Juhani Curses Fate


JUHANI. Tuhannen tulimmaista! eikö ole miehellä valta elää rauhassa ja tahtonsa mukaan omalla kannallansa, koska ei hän seiso kenenkään tiellä, ei loukkaa kenenkään oikeutta? Kuka voi sen kieltää? Mutta sanonpa kerran vielä: papit ja virkamiehet kirjoinensa ja protokollinensa ovat ihmisten häijyt henget.--Oh sinä musta sika! Voi päivää kirottua täällä! Niinpä nyt ylisniskoin meitä kohtaa kovan onnen nuijaukset ja ihmisten kiusanteot, että olen valmis juoksemaan pääni seinään. Oh sinä musta sonni! Venla meille antoi rukkaset; tehneet ovat he meistä myrkyllisen pilkkaveisun; lukkari meitä rääkkäsi kuin pahalainen itse; Toukolan pojat meitä hakkasivat kuin nummea vaan, selkäämme saimme kuin jouluporsaat ja oikeinhan joulupukkeina käyskelemme tässä ykssilmäisinä tonttuina, ryysyt päässä. Mitä vielä? Onhan kotomme nyt ilman köyhän ainoata kestiä, ilman kiukaan kohisevaa löylyä. Tuollahan kytee ja savuaa entisen armaan saunamme aherrus. Ja sittenhän on jäljellä vielä perkeleistä pahin. Hmh! Kymmenellä lävellä irvistelee meitä vastaan kirkonporstuasta jalkatukki. Kirkas tuli! Ellei tämänkaltainen kiusantemppujen rykelmä vie partaveistä miehen kurkkuun, mikä sitten? Oh sinä sarvipää sonni!





(The original Chinese translation contains both simplified and traditional Chinese characters as displayed here.)


  • 1962


  1. This is Juhani’s list of the brothers’ many woes, which will soon enough drive them out of their house for a ten-year stint in the wilderness, where they will be transformed from wild boys into decent, hard-working men. What is his mood as he lists those woes? What is his emotional state? How natural does his expression of that emotional state seem to you in this passage? Does anything ring false, wrong, “off”? What, and why? (Version 1962)

    Message from: Wang Jinyue ( Scholar Translator Independent Reader ) on 25 February 2016 09:50:56 AM (GMT+8)
    He is in a blue mood as he lists those woes. He is unhappy about his situation. His expression of the emotional state in Chinese seems unnatural to me. I am not sure whether there is anything false or wrong, but I feel the images in the expressions are awkward such as ”我們象聖誕节的猪似的給人家揍扁了,現在在这儿大搖大摆地走着,真象聖誕节的小妖怪似的,象头上裹着破布的独眼龙、土地爷似的。”.

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  2. The Finnish original is written in a stylized dialect that now sounds rather archaic. Has the translator attempted to reproduce that archaic dialect? If not, has the translator used a standardized version of the target language, or a colloquial version without slang, or a slangy vernacular, or what? Whichever way the translator went with the archaic dialect, does the attempt seem successful to you? Why or why not? (Version 1962)

    Message from: Wang Jinyue ( Scholar Translator Independent Reader ) on 25 February 2016 09:50:56 AM (GMT+8)
    Yes, the translator has attempted to reproduce that archaic dialect, but not as successful as expected. Adjustment must be made so that the Chinese version could be easier to read.

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  3. Does this passage sound like any existing novel you know in the target language, or like a certain author, or like a period novelistic style that you recognize? If so, what or whom? Does that feeling of familiarity make you like the passage more, or less, or have no effect on your response? (Version 1962)

    Message from: Wang Jinyue ( Scholar Translator Independent Reader ) on 25 February 2016 09:50:56 AM (GMT+8)
    No. The Chinese version must be polished. Otherwise I am unwilling to read it from beginning to end.

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  4. If you had time, would you want to read this entire translation? Why or why not? (Does it make you say “wow!”? Are you astonished at its brilliance?) (Version 1962)

    Message from: Wang Jinyue ( Scholar Translator Independent Reader ) on 25 February 2016 09:50:56 AM (GMT+8)
    Yes, I want to read this entire translation so as to have a panoramic view of the whole plot. (I am not astonished at its brilliance.)

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  5. Does this translated passage make you think that Aleksis Kivi might be a great writer of World Literature, or not? Why or why not? (Version 1962)

    Message from: Wang Jinyue ( Scholar Translator Independent Reader ) on 25 February 2016 09:50:56 AM (GMT+8)
    No. The translation could be better.

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