一直互相勉勵,互相扶持。畢業後,兩人曾於內地一同發展他們的事業,在多處留下足跡,移居上海和不同的內地城市,最終在2012年回到香港。Kitty 憶述:「在內地工作和生活,最大的挑戰是中港文化差異。」不同的經歷,都讓 Simon 和 Kitty 對於不同的產業藍圖有了不同的了解。對於港滬相異之處,Simon 指出:「上海硬件發展迅速,但勞動力的操作思維,態度,和服務意識未及香港,硬實力同軟實力較為不平衡。」Kitty 贊同道:「香港以規範的金融體系和完善的制度聞名,但產業比較單一。數碼媒體來講,以上海為代表的內地城市發展規模比較大,發展也較為優勝。兩地雖各有不足,但各自優勢也頗為顯著。」
不惧變化 靈活變動
談及傳理系畢業生需具備的特質,Simon 不假思索道:「要喜歡轉變和領導轉變。」遇上轉變,Simon 笑言:「因為浸大傳理系的訓練,好像沒什麼可以難倒我們。」二人在學時需要為新公關廣告社尋找廣告客戶,在實習中苦苦磨煉。畢業後面對多變的廣告行業及不同的工作環境,Simon 和 Kitty 難免遇到不少挑戰。除了應用所學,他們更有獨家秘訣—抱持「阿Q精神」。正正是這份「有工作便完成,有困難便解決;做得好當然開心,做不好便再接再厲!」的態度,讓 Simon 和 Kitty 無論面對什麼困難,也能迎刃而解。
以人為本 具同理心
退休後,Simon 和 Kitty 重返母校執教鞭,與學生分享多年的實戰經驗,以生命影響生命,培育新一代的傳理人。二人坦言:「即使現時科技一日千里,科技再進步都只係工具,但我們也不應忘記初心,而傳理的『初心』,則是以人為本。傳媒行業中,無論是電影、新聞或公關廣告,『人』是最重要、不可或缺的元素。我們要喜歡『人』,並懂得聆聽、理解和具有同理心,才可真正了解『人』,進而用媒體的影響力,為人發聲,才能無愧於初心。」
唯真為善 兼持初心
當提及院訓「唯真為善」,二人相視一笑,皆表示在學時傳理系第三屆系主任張國興老師常把 “Truth is virtue” 掛在口邊,以此提醒學生,但此重要教誨當時還未正式成為院訓。二人慨嘆:「踏入社會後對院訓感觸很深。」院訓能夠提醒畢業生堅持行事的準則,安守本分。「唯真為善是追求對人向善,真確,正確。」工作時面對決擇,利益在前更要把持「唯真」才能問心無愧。Written by: Joyce Chan, Nikki Lam, Queenie Lam, Yuki Tong, Venus Wu
Edited and translated by: Seamus Li
Venturing through the mainland, rooting in Hong Kong
Simon and Kitty are like childhood sweethearts, studying together ever since kindergarten to university. From growing up to having a career, rain, or shine, they have been encouraging and supporting each other. Upon graduation, the two developed their career in mainland China, leaving footprints all over China, moving to Shanghai, different cities, and finally came back to Hong Kong in 2012. Kitty stated as her memory flowed, “During living and working, the biggest challenge for us was the cultural differences between Hong Kong and the mainland. Different experiences have brought different perspectives, which have given the two understandings towards different industries. When comparing Hong Kong and Shanghai, Simon mentioned, “Although Shanghai was developing at a faster pace, the quality of labor, including working attitude and values hasn’t been able to catch up.” Kitty agreed, “Hong Kong was famous for its structured and standardized economy system and perfected legislation, yet nurturing a rather homogenous industry. Regarding digital media, Shanghai had a grander and more superior scale of development. Although they all have their own shortcomings, the advantages of each are very prominent.”
Never fear changes, flexibility is key
Talking about the fundamentals and must-haves of a communication graduate, Simon said without a doubt, “One has to be fond of changes and lead the change.” When facing changes, Simon laughed, “Thanks to the training in School of Communication, we are invincible.” During their university life, the two were asked to source clients for The Young Agency. And during their internships, they were trained with numerous hurdles and challenges. While being in the ever-shifting working environment in the commercial industry, Simon and Kitty were bound to have some hardships. Besides utilizing what they have learned, they also found a secret recipe for overcoming the hard times – having “the Spirit of Ah Q.” Thanks to the very spirit of “Finish your work, and solve your problems. Cheer if you did a good job, and persevere if you did a bad job.”, Simon and Kitty could persevere with ease no matter what came in their way.
People are fundamental, empathy is essential
After retirement, Simon and Kitty decided to come back to the university as part-time lecturers, sharing the valuable lessons of their practice, nurturing the young communication practitioners, and influencing lives with lives. The two frankly shared, “Although the development of technology may seem to be evolving every second, they are nothing more than tools. We should never forget ‘the founding aspiration’. The founding aspiration in communication is to value and respect people. In communication, no matter it is film, journalism, or public relations and advertising, ‘people’ are the most crucial and fundamental elements that should never be neglected. We need to adore them, and learn to listen, understand, and empathize, in which way can we truly know ‘people’.”
Holding onto founding aspiration, Truth is virtue
When mentioning the motto of the School of Communication, the two smile at one another, saying that this was always on the tip of Mr. Chang Kuo-sin’s tongue, who was the third head of the Communication Department. He was constantly reminding students to value truth as virtue. Back then, this important and wise teaching hadn't officially become the motto of the School yet. The two sighed with emotions, “After stepping into society had we genuinely resonated with the motto.” The very motto serves as a consistent reminder for graduates to obey their guidelines and stay in their lanes. “ ‘Truth is virtue’ is for one to pursue the kindness, truth, and righteousness of people.” When facing choices during work or being blinded by profit, upholding the value of truth is more important than ever, helping one to be true to themselves and leave no regrets.
Radio and TV
文樹森:鏡頭後的超級英雄MAN Shu Sum: The superhero behind lens
香港浸會大學電影學院專業應用教授、副總監COMM Journalism major graduate, 1978
Dr Hung Yeung Poon Wah endowed Professor in Film and Television
Professor of Practice, Associate Director, Academy of Film, HKBU
身為新加坡影視界的精英翹楚,文樹森先生通過他對鏡頭的熱忱,半生奉獻,在亞洲傳媒界中佔一重要席位。經歷半個世紀的人生歷練,他回到香港浸會大學,由學生變成教授,讓下一代傳理人領悟電影製作中的人生道理。Being one of the top talents in the media field, MAN Shu Sum earned himself a seat in the Asian film and TV production industry through his devotion. He built a media empire in Singapore from the ground through the lens of courage, passion, and subjectivity. Coming back to HKBU, he transformed from a student to a professor, passing on his knowledge of lifetimes to the next film master.
文 / Pim Kastermans, Kornkamon Potjamarnvimon, Daria Kulakova, 李航, 黃曉晴
編、譯 / 李航
43年前,文生(大家對他的稱謂)從浸會大學畢業。「傳理,就是講故事。所有專業技能,都是講好故事的根本。」文生在解釋為何最初選擇公關卻以記者身份畢業時這樣講道。鏡頭來到現在, 文生重回故地,成為電影學院的聯合指導:「我回到這裡,是為了和年輕人溝通、交流,試著了解他們。其實我也是在學習。」辦公室一隅讓人歎為觀止的可口可樂瓶收藏,散佈整個房間的細小精緻的裝飾品,為這個狹小的辦公室釋出活力。畢竟,如果沒有氪石,何來超人?
文生繽紛的人生經歷拓寬了他的視角。「唯真為善」、 「主觀中,蘊藏著客觀。客觀為本,主觀為思。」文生認為,一個電影人應探索真相,再選擇適當的角度,為觀眾揭露真相。「電影,因自由而美,因忠於內心而美。」 文生笑道。千帆歷盡,回到學校,教學相長,他又呵護著最初的力量。
50年白駒過隙,文生卻始終不變。他仍是那個有創造力的傳理人、無畏的探險家。原來,他,就是鏡頭後面的超級英雄。Written by: Pim Kastermans, Daria Kulakova, Seamus Li, Kornkamon Potjamarnvimon, Tracy Wong,
Edited by: Seamus Li
With the power in his hand, he built up a media and TV production empire in Singapore, ventured into the unknown, and now is back to the School of Communication and ready to pass on his magic to the next industry superhero. He is truly a superman behind his lenses, with creativity sparks shining through, impacting, and educating the world with perceptions. He is Man Shu Sum, a film and TV Management professional, a Coca-Cola bottle collector, a producer, and a student.
The lens of education
43 years ago, Mr. Man graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University. Back then, the university was less spacious and grand, with only one campus on the map. "Communication is about how to tell a story. All professional skills are fundamental to storytelling," Mr. Man said, explaining why he chose public relations yet ended up graduating as a journalism student. Fast forward to today, as the Associate Director of the Academy of Film, Mr. Man came home and realized the full circle of teaching. "I came back to connect with young students, talk to them, understand them. It's a 2-way learning process." In his office, an impressive Coca-Cola bottle collection is set at the corner. Little decorations are scattered in the room, gracing this cube in the sky with liveliness and breath. After all, what would a superhero be without his little kryptonite?
The lens of courage
Courage is the switch of superpower for all. After working for Hong Kong TV stations for several years, Mr. Man received a call from Singapore. “I was only 28. I had nothing to lose. So I gave it a try.” Never would he know that the decision of joining Singapore Broadcasting Corporation would change his life, and also Singapore’s media landscape. Studying behind the lenses of Hong Kong TV stations gave Mr. Man the perspective of a homogeneous culture, while Singapore has several cultures coexisting on its land. He knew that by taking the chance, he would have to start to learn Singapore through the perceptions of a Singaporean. “What we receive fundamental knowledge in university, to open our hearts and eyes to understand what’s going on not only in Hong Kong but elsewhere,” Mr. Man stated, with pride and joy in his voice. Over 20 years of working in and exploring Singapore, Mr. Man created two channels, influencing the Asian area. Nominated by Variety as one of the Top 50 Asian Film Leaders, being the chief jury of Asian Television Award, and all the other honors truly showed that Mr. Man’s courage complimented his vision and power.
The lens of truth
Mr. Man's life is like a train that has an ever-changing direction. You will never know which route he will take and which destination he will end up. Different experiences gave him the perceptions and perspectives of a matter. “Truth is virtue,” this is the motto every student of the School of Communication engraves in their mind and passes down, including Mr. Man. "Within subjectivity, there is objectivity. Objectivity is the base, upon objectivity, we develop subjectivity." Mr. Man suggested that a filmmaker should understand the truth, decide the viewpoint, and then make the audience understand. Creativity is power, but the understanding of the truth gives power a meaning and direction.
Through the lens, everyone is a superhero
Every student holds the power of media, the power of influence, and the power of having a voice. “Students are being taught to understand a subject from 360 degrees.” Mr. Man stated that students in HKBU are being taught to develop a global vision and perception. With the correct voice, communication students are changing society and helping people to realize the true value of it.
"The beauty of the film is the freedom of choosing what's close to your heart," Mr. Man chuckled, saying that his personality pushed him into doing the most daring things. He used his voice to influence Hong Kong, Singapore, the western critics, and now himself. Coming back to teach the students and learn from them, Mr. Man embraces the power of the tiniest influence. One is always on the track of learning and hoping to change the world along the way.
Mr. Man finished our interview with a small treat for us. “This is a special candy from Japan. Whenever I’m sleepy, I take one of these.” Tasting the strange yet refreshing candy, the realization came to us that after 50 years, Mr. Man has never changed. He is the same creative communicator, fearless adventurist, and influencer who knows how to use his soft power. Behind the lens, he is the superhero all along.
Radio and TV
葉焯德、陸季嬋:用「情」至深 承傳傳理人精神Henry YIP & Belinda LUK: COMM Spirit: treasure every relationship
傳理系公關廣告主修1978年畢業生COMM PRA major graduates in 1978
創易維艱,這四字所指的不單單是生意、事業,更是我們人生中一段又一段的感情。兩位校友--一位是剛退休不久的前怡和飲食集團行政總裁葉焯德,另一位是香港永明金融有限公司財富及退休金業務總經理陸季嬋--二人在商界打滾多年,位高權重,絕對配得上「人生勝利組」的稱號,但在他們身上卻絲毫感受不到戾氣,反倒可以感受到他們的用「情」至深。Starting is easy and Maintaining is difficult. It applies to business and more importantly every relationship in our life. Two Communication (COMM) alumni, former Chief Executive of Jardine Restaurant Group Henry YIP and Sun Life Hong Kong Limited General Manager at Wealth & Pensions Belinda LUK, have established successful careers in the business world after years of hard efforts. Yet, different from the stereotype of "aggressive" successful people, Henry and Belinda were nice, calm and treasured relationships a lot.
Henry 和 Belinda 1978 年畢業於當時的香港浸會學院傳理系,在行業工作數十年的他們曾在不同集團中擔任高職,成績卓越。人稱「德爺」的葉焯德校友剛御任行政總裁一職,憶起從前生活拮据,日間讀書,晚間趕到南華早報作校對工作,賺取學費的辛酸。然而,他的嘴角滿是笑意,沒有一絲委屈,全因當時身邊的同學守望相助,互相扶持。踏入社會後,Henry 曾面對不少挑戰,如當年有同事涉嫌觸犯廉政法例,身為上司的他也承受了很大的壓力,但寬厚重情的他並沒有因此而改變自己的想法,仍然從不吝嗇每一個「為人沖茶」的機會。
「知識與經驗的分享就如為人添茶,手拿著茶壺,把自己擁有的與人分享,就如當年在大學時教授把他們的經驗、知識傳承給我們。教學相長,雙方都能在過程中有所得益。」但 Henry 提醒同學在學習施予的同時,亦要不斷為自己添水,不然我們很快就會被掏空了。一代又一代的傳理人習於斯,長於斯,承傳的意義就是在於延續,而這亦正是讓我們不分時代都能連繫在一起的原因。
談到得著,Henry 在傳理系中獲得的除了知識和經歷,還有一直陪伴他走到今天的一段段友情。Belinda 與 Henry 相識數十載,再談到昔日上課的事他們都還歷歷在目。「我們在傳理系的第一節課學到的就是如何與人溝通,作為一個傳理人我們最著重的就是溝通,在公司的立場我們講求法、理、情,但在人和人之間其實往往都在於一個『情』字。」 畢業多年,一班舊同學仍有定期聚會,Belinda 坦言:「在讀書的時候學校其實已經為我建立了一個很好的人際網絡。」這群「老友」都是識於微時的朋友,當歲月一點一滴地走過,你便會發現這群人有多重要,所以她亦勸勉同學要好好珍惜現在的時光和身邊的同窗,因為他們正正就是將要陪伴你一生的人。
傳前人之理,承昔日之情,在傳理系中兩位師兄姐帶走的知識、情誼對他們影響至深,甚至令他們對這個地方難以忘懷,數十年後的某一天,坐在這裏與師妹、故人笑談當年的,又會是你嗎?Written by: Kenus Wong, Cryly Wong
Translated by: Michelle Chan
Starting is easy and Maintaining is difficult. It applies to business and more importantly every relationship in our life. Two Communication (COMM) alumni, former Chief Executive of Jardine Restaurant Group Henry Yip and Sun Life Hong Kong Limited General Manager at Wealth & Pensions Belinda Luk, have established successful careers in the business world after years of hard efforts. Different from the stereotype of "aggressive" successful people, Henry and Belinda were nice, calm and treasured relationships a lot.
Graduated from the Department of Communication in 1978, Henry and Belinda have worked at top positions in different companies. Henry just retired from the post of Chief Executive in early 2018. However, he had gone through hard times when he studied in the morning and worked as a proof-reader in South China Morning Post to earn his tuition fee at night. The tough days did not stop him moving on because of the support from his classmates. Henry also encountered many challenges at work, for instance some colleagues were suspected to violate laws. As a senior management, he did face much pressure, yet he still treasured every relationship and the chance to "make tea" for others.
Henry explained, "The sharing of knowledge and experience is like making tea for others. You share what you have with them, just like how our professors taught us their knowledge. Both parties learn from the sharing." He also reminded students that we should add water into our teapots while pouring it, or else our teapots would soon be empty. Generations of COMM professionals learn and grow up at the School, and we are always connected by inheriting the accumulation of knowledge.
Besides, Henry earned friendships at COMM. He and Belinda have known each other for decades. Each moment at COMM seems vivid even time files.
Belinda recalled her school days, "The first class was about communication with others. As COMM professionals, this is essential. Business organisations consider law, reason and affection, but it is all about relationship and understanding among people." The old classmates had regular gatherings after graduation. This group of friends became the foundation of Belinda's network. She encouraged students to cherish every moment and friends, as they would always stand by you in the future.
Back to Belinda's school days, students spent a whole day making hundreds of slides themselves for a presentation because there were not any computers. Belinda even stayed overnight at a classmate's home for a typewriter. Since there was little space, she slept in a bath tub. Those experiences made her stronger and more determined to achieve success in her career.
At COMM, Henry and Belinda learnt knowledge from the senior and maintained the relationship with the fellow. They would never forget the good old days here. Would it be your turn to share your past school days with pride and joy after some years?
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程寶嫻,盧炳松,葉家寶:細述當年--於「木人巷」結下不解之緣Helen CHING, BC LO & IP Ka Po: Forever Friendship started with Spartan education
傳理系1978年畢業生COMM PRA major graduates, 1978
程寶嫻(Helen)、盧炳松(BC)、葉家寶(家寶)三人於1978年香港浸會學院傳理系畢業,在傳媒及公關業界打滾多年,去年分別從廉署、領展和亞洲電視退下前線。他們在行內行外享負盛名,大家對他們在事業上的實績都耳熟能詳。誰又想過,他們也有懵懵懂懂的青蔥歲月?After their graduation from COMM in 1978, Helen CHING, BC LOand IP Ka Po developed their career in media and PR industry for years. Last year, they retired from ICAC, LINK and Asia Television. Everyone knows their big names and their career achievement, but who has ever imagined that they were once green and young?
這幾位老朋友的勉勵不只是紙上談兵,更是身體力行。畢業多年,他們不時也會重返校園,以親身經驗傳授新一代學生,期待他們能學會更多,擴闊眼界。斗轉星移,即使傳理大樓已由舊校搬至新校,然而在畢業多年後,他們和浸大傳理學院之間的緣份卻從未間斷。Written by: Dora Cheung, Sam Cho, Kiko Ip, Christy Ng, Marco Wan
Edited: Peter Law
Translated by: Michelle Chan
Three well-dressed guests took photos at every corner of CVA garden excitedly with their phones in hand, as if they were tourists who were visiting the building. The garden, a place that Communication (COMM) students passed by almost every day, was in fact a brand-new world to the three alumni as they graduated for more than forty years.
Three old friends met and talked about endless topics. Helen recollected the past that boys loved playing football on the court next to the old communication building, while girls chatted aside. Meanwhile, BC and Ka Po could not stop talking about their internship. When asked if they felt unfamiliar with the new communication building, Helen however shook her head and said she still felt a sense of home.
After their graduation from COMM in 1978, Helen, BC and Ka Po developed their career in media and PR industry for years. Last year, they retired from ICAC, LINK and Asia Television. Everyone knows their big names and their career achievement, but who has ever imagined that they were once green and young?
When they just enrolled in the university, the three teenagers did not have a clear mind about their career. They tried and learnt at university, then realised media work might fit them. They joked that the training in COMM was in Spartan style, so they were well-trained to be all-rounders. Helen remembered that she and other classmates were in complete chaos when they first learnt to develop films: they once tore the film pocket holes in pieces and rolled the negative into the photo-glossing machine. These fun memories still made Helen laugh after years. Although they made many mistakes, they did not give up. The strictness of teachers encouraged them to be stronger and keep learning until they fully understood and master the skills.
"We tried and learnt everything, so basically we knew the principles and could start work smoothly when we just arrived at the workplace," Ka Po added. He majored in radio-television, in which all students took turns to perform different duties, from producing, directing and editing to technical skills like lighting and setting. He described the COMM courses "comprehensive", both theoretical and practical. Besides major course, Ka Po took elective courses like Chinese literature and music appreciation. He was overjoyed to talk about the integration of TV and literature, "These two elements share some similarities and work well with each other. The knowledge has a huge impact on me, and I am curious about everything even until now."
BC held the same opinion, pointed out that studying at COMM inspired him with the curiosity and interests. He said, "I realised my insufficiency only until I started my study at COMM. I used to dislike music, but even if so, I may have to interview a musician in the future. What should I do then? So I took a music course proactively." This leading PR expert was humble. He praised his classmates for bringing a positive influence on him, so he read a lot and developed the persistence. By telling his story, BC hoped to remind the junior students to treasure and enjoy the four years at university, grasp every opportunity to learn and equip and prepare themselves well.
Department of Communication
第三任系主任The 3rd head of the department
第三任系主任張國興先生(左三)。Mr. Chang Kuo-sin, the 3rd Head of the Department (third from left).
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陳淑薇:聽一席話 上一課May CHAN: Intro to Journal
陳淑薇(May姐)見證新聞界轉變數十年,她雖然退下最前線,但仍然繼續為業界發聲出力。她訪問過大大小小的人物,又目睹種種社會變遷,她怎樣看待現時新聞和言論自由搖搖欲墜的世代?她不慍不火地告訴我們,新聞工作者是有能力好好守護我們重視的新聞價值。May CHAN witnesses the changes in the press in the past decades. Although she steps down from the front line, she continues contributing to the press industry. She has interviewed different sectors of people, witnessed social changes, how she views the current generation when news and freedom of press are crumbling? She tells us that journalists are capable of upholding our values of the press.
文/ 李保連
在商台打滾近四十年,她是如何從一名恪守記者的專業操守,捍衛新聞自由的青年人走來,成為德高望重的前輩?她認為是抱着一顆謙卑的心,不會恃老賣老,願意不停學習新事。譬如說,新聞發展趨勢偏向電子化,May姐學習網絡媒體的經營模式同時,洞悉到無論是傳統媒體或者新式媒體,內容才是留住讀者的關鍵。她指出現今互聯網普及,無論是本地熱話,還是世界大事都可以迅速與媒體報導接軌。然而,質素好的新聞不但要快,更需要準確、全面,且有深入和獨到的分析,才能達到為大眾解難的作用。為讀者疏理出清晰的脈絡,讓他們更清楚事情的前因後果,不至於陷入內容農場(content farm),這是新聞從業員的使命。
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潘恆生:一代攝影大師 傳承電影中的真、善、美POON Hang Sang: Just a filmmaker of a lifetime
傳理系電影主修 1976 年畢業生
香港浸會大學電影學院講師COMM Film major graduate, 1976
Lecturer, Academy of Film, HKBU
在拍攝了無數大師級電影後,潘恆生回到香港浸會大學,將他的經歷傳承給下一代電影人。從幾近放棄到得獎無數,潘sir分享了熱忱和投入的重要性。擁有寶貴的初心,才能肩負電影人的使命。After graduating from HKBU Academy of Film and shooting countless film masterpieces, POON Hang Sang came back to HKBU to pass his experiences to the future filmmakers. From almost giving up to snatching many awards, Poon Sir shared his wisdom on how important one’s passion and devotion are. Passing down the virtue and founding aspiration, Poon Sir is not only a film student, a film making professor, he is also a filmmaker of a lifetime.
文 / 張錦莎、張芷穎、史昕榆、趙思穎
編 / 李航
「青春火花」 燦爛耀眼
「生死線」上 熱忱做帆
當被問到為什麼選擇回來浸大教書時,他頗有感悟:「大師這個頭銜其實是給我一個機會,將沉澱下來三十多年的工作經驗告訴年輕人。」 對於很多人來說,人的一生僅僅是為自己奮鬥,滿足於事業有成和生活舒適,但卻忽視了對整體的貢獻。回到浸大的傳承,對於潘sir來說,比虛名更有價值。
對於真善美的延續,每個人都有責任。潘sir向同學們寄語道:「在瞬息萬變的時代,年輕人需要堅持自己的初心,用影像表達心中的真善美,讓作品超越時空、闖出國際。」當學生們質疑自己的堅持在商業化的社會下,是否只是癡人説夢時,他很堅定地給予鼓勵:「他們的初心是很寶貴的,電影不單是工作,更是一種使命。」Written by: Sasa Cheung, Stephanie Cheung, Emma Shih, Sylvia Zhao
Edited and translated by: Seamus Li
From “A Chinese Ghost Story” to “CJ 7”, countless prominent films are under cinematography direction by Mr. Poon, also called “Poon Sir”, an alumnus of Hong Kong Baptist University film major class of 1976. Hong Kong film awards winner, Golden horse awards winner, and juror of the Oscars are just specks of his achievements. Decades have passed, surroundings came and went, the only thing that stays the same is his very only devotion for cinematography.
As one of the world-renowned cinematography directors, Poon Sir doesn’t sit on his peddle stool and act as the Pope. Instead, he shared some of the exciting yet bumpy roads of cinematography to us while being humorous and witty. When being addressed as the Master, he joked, “Master is just a normal person who still needs to pay for his own bread.”
Shining armor of “Victory” sparkles brightly
Flashed back to his university life, Poon Sir reminisced like it was yesterday. When a number of classmates including himself went to Macau to shoot a documentary of the Grand Prix, each of them was on the edge of sanity, just about to break down. During the beginning of that shooting process, Mr. Poon complained, “How am I supposed to follow that flying car!” They did everything they could but gave up, asking instructions from their seniors, and somehow gradually acquired the key of the shooting. The way Poon Sir articulated looks as he had just finished that scene, with joy and excitement bursting out of his voice and eyes. After so many years, memories like these are still shining under light dust of time.
Strained on “the Island”, soaring with passion
When talking about his favorite project, Poon Sir answered without a doubt. “All! ” Yet, the very movie that made the most profound impression is his first project when entering the film industry, “The Island”. “After more than a week of intense shooting in a remote island, seeing daylight and night falls, with mosquito bites all over me, I almost wanted to give up my film career.” Sticking to the end, and snatching two awards, Poon Sir cried laughing, “I don’t know how it happened.” Blood, sweat, and tears wear off, showing the passion and devotion underneath that continue to motivate.
“Homecoming” king with his founding aspiration
Regarding the decision of coming back to teach at HKBU, Mr. Poon said, “The title ‘Master’ is actually giving me a chance to reflect on what I have learned through the past 30 years and pass my experiences on to the next generation.” To many, life is about living, being satisfied with financial abundance, overlooking the importance of self to the community. To him, life is about feeling, touching, and emoting, and what has been passed on to the next is more important than what is before his name.
The never-ending quest of passing down the virtues lays on everyone’s shoulders. Poon Sir ended the interview with wishes for the students, “In the midst of everything changing, the young need to remember your original motivation, telling your own virtue – the true, the good and the beautiful, via images and sound. Films will be transcended through the ocean of time and place, over the barriers of the border, sharing your own devotion to the world.” Young filmmakers are being forced to question what they believe in under the pressure of a greatly commercialized society. And what they have been persisting on may seem like a phantom dream. During this foggy time, Poon Sir encouraged, “The founding aspiration is extremely valuable. Film is not just a money maker. It is a mission of a lifetime.”
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Radio and TV
趙應春:態度成就傳奇 - 從校園新廣播人到電視台執行董事Ronald CHIU: From Young Broadcaster to Executive Director of a TV station
傳理系廣播電視主修 1975 年畢業生COMM Radio and TV major graduate, 1975
從校園新廣播人,到成為電視台的執行董事,「認真」這字好像從未離開趙總的傳媒生涯。伴隨著不同的高低,趙總又如何把在浸大所學運用於新聞行業?面對形形色色的壓力,趙總又怎樣保持原則,堅守他對新聞的信念?From The Young Broadcaster to the Executive Director of a TV Station, Ronald CHIU always keeps his earnest attitude throughout his career. Facing up and downs, how does he utilize the knowledge and experience earned in HKBU to the news industry? Dealing with different pressure, how does he stick to his principles and faith?
文/ 陳美嘉、林穎彤、卞安蕎、宋炎玲、杜國滔
編/ 伍頴賢
從校園新廣播人, 到已倒閉的「佳藝」前線記者,再成為首間開創二十四小時新聞廣播頻道,有線電視的執行董事,相信上一輩的人對「趙應春」這個名字並不陌生。在新聞界傳奇的路途上,趙總坦言屢遇挫折,而幫助他闖過種種難關的是一份做事的態度。
荊棘滿途 堅守原則
態度往往決定高度。堅忍、認真、敬業成就了趙總一生的傳奇故事。趙總寄語年輕一輩:「人生幾十年總會有起跌。起的時候不要太驕傲,跌的時候也不要失去信心」。或許取得成功的路途相當困難,但只要抱有積極的態度,成功只是在咫尺之間。Written by: Mega Chen, Queenie Lam, Chloe Pin, Fire Song, Anthony To
Translated by: Seamus Li
From a newcomer of The Young Broadcaster to the frontline journalist at the once existed Commercial Television, and eventually the Executive Director of the first-ever 24 hours news broadcast station Cable TV, the name “Ronald Chiu” already made acquaintance with the last generation. On his legendary journey exploring the news industry, it is the attitude that helped him persevere through all the stormy weather.
The beginning of success
Flashing back to the old university life, Ronald smiled with joy sparkling through his eyes. “University education inspired my thinking and helped me to acquire the approach of making comprehensions and analysis on a personal level. The School of Communication was packed with professors from different backgrounds, from whom I have learned so much. Communicating with them during classes has allowed me to study from the best.” Besides the academic aspect, Ronald also built his friendships here, “The campus was less spacious, and not to mention the long hours we spent at school, close bonds were established among the professors and students.”
Talking about the most memorable moment of his university life, Ronald mentioned the time when he was responsible for the university news broadcast network – “The Young Broadcaster”, where his most pride and joy lay. Back when the technology was less advanced and the news was not available through phones and tablets, Ronald took on the position of news editor of “The Young Broadcaster”. Rain or shine, he was always providing news broadcasts every noon on campus for students. “Every morning the crucial tasks included information searching, filtering, translating, arranging, producing, and finding anchors. The backstage process usually took hours. As hard as it could be, I developed the basic knowledge of producing television news broadcast, which has helped me profoundly during my transition when entering the news industry.”
Uphold principles while walking over thorns
After joining the news industry, everything became more complicated and rougher. Ruthless reality seemed to be tricking Ronald. He laughed, “I remember when I was working at Commercial Television. Today I was working, and the next day I suddenly became unemployed.” Afterwards, he switched to TVB and Cable TV to continue his communication career.
As a news reporter, Ronald said that there would always be incidents that challenge the ethics of news regardless of time. “The function of news is to convey the truth. We have to make sure that what we are reporting is the fact, unbiased and impartial. No matter what we are facing, we must not abandon ethics regardless of political, financial, or personal reasons. ”
Facing the adversity of society, news organizations are always under pressure from different parties and individuals. Ronald took them as a compliment, “A news organization is failed if it does not attract attention. The fact of being influential makes the opposers eager to pressurize and persuade you. Those pressure points are the evidence of you doing a wonderful job. ” As always, Ronald sticks to his principles and ethics, making judgments professionally basing on knowledge and experiences, and continuing to bring the truth to the public's eyes.
Attitude determines altitude. Perseverance, focus, and devotion have made Ronald the legendary man he is. Ronald sent wishes to the young reporters, “Life is deemed to have ups and downs. During the ups, don’t be arrogant; during the downs, don’t be hopeless.” The road to success can be hard. As long as you are guided by a positive attitude, you are already halfway there.
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第二任系主任The 2nd head of the department
第二任系主任黃應士先生(中間)及參與《新報人》製作的學生。Mr. Raymond Wong, the 2nd head of the Department, and The Young Reporter's editing team.
Radio and TV
「新廣播人」開幕典禮Inauguration Ceremony of "The Young Broadcaster"
成立「新廣播人」校園廣播站,專為廣播電視課程而設,為東南亞第一間校內閉路廣播電視台。「新廣播人」每天播放一小時節目,圖中左二為廉政專員主持開幕典禮。"The Young Broadcaster" (TYB), an experimental campus broadcasting station was established under the TV and Broadcasting Programme. It was the first closed-circuit, campus-based TV Broadcasting channel in South-east Asia. "The Young Broadcaster" offered one-hour of programming per day. The picture shows the Commissioner of the ICAC (second from left) officiating at the Inauguration Ceremony for TYB.
Radio and TV
記者證Reporter's pass
《新報人》的記者證。A reporter's pass of The Young Reporter .
Radio and TV
「新公關廣告社」"The Young Agency"
成立「 新公關廣告社」工作坊,專為主修公關廣告的同學而設。"The Young Agency" (TYA) of the Public Relations major founded.
Department of Communication
史丹福大學學者來訪Visitor from Stanford University
史丹福大學傳理學系主席親臨傳理學系交流,對傳理學生講解當時美國傳理教育的最新發展。Dr. Lyle M. Nelson, Chairman of the Department of Communication, Stanford University, visited Hong Kong Baptist College and gave a lecture to Communication students about the latest trends in communication education in the US.
Radio and TV
鄧惠鈞:忠於自已,堅守新聞專業操守June TENG: Upholding Ethics in a World of Fake News
傳理系新聞主修1972年畢業生COMM Journalism major graduate, 1972
鄧惠鈞(June)在新聞界打滾逾三十年,當中的成功之道就是實踐於大學時所學到的-堅持追求事物的真實性,以公正持平的角度報導新聞,確保每一則新聞都有價值。 June 開創了許多家傳戶曉的電視新聞節目,例如星期日檔案、明珠檔案、新聞透視、六十分鐘時事雜誌等,是一位極具影響力的傳理人。June TENG, devoting to the broadcast industry for over 30 years, her strong belief comes from what she learnt at Baptist University - tell the truth, always be accurate, be objective, and present a fair report. She also helped to bring TV programs including Sunday Report, Pearl Report, News Magazine, and 60 Minutes Plus to Hong Kong.
作為一名專業的新聞工作者,June非常重視「尊重」。「那怕是清潔工人,我們都需要尊重他們,因為他們有能力做我們未必做得到的事,或我們不願意做的事。」因為她相信,學會互相尊重有助新聞工作者撰寫持平且具同理心的報導。June亦列出新聞工作者必須同時具備的條件:清晰的頭腦,以及簡潔的表達能力。身為傳理學院其中一位優秀的畢業生,June以身作則,證明了同時兼顧專業操守和道德觀念時,亦能在現實社會中表現出色,成為後輩的榜樣。Written by: Emma Kennedy, Icy Leung, Jonathan Tong, Neil Wong, Elim Yau
Edited by: Michelle Chau
Mass communication has experienced major changes as a result of recent technological transformation. In a world where anyone can easily report by using portable electronic devices and thus, leading to the increasing amount of fake news which influences public's political opinions, only a few remain to uphold the fundamental ethics of communication. June TENG, one of our extraordinary alumni, who has been joining the broadcasting industry for over 30 years, is a renowned journalist and has taken up key positions in Hong Kong broadcast company TVB, NBC Asia, and Hong Kong Jockey Club.
Clear Goal Brings up Shining Achievements
Holding a strong belief that broadcast media are the most efficient ways to communicate with people, June pursued her master degree in the United States in broadcast communication. She then joined TVB as a general assignment reporter, then moving onto its Public Affairs Department. During her days in TVB, June helped to bring programs including Sunday Report, Pearl Report, News Magazine, and 60 Minutes Plus to Hong Kong. After leaving TVB in 1994, June switched her job in coordinating the productions of independent documentaries in NBC Asia. These working experiences had benefited June to explore a new position outside broadcast media and she was the Head of Public Affairs in the Hong Kong Jockey Club before retirement.
Strong Beliefs Built in Class
Revisiting the Hong Kong Baptist University and the School of Communication after graduating 46 years, each building recalls June's school life and helps her to remember the fundamental ethics and important life lessons that she carried from classrooms into the professional industry. "Through my training at Baptist University, we were always trained to tell the truth." The virtue of truth resonated with June's morals and has paved within her fair broadcasting style by reporting news from a 360-degree view which allows the public to make their own decisions for different issues. "Always be accurate, always try to be objective, and always try to present a fair report," she emphasised.
Being inspired by the teachings of Mr. Raymond WONG, the second Department Head of the School of Communication, June has her own way to deal with nowadays' pressurised communication climate. Upholding communication ethics and not partaking in work that does not align with personal ethics and morals. June kept professor's words in mind "go to hell money", which she found it very useful as it gave her courage to turn down her boss's unreasonable request right the way.
Communication Core Values
Regarding effective communication, June urged the importance of respecting to one and other. "Even down to cleaners, you have to respect them because they have certain skills that you may not have or they are doing a job that you may never do." June also stressed the importance of ensuring people getting your messages and in the right way. Respect, clarity and an understanding of whom you want your message to reach have carried her through a successful career.
Being a communicator who proved to have a successful career in broadcast communications and public affairs whilst respecting one's own personal morals and upholding professional ethics, June has fully practiced the School's motto, "Truth is virtue". She has also been a role model to her juniors, especially to students studying in the School of Communication of HKBU.
Radio and TV
陳樂儀:沒有電影的電影課程George Chang: Back then when there was no film to show at film courses
傳理系電影講師(自1972年)Lecturer of School of Communication since 1972
陳樂儀早在三十年前已投身於電影製作,亦是傳理系首批電影老師。整整三十年,他對整電影行業及其技術發展的變化瞭如指掌,也經歷了一段沒有電影用作教材授課的艱難年代。面對有限的電影資源,陳樂儀不屈不饒,戰勝了許多挑戰和困難。一方面,他尋找校內資源和製作短片供校內教學,另一方面,為學生尋找校外的攝製工作。在他的教學生涯中,陳樂儀專注於紀錄片製作和營銷工作,並兩道獲得香港電影獎提名等榮譽。時至今日,他的初心仍未改變,保持野心和捕捉故事仍然是他的座右銘。George Chang spans three decades in film-making and taught at Hong Kong Baptist College throughout the transition towards the University, as one of the first film teachers in the Department of Communication, experiencing many changes in technology and the film industry over the years and a hard time when there were limited film resources for teaching. Despite the difficulties, George helped students out with every step in the film-making process. During his teaching career, George focused on documentary film-making and marketing work and received the accolades such as the two nominations for the Hong Kong film awards. Today, maintaining his ambitions and capturing stories still lay at his heart.
文/Andries Leegstra、饶思敏、贾珊珊
George在美國修讀藝術及實驗電影製作,畢業於1972年。基於對電影的熱情,驅使了他回港開始自己的職業生涯——電影製作。 回想起昔日電影行業的發展,他感嘆:「那時候哪裡有這麼多先進的電影製作器材或軟件。」要克服種種技術困難,George靠不斷看電影。當時他觀看了很多不同的電影,透過關注電影的內容來幫助他掌握當中的技巧。香港電影業在上個世紀開始蓬勃發展,George無疑是香港電影產業的積極參與者,而他也十分享受製作電影的過程。
在他的教學生涯中,George專注於紀錄片製作和營銷工作,並兩道獲得香港電影獎提名等榮譽。時至今日,他的初心仍未改變,保持野心和捕捉故事仍然是他的座右銘。「我需要學習的東西還有很多,電影世界太複雜了,我覺得我必須重新開始。」Written by: Andries Leegstra, Rachel Simin Rao, Blair Shan Shan Jia
Edited by: Michelle Chan
George Chang made the first impression of an artist in a second, being laid back yet so passionate about his work. His expertise spans three decades in film-making and taught at Hong Kong Baptist College throughout the transition towards the University, as one of the first film teachers in the Department of Communication and experiencing many changes in technology and the film industry over the years.
George studied Fine Arts and experimental film-making in the USA from 1964 to 1972. He then came back to Hong Kong, with all his knowledge and passion, and began his career. He was involved in film production and also took the role of assistant designer in some projects. Back in those days, there were not many advanced equipment or software for film-making, yet George overcame the difficulties by focusing more on the content of films. As the film industry was booming and so prosperous in the last century, George was one of the generations who contributed to this growing industry and he indeed enjoyed in the process of film-making in Hong Kong.
George was proud to become one of the members of the teaching staff of Communication Department, Hong Kong Baptist College. Supporting the TV and Film section of the Department, which provided a four-year curriculum, George remembered there were limited equipment and financial resources. The Baptist missionaries set up the Department with hardware only but no software. This meant the teaching staff did not have any films to show to the students. Students also required purchasing their own film stock for producing assignments. That was really a hard time!
Despite the difficulties, George helped students out with every step in the film-making process, the same way he experienced during his study in America. He searched around the campus to see what could be used to teach in class. He started to make short films for College so that the students could participate in the process of film-making as a team. Through class teaching and practical exercises, students learnt camera work, editing, lighting and so on.
Later on, they also took up jobs from outside, such as corporate films for organizations, which enabled students to gain real-life experience and had a much deeper understanding of film production. George remembered students also started to do some 30-second commercials. "They had done one or two good films for the Hong Kong Red Cross. This was a very fruitful and interesting experience and students enjoyed the process very much," he said.
After gaining more experience, students became more independent and capable in film production. They were more confident to take up and handle jobs from outside. They would come to me for advice when they came across some difficulties about their jobs. Even today, George is still able to recall some of the impressive works of the students.
It was the interest and passion of the students that drove them to learn a lot and walk through these difficult times despite facing so much limitation. These experiences in school helped students better fit in their position in the film industry after graduation. George tried his very best to enhance students' potential and put theory into practice. He believed allowing more positive rivalry helped refine ability and shape students to become multi-faceted and experienced professionals with opportunities right out of the gate.
During his teaching career, George focused on documentary film-making and marketing work and received the accolades such as the two nominations for the Hong Kong film awards. Today, maintaining his ambitions and capturing stories still lay at his heart. "I still have much to learn, it's so complicated, and I feel like I have to start all over again".
Department of Communication
迎新營Orientation Camp
1972 年的傳理迎新營在烏溪沙舉行。Communication Orientation Camp in Wu Kai Sha in 1972.
Department of Communication
傳理學術週Academic Week
學生親手為傳理學術週搭建展覽攤位 。Communication students setting up a booth for the Academic Week.
Department of Communication
宣傳物品Promotion materials
傳理學系宣傳物品。Promotion materials of the Department of Communication.
Radio and TV
廣播電視學生學習情況Radio-Television students at study
廣播電視主修學生在活動中使用各種器材,學以致用。Radio-Television option's students learned to operate different equipment in a range of practical activities.
Radio and TV
廣播電視主修學生實習活動Radio-Television option's students at practice
廣播電視主修學生在活動中使用各種器材,學以致用。Radio-Television option's students learned to operate different equipment in a range of practical activities.
Department of Communication
1970 ~ 1979
培育全才Nurturing all-rounded achievers
傳理學系致力為學生提供實踐機會,設立東南亞首個校內閉路廣播電視台,並增添校內設施,開辦多項工作坊和活動,為學生建立完善的學習環境。The Department of Communication provided practical opportunities for students by establishing the first closed-circuit, campus-based TV Broadcasting channel in South-east Asia. Numerous college facilities were added with a wide range of workshops and activities organized to provide a comprehensive learning environment for students.
Radio and TV
成立「新影人」工作坊"The Young Director" workshop established
成立「新影人」工作坊,專為修讀電影課程的學生而設。"The Young Director", a workshop for Cinema and Television students, was established.
Radio and TV
成立傳理學系Founding of Department of Communication
傳理學系成立,提供新聞、廣播電視及公共關係三科文憑課程,訓練傳理人才;余也魯先生出任首任傳理學系系主任;全系學生於同年組成「傳理學會」。温仁才大樓是當時傳理學系的主要教學大樓。The Department of Communication was founded providing three diploma courses: Journalism, Radio-Television and Public Relations. Mr.Timothy Yu became Head of the Department. The Communication Society was formed in the same year comprising students from the entire Department. At the time, Oen Hall building served as the main teaching venue for the Department of Communication.
Radio and TV
出版《新報人》The Young Reporter first published
新聞組學生籌辦的實驗英文報紙《TheYoung Reporter》於 1968 年出版。中文版《新報人》則於 1969 年出版,成為香港歷史最悠久的大學生中英文報章。The Young Reporter, an experimental English student newspaper of the Journalism option, was first published in 1968. Sun Po Yan, another experimental student newspaper in Chinese, was published in 1969. They are the longest-standing university student newspapers in Hong Kong.